Quiebra in english


pronunciation: bæŋkrəpsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

quebrar1 = fracture. 

Example: He will miss a month after fracturing his hand in practice.


» la mujer honrada, la pierna quebrada y en casaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» quebrarsesnap off .

Example: The jet ultimately shot up fully vertically -- at which point the wings snapped off and the whole works careened down into the ocean.

quebrar2 = go + belly up ; fold ; go + bust ; go into + liquidation ; go into + administration ; go into + receivership ; go into + bankruptcy ; go + bankrupt. 

Example: Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.Example: By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms = By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms.Example: If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.Example: When a company goes into liquidation, the directors cease to have control of the company, and the liquidator takes over.Example: Dundee have been docked four points as a result of going into administration.Example: The company's employees face the likelihood of being made jobless after it went into receivership this week.Example: I am truly ashamed to have gone into bankruptcy and I don't know when I will recover emotionally from this experience.Example: One version of the story has the emperor going bankrupt.


» hacer quebrarbankrupt .

Example: As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.

» no quebrarstay in + businesskeep + Posesivo + head above the waterstay + afloathold + Posesivo + head above the water .

Example: The business of libraries is staying in business.

Example: Librarians must help libraries keep their heads above water in a difficult economic climate.

Example: Record-high bank fees are making it harder for consumers to stay financially afloat.

Example: We finally are holding our heads above the water with our finances and I have a good job and my son is in daycare.

quiebra = bust ; bankruptcy. 

Example: The article 'El Dorado or bust?' warns that the electronic market is changing.Example: The company, which was close to bankruptcy in 1988, repaid its debts in 1989.


» declaración de quiebraChapter 11 filing .

Example: In this graph you can see a few dead cat bounces in the late 2000s, shortly before the company's Chapter 11 filing in 2010.

» declararse en quiebrago into + liquidationgo into + administrationgo into + receivershipfile for + bankruptcygo into + bankruptcy .

Example: When a company goes into liquidation, the directors cease to have control of the company, and the liquidator takes over.

Example: Dundee have been docked four points as a result of going into administration.

Example: The company's employees face the likelihood of being made jobless after it went into receivership this week.

Example: The bottom line is this: the decision to file for bankruptcy is not an easy one, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before signing on the dotted line.

Example: I am truly ashamed to have gone into bankruptcy and I don't know when I will recover emotionally from this experience.

» en quiebrabankruptin chapter 11 [En los Estados Unidos, 'Chapter 11' se refiere a una ley por la cual aquellas empresas que están en quiebra tienen un período de gracia para seguir funcionando de modo que puedan pagar las deudas a sus acreedores]bust .

Example: The Fourdriniers themselves had plunged too deeply in the venture and by 1810 they were bankrupt.

Example: And we all know that both U.S. Airways and United Airlines are in 'Chapter 11,' with other major airlines not far behind.

Example: The article 'El Dorado or bust?' warns that the electronic market is changing.

» ir a la quiebrago into + bankruptcygo into + administrationgo into + liquidationgo into + receivershipgo + bankrupt .

Example: I am truly ashamed to have gone into bankruptcy and I don't know when I will recover emotionally from this experience.

Example: Dundee have been docked four points as a result of going into administration.

Example: When a company goes into liquidation, the directors cease to have control of the company, and the liquidator takes over.

Example: The company's employees face the likelihood of being made jobless after it went into receivership this week.

Example: One version of the story has the emperor going bankrupt.

» llevar a la quiebrabankrupt .

Example: As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.
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