Racismo in english


pronunciation: reɪsɪzəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

racismo = racism ; racialism ; hate mongering. 

Example: And what I'm trying to suggest is that there's something shameful about a profession that has allowed this kind of blatant and rank ethnocentrism, racism, chauvinism, the whole schmier, to persist this long.Example: Content analysts, doing their kind of mechanistic time-and-motion studies on 'Till death do us part', might well come up with the conclusion that the greater part of it is straight and explicit racialism.Example: A fundamentalist preacher who said 'Islam is a doctrine spawned in hell' has been accused of 'hate mongering' as the police confirmed they are investigating a possible hate crime.


» luchar contra el racismocombat + racism .

Example: One of the most effective ways of combatting racism is through enlightened, moderate and courageous work colleagues.

Racismo synonyms

racialism in spanish: racismo, pronunciation: reɪʃəlɪzəm part of speech: noun
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