Química in english


pronunciation: keməstri part of speech: noun
In gestures

química = chemistry. 

Example: Thus we all agree that one component of a building is a roof (and not vice versa!), and that chemistry is a branch of science.


» desde el punto de vista de la químicachemically .

Example: Nevertheless, deacidification alone will not stop the decay unless soluble copper compounds are removed from the object or converted to chemically inert compounds.

» información sobre químicachemical information .

Example: This article discusses the limitations implicit in the indexing of chemical information suggesting that the principal solution for these problems is to load this class of information into separate, chemical, indexing fields.

» química analíticaanalytical chemistry .

Example: This work is now divided into two sections the first covering biochemistry and organic chemistry, the second covering macromolecular materials, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical technology = Esta obra ahora se divide en dos secciones, la primera abarca la bioquímica y la química orgánica, la segunda los documentos macromoleculares, la química analítica, la físicoquímica y la tecnología química.

» química del amorlove chemistry .

Example: By spending more time together and thinking positively about your partner your love chemistry will resparkle.

» química inorgánicainorganic chemistry .

Example: A random sample of 100 patents, covering inorganic chemistry, were classified by each system.

» química orgánicaorganic chemistry .

Example: One of the earliest expert systems was concerned with organic chemistry: the Dendral system.

» química para la radiaciónradiation chemistry .

Example: The author describes the design, structure, and use of numeric data bases for property data derived from photochemistry, photophysics, and radiation chemistry.

químico1 = chemist. 

Example: There are many catalogs and each of them functions in a different world -- the worlds of the research chemist and of the adult, young adult, or child interested in chemistry.

químico2 = chemical. 

Example: Entities may be physical, eg matter, or physical phenomena; chemical, eg molecular states, minerals; biological, ie living beings; or artefacts, ie manufactured items.


» abono químicochemical fertiliser .

Example: Farming fish and rice together achieves the same rice yield as growing rice alone, but uses 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer.

» agente químicochemical agent .

Example: From the skimming he had given their writings he knew that something like a chemical agent was working in Balzac's defenseless mind, and that the hapless fellow was trying not to succumb to it.

» análisis químicochemical analysis .

Example: Petrology utilizes the classical fields of mineralogy, petrography, optical mineralogy, and chemical analyses to describe the composition and texture of rocks.

» arma químicachemical weapon .

Example: A chemical or biological weapon used in a large city would kill thousands of people.

» ataque químicochemical attack .

Example: More recently, Iraq's military received from Russia 1,000 protective suits against chemical attacks.

» atentado químicochemical attack .

Example: More recently, Iraq's military received from Russia 1,000 protective suits against chemical attacks.

» compuesto orgánico químicoorganic chemical compound .

Example: Urea, also called carbamide, is an organic chemical compound which essentially is the waste produced when the body metabolizes protein.

» compuesto químicochemical compound .

Example: Typically a patent abstract is informative, and includes in the case of a chemical compound, its identity and use.

» desastre químicochemical disaster .

Example: He describes the causes of deterioration, which include biological, chemical, mechanical and natural disasters.

» enlace químicochemical bond .

Example: A single hydrogen atom has been snipped off a molecule and then added back on again, marking the first time a single chemical bond has been broken.

» estructura químicachemical structure .

Example: This project will look at ways of using information to predict the biological activity or inactivity of a three-dimensional chemical structure = Este proyecto estudiará las formas de usar la información para predecir la actividad o inactividad biológica de una estructura química tridimensional.

» fertilizante químicochemical fertiliser .

Example: Farming fish and rice together achieves the same rice yield as growing rice alone, but uses 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer.

» físico-químicophysicochemical .

Example: The data base carries information on over 6,000 patented drugs, their interactions, physicochemical (in)compatibilities, and contraindications.

» fórmula químicachemical formula .

Example: Apart from errors due to general carelessness, proper names and chemical and mathematical formulae are particularly susceptible to mistakes.

» grupo químicochemical group .

Example: The system would also automatically note the chemical group relationship of bismuth with arsenic.

» industria de la ingeniería química, lachemical engineering industry, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» industria químicachemical industry .

Example: In the chemical, energy and aerospace industries, it is inevitable that research sponsors will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» industria química, lachemical industry, the .

Example: A thermochemical data bank has been established that can be used interactively to solve problems in the chemical and metallurgical industries.

» ingeniería químicachemical engineering .

Example: Among the former we find a new group of 'distilled' classes, including Cybernetics, Management and Research methodology; among the latter another new group of 'fused' main classes, arising from the fusion of previously distinct subject areas, for example chemical engineering and Biophysics.

» iniciador químicochemical starter .

Example: Organic chemical substances are actually produced with benzoic acid that acts as an essential chemical starter.

» ionización químicachemical ionisation .

Example: Chemical ionisation is a softer form of ionisation and produces much less fragmentation.

» nomenclatura químicachemical nomenclature .

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: list of standard abbreviations, including those of journal titles and standard forms of quoting chemical nomenclature and mathematical expressions.

» organicoquímicoorganic chemical .

Example: Organic chemical substances are actually produced with benzoic acid that acts as an essential chemical starter.

» película químicachemical film .

Example: Collotype was a version of bichromate photolithography in which tone was given by reticulation of the gelatine in the chemical film rather than by graining the underlying surface = La colotipia era una adaptación de la fotolitografía bicromática en la que la tonalidad se lograba por medio de la reticulación de la gelatina en la película química y no graneando la superficie.

» planta químicachemical plant .

Example: An item on, for example, 'The management of a chemical plant' might justifiably be listed in both Management abstracts and Chemical abstracts.

» producto orgánico químicoorganic chemical .

Example: UTAB is a computer database on residues of xenobiotic organic chemicals and heavy metals in plants.

» producto químicochemical [Nombre]chemical product .

Example: Apart from the names of subjects, the names of corporate bodies, persons, chemicals, trade products, and trade names are some other possibilities.

Example: Chemical products are indexed for retrieval by a variety of codes and terms.

» producto químico usado en agriculturaagrochemical .

Example: This prolonged dry spell has cast a pall of gloom over the agrochemical business.

» propiedad químicachemical property .

Example: This paper analyzes samples of historic and modern palm leaf with regard to the physical and chemical properties determining the usability and the ageing behaviour of the material.

» reacción químicachemical reaction .

Example: A fast procedure is described for the discovery of the largest substructure common to the reactant and product molecules in a chemical reaction.

» sinapsis químicachemical synapsis .

Example: There are two different kinds of synapses present within the human brain: chemical synapses and electrical synapses.

» sustancia químicachemical substance .

Example: The databases already cover medicine and related sciences, environmental pollution, chemical substances, education, and the preparation of further databases is under way.

» tecnología químicachemical technology .

Example: This work is now divided into two sections the first covering biochemistry and organic chemistry, the second covering macromolecular materials, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and chemical technology = Esta obra ahora se divide en dos secciones, la primera abarca la bioquímica y la química orgánica, la segunda los documentos macromoleculares, la química analítica, la físicoquímica y la tecnología química.

» tratamiento químicochemical treatment .

Example: Teak is used for manufacturing patio furniture because it is naturally water and insect-resistant without requiring chemical treatment.

Química synonyms

chemical science in spanish: ciencia química, pronunciation: keməkəlsaɪəns part of speech: noun interpersonal chemistry in spanish: química interpersonal, pronunciation: ɪntɜrpɜrsənəlkeməstri part of speech: noun
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