Quingombó in english


pronunciation: oʊkrə part of speech: noun
In gestures

quingombó = okra. 

Example: A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts = A brief history of the following classic soul foods is included: pork, peas, collard, corn or maize, yams, okra, watermelon, and peanuts.

Quingombó synonyms

gumbo in spanish: Gumbo, pronunciation: gʌmboʊ part of speech: noun abelmoschus esculentus in spanish: abelmoschus esculentus, pronunciation: æbəmɔʃəseskəlentəs part of speech: noun hibiscus esculentus in spanish: hibisco esculentus, pronunciation: haɪbɪskəseskəlentəs part of speech: noun okra plant in spanish: planta de okra, pronunciation: oʊkrəplænt part of speech: noun
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