Quisquilloso in english


pronunciation: fʌsi part of speech: adjective
In gestures

quisquilloso = fastidious ; nitpicking [nit-picking] ; irritable ; fussy ; quibbler ; finicky ; fusspot ; fussbudget ; picky ; pernickety ; persnickety ; fractious ; niggly . 

Example: Some of them will be sufficiently bizarre to suit the most fastidious connoisseur of the present artifacts of civilization.Example: Librarians are expected, by their popular media image, to be fussy, nit-picking, pedants.Example: 'Searching' or even 'ordering' would be better, so long as we didn't imply by either of them an 'irritable reaching after fact and reason'.Example: Librarians are expected, by their popular media image, to be fussy, nit-picking, pedants.Example: They attacked him, not as grammarians and philologists, but as quibblers, cavillers; not with arguments, but insults.Example: After all, even a healthy cat can become finicky when offered an unfamiliar meal.Example: As for Steve, he traded his days as a bachelor for life with a fusspot.Example: And they're playing an odd couple reminiscent of Neil Simon's classic pairing of a fussbudget and a slob.Example: If by chance she gets close to a boy that she likes she suddenly get very picky and think of all his negative points.Example: We are very pernickety about which events we attened.Example: She charmed with the catch phrase, 'today's persnickety eaters are tomorrow's foodies'.Example: Working with a fractious animal is stressful and potentially danger- ous for patient, client, and staff.Example: I desperately need advice -- my baby boy is 2 months old but so grumpy and niggly.


» ser demasiado quisquillosoput + too fine a point onsplit + hairs .

Example: Not to put too fine a point on this, and slap me down if I am being rude, but from the questions you are asking I do not think you are ready for a project of this scope.

Example: This volume is too long, contains too many lengthy theoretical arguments that often split hairs, and is written in a tedious prose style.

» ser muy quisquillosobe picky .

Example: However, the MS-DOS file ANSI.SYS is picky about the case of its special commands.

Quisquilloso synonyms

cross in spanish: cruzar, pronunciation: krɔs part of speech: noun, adjective, verb fancy in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: fænsi part of speech: noun, adjective, verb particular in spanish: especial, pronunciation: pɜrtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective fastidious in spanish: fastidioso, pronunciation: fæstɪdiəs part of speech: adjective busy in spanish: ocupado, pronunciation: bɪzi part of speech: adjective grumpy in spanish: gruñón, pronunciation: grʌmpi part of speech: adjective finicky in spanish: melindroso, pronunciation: fɪnəki part of speech: adjective crabby in spanish: osco, pronunciation: kræbi part of speech: adjective grouchy in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: graʊtʃi part of speech: adjective crabbed in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: kræbd part of speech: adjective finical in spanish: finico, pronunciation: fɪnɪkəl part of speech: adjective bad-tempered in spanish: mal humor, pronunciation: bædtempɜrd part of speech: adjective ill-tempered in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪltempɜrd part of speech: adjective ill-natured in spanish: malhumorado, pronunciation: ɪlnætʃɜrd part of speech: adjective
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