Radicar in english


pronunciation: faɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures



» importancia + radicarthe importance of + Nombre + lie .

Example: The importance of serials lies in the relative speed at which they are able to communicate information on the results of scholarly research = La importancia de las publicaciones seriadas radica en la velocidad relativa con que son capaces de informar sobre los resultados de la investigación científica.

» problema + radicartrouble + lie .

Example: The trouble lay in the difficulty of imposing type on a curved surface.

» radicar enlie (in) [Verbo irregular: pasado lay, participio lain, gerundio lying] .

Example: The main limitation of this pragmatic approach lies in the time and collection dependency of the resulting tool.

Radicar synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun register in spanish: registro, pronunciation: redʒɪstɜr part of speech: noun, verb lodge in spanish: presentar, pronunciation: lɑdʒ part of speech: noun file away in spanish: encarpetar, pronunciation: faɪləweɪ part of speech: verb indian file in spanish: archivo indio, pronunciation: ɪndiənfaɪl part of speech: noun filing cabinet in spanish: Archivador, pronunciation: faɪlɪŋkæbənət part of speech: noun single file in spanish: solo archivo, pronunciation: sɪŋgəlfaɪl part of speech: noun data file in spanish: archivo de datos, pronunciation: deɪtəfaɪl part of speech: noun file cabinet in spanish: archivador, pronunciation: faɪlkæbənət part of speech: noun
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