Quinta in english


pronunciation: fɪfθ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

quinto = fifth ; fifthly. 

Example: There is need for a fifth principle since the application of objectivity and logic alone will not resolve the related problems of lack of specificity and the timely establishment of new headings.Example: Fifthly, most of the printing paper of the sixteenth century was in the foolscap size range, which was considered the ordinary size, the shapes and sizes of books printed on it being determined by the folding.


» alumno de quintofifth grader .

Example: Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.

» alumno de quinto añofifth grader .

Example: Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.

» alumno de quinto cursofifth grader .

Example: Each grade tackles a different genre e.g. fifth graders read historical fiction.

» cuatro quintosfour-fifths .

Example: Four-fifths of all moonlighters were men.

» de quinta generaciónfifth generation .

Example: India has already signed a deal with Russia for the joint development of a fifth generation fighter aircraft.

» en el quinto coñoin the arse of nowhere .

Example: We got stuck waiting for a train back for almost two hours, so we sat in a country pub in the arse of nowhere, stuffing our faces and playing dominoes.

» en el quinto infiernoin the arse of nowherein the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: We got stuck waiting for a train back for almost two hours, so we sat in a country pub in the arse of nowhere, stuffing our faces and playing dominoes.

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» en el quinto pinoin the arse of nowherein the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: We got stuck waiting for a train back for almost two hours, so we sat in a country pub in the arse of nowhere, stuffing our faces and playing dominoes.

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» en quinto lugarfifthly .

Example: Fifthly, most of the printing paper of the sixteenth century was in the foolscap size range, which was considered the ordinary size, the shapes and sizes of books printed on it being determined by the folding.

» Quinta EnmiendaFifth Amendment [Quinta ley de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos que garantiza la impunidad de todo ciudadano mientras no se demuestre lo contrario en un juicio] .

Example: The analysis provides insights into Fifth Amendment issues because it involves a temporary invasion of a property owner's rights.

» quinto cursofifth grade .

Example: After the second grade, the growth rate in the number of articles read slows but continues to increase, with the exception of a dip at the fifth grade.

» una quinta parteone-fifth [one fifth]one in five .

Example: Many others besides Rothstein have suspected the truth of these figures for years, bearing in mind Robert Kennedy's hardbitten politician's conclusion that `one fifth of the people are against everything all of the time' = Muchos otros junto con Rothstein han sospechado durante años de la verdad de estos datos, teniendo presente la conclusión del político escarmentado Robert Kennedy de que "una quinta parte de la gente está en contra de todo siempre".

Example: The median time to answer questions was just over two days, and about one in five answers received thank-you messages from users.

» una quinta parte dea fifth of .

Example: About a fifth of the browsers went out of the shop with a book they had intended to buy.

» un quintoone-fifth [one fifth] .

Example: Many others besides Rothstein have suspected the truth of these figures for years, bearing in mind Robert Kennedy's hardbitten politician's conclusion that `one fifth of the people are against everything all of the time' = Muchos otros junto con Rothstein han sospechado durante años de la verdad de estos datos, teniendo presente la conclusión del político escarmentado Robert Kennedy de que "una quinta parte de la gente está en contra de todo siempre".

» vigésimo quinto aniversariosilver anniversarysilver jubilee .

Example: This author describes the silver anniversary volume in which a history of the organisation is given.

Example: This paper celebrates the silver jubilee of the UK Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries.

Quinta synonyms

ordinal in spanish: ordinal, pronunciation: ɔrdənəl part of speech: adjective, noun 5th in spanish: Quinto, pronunciation: θ part of speech: adjective one-fifth in spanish: un quinto, pronunciation: wʌnfɪfθ part of speech: noun twenty percent in spanish: veinte porciento, pronunciation: twentipɜrsent part of speech: noun fifth part in spanish: parte quinta, pronunciation: fɪfθpɑrt part of speech: noun
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