Quimera in english


pronunciation: tʃɪmerə part of speech: noun
In gestures

quimera = chimera ; straw man ; will-o'-the-wisp ; castle in the air ; fabrication ; straw figure ; smoke and mirrors ; figment. 

Example: Librarians should stop chasing the chimera of professionalism, and concentrate on the important work at hand.Example: This has long been known to be a straw man (i.e., an obvious fallacy) to be knocked down.Example: Only by a gigantic change of idea will that century-old will-o'-the-wisp,'function', be seen to be equated with 'critique', for they are one and the same.Example: This is the strongest evidence that his theory is not a castle in the air.Example: The author looks at fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in scientific research.Example: The form this 'hypothesis' has come to take is easily dismissed as a straw figure and serious consideration of the relation between language diversity and thinking has largely tumbled with it.Example: The truth is that the government has relied for years on smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of sound finances in the face of a serious budget deficit.Example: Many hallucinations were of lights and shapes, though some were more elaborate, but in every case, the participants knew that they were figments of their brains.


» en busca de quimerasin pursuit of + windmills .

Example: The article 'In pursuit of windmills: librarians and the determination to instruct' is a contribution to an issue devoted to current trends in information research and theory.

» perseguir quimeraschase + phantomsgrasp at + shadows .

Example: Fighting isms is like chasing a phantom: What is it? Who is it? Where is it? Why is it?.

Example: As is typical of Nigeria the real issue is misconstrued and completely neglected, we again continue to scrape the surface and grasp at shadows.

» vivir de quimeraslive in + a dream world .

Example: Don't ever change that -- the ones that live in a dream world are the ones that ended making this world better.

Quimera synonyms

chimaera in spanish: quimera, pronunciation: kɪmɑrə part of speech: noun
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