Quiste in english


pronunciation: sɪst part of speech: noun
In gestures

quiste = cyst. 

Example: However, it is supposed that presence of parasites' cysts in the brain induces an increase of the concentration of dopamine.


» quiste en los ovariosovarian cyst .

Example: Many women have ovarian cysts without having any symptoms.

» quiste hepáticohepatic cyst .

Example: Hepatic cysts are rarely symptomatic, although large cysts may cause pain, become infected or suffer internal haemorrhage.

» quiste ováricoovarian cyst .

Example: Many women have ovarian cysts without having any symptoms.

» quiste sebáceosebaceous cyst .

Example: Sebaceous cysts most often arise from swollen hair follicles.

Quiste synonyms

vesicle in spanish: vesícula, pronunciation: vezɪkəl part of speech: noun
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