Quijada in english


pronunciation: dʒɔ part of speech: noun
In gestures

quijada = jaw ; jawbone. 

Example: In the first pass the program compares the entry 'JAWS' with 'KIDNAPPED' and no exchange is made as they are in the correct alphabetical order.Example: The photographs show the genesis of his creations from the source of inspiration (stones, driftwood, jawbones of animals) through his drawings and maquettes to the finished sculptures.


» quijada inferiorlower jaw .

Example: The lower jaw has its own separate bone which is called 'the mandible', which is U-shaped and stretches from one ear, down to the chin area and then back up.

» quijada superiorupper jaw .

Example: In most vertebrates, the jaws are bony or cartilaginous and oppose vertically, comprising an upper jaw and a lower jaw.

Quijada synonyms

check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun rebuke in spanish: reprensión, pronunciation: ribjuk part of speech: noun, verb chat in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃæt part of speech: noun, verb reprimand in spanish: reprimenda, pronunciation: reprəmænd part of speech: noun, verb chide in spanish: reprendo, pronunciation: tʃaɪd part of speech: verb rag in spanish: trapo, pronunciation: ræg part of speech: noun gossip in spanish: chisme, pronunciation: gɑsəp part of speech: noun scold in spanish: regaño, pronunciation: skoʊld part of speech: verb berate in spanish: regañarse, pronunciation: bɪreɪt part of speech: verb visit in spanish: visitar, pronunciation: vɪzət part of speech: noun, verb lecture in spanish: conferencia, pronunciation: lektʃɜr part of speech: noun chatter in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃætɜr part of speech: noun chew in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃu part of speech: verb, noun lambast in spanish: lambast, pronunciation: læmbæst part of speech: verb confab in spanish: confab, pronunciation: kɑnfæb part of speech: noun remonstrate in spanish: protestar, pronunciation: rimɑnstreɪt part of speech: verb confabulate in spanish: conferenciar, pronunciation: kənfæbjəleɪt part of speech: verb lambaste in spanish: criticar severamente, pronunciation: læmbæst part of speech: verb reproof in spanish: reprensión, pronunciation: rɪpruf part of speech: noun natter in spanish: charla, pronunciation: nætɜr part of speech: verb masticate in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: mæstəkeɪt part of speech: verb chitchat in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃɪttʃæt part of speech: noun yack in spanish: asalto, pronunciation: jæk part of speech: noun jaws in spanish: mandíbulas, pronunciation: dʒɔz part of speech: noun chaffer in spanish: chaffer, pronunciation: tʃæfɜr part of speech: verb claver in spanish: claver, pronunciation: kleɪvɜr part of speech: verb dress down in spanish: reprender, pronunciation: dresdaʊn part of speech: verb manducate in spanish: manducar, pronunciation: mændʒukeɪt part of speech: verb chew out in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃuaʊt part of speech: verb bawl out in spanish: gritar a cabo, pronunciation: bɔlaʊt part of speech: verb chew up in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃuʌp part of speech: verb have words in spanish: tener palabras, pronunciation: hævwɜrdz part of speech: verb rattle on in spanish: seguir parloteando, pronunciation: rætəlɑn part of speech: verb yap away in spanish: alejarse, pronunciation: jæpəweɪ part of speech: verb yack away in spanish: alejarse, pronunciation: jækəweɪ part of speech: verb
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