Rajar in english


pronunciation: kræk part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

rajar = cut + Nombre + open ; slit ; slit + Nombre + open. 

Example: The best way to keep the avocados from browning once cut open is to wrap them in plastic.Example: I want a sword to slit her end to end and then dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains on her front lawn.Example: Next, peel the charred skin off of the bell peppers and discard, then slit them open and remove the seeds.


» rajar por la mitadslit + Nombre + open (right) down the middlecut + Nombre + open (right) down the middle .

Example: I tend to slit it open down the middle so it's almost in half and stuff with cheese, then fold back together and wrap in bacon before roasting in the oven.

Example: Take a whole chicken, cut it open down the middle of the breast, flatten it out, and rub it with a little oil and spices.

rajarse1 = crack. 

Example: A data base must respond to a dynamic reality in which terms, 'strain, crack and sometimes break under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still'.

rajarse2 = wimp out (on) ; wimp ; chicken out (on/of) ; funk it ; funk ; cop out (of) ; back down (from) ; lose + Posesivo + bottle ; back off ; rat on + a deal ; go back on + Posesivo + word(s). 

Example: The main reason he wimped out was that he had a cheap bike that didn't gear properly, and made it extremely hard to bike efficiently.Example: He regards David Jull's unwillingness to take up such a proposal as an early indication that John Howard and his colleagues are wimping.Example: So basically they are chickening out of the debate.Example: The others should have gone but they funked it and we didn't feel like going ourselves but we had promised.Example: Although he did not admit it, I could see that he funked going out there alone.Example: Most persons use the excuse of time to cop out of their fitness routine.Example: He became known as a tough guy who wouldn't back down from any fisticuffs.Example: She is alleged to have said she intended to leave home but at the last minute 'lost her bottle' .Example: When she got stressed we would back off until she showed interest again a few weeks later.Example: Two years later, when Hitler ratted on the deal and invaded the Soviet Union, the Communists changed their minds again.Example: He immediately asked Patel to return his money, who first agreed, but later went back on his words.

Rajar synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun shot in spanish: Disparo, pronunciation: ʃɑt part of speech: noun check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun fling in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: flɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun snap in spanish: chasquido, pronunciation: snæp part of speech: noun, verb offer in spanish: oferta, pronunciation: ɔfɜr part of speech: verb, noun chip in spanish: chip, pronunciation: tʃɪp part of speech: noun fracture in spanish: fractura, pronunciation: fræktʃɜr part of speech: noun ace in spanish: as, pronunciation: eɪs part of speech: noun gap in spanish: brecha, pronunciation: gæp part of speech: noun superior in spanish: superior, pronunciation: supɪriɜr part of speech: adjective super in spanish: súper, pronunciation: supɜr part of speech: noun, adjective collapse in spanish: colapso, pronunciation: kəlæps part of speech: noun, verb fissure in spanish: fisura, pronunciation: fɪʃɜr part of speech: noun quip in spanish: sofismo, pronunciation: kwɪp part of speech: noun sally in spanish: salida, pronunciation: sæli part of speech: noun cleft in spanish: hendido, pronunciation: kleft part of speech: adjective, noun whirl in spanish: giro, pronunciation: wɜrl part of speech: noun, verb chap in spanish: Cap, pronunciation: tʃæp part of speech: noun crevice in spanish: hendedura, pronunciation: krevəs part of speech: noun cranny in spanish: grieta, pronunciation: kræni part of speech: noun cracking in spanish: agrietamiento, pronunciation: krækɪŋ part of speech: noun tops in spanish: tops, pronunciation: tɑps part of speech: noun break up in spanish: dividir, pronunciation: breɪkʌp part of speech: verb topnotch in spanish: de primera categoría, pronunciation: təpnɑtʃ part of speech: adjective wisecrack in spanish: cuchufleta, pronunciation: waɪzkræk part of speech: noun tiptop in spanish: excelente, pronunciation: tɪptɑp part of speech: adjective first-rate in spanish: de primera clase, pronunciation: fɜrstreɪt part of speech: adjective, adverb crack up in spanish: reímos a carcajadas, pronunciation: krækʌp part of speech: verb scissure in spanish: tijera, pronunciation: sɪʃɜr part of speech: noun break through in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: breɪkθru part of speech: verb a-one in spanish: uno, pronunciation: əwʌn part of speech: adjective crock up in spanish: levantarse, pronunciation: krɑkʌp part of speech: verb
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