Quid in english


pronunciation: krʌks part of speech: noun
In gestures

quid = crux. 

Example: The crux of the process is the development of multiple models.


» el quid de la cuestiónthe crux of the matterthe crux of the questionthe nub of the questionthe nub of the matter .

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» el quid del asuntothe crux of the matterthe crux of the questionthe nub of the matter .

Example: And this, really, is the crux of the matter.

Example: So the crux of the question is when life begins, a debate that cannot be settled by science.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» el quid del problemathe nub of the problem .

Example: If you ask me, the nub of the problem is voter apathy.

» ir al quid de al cuestiónget down to + the nitty-gritty .

Example: They promised much but these scholars never got down to the nitty-gritty .

» ir al quid de la cuestiónget down to + brass tacksget down to + bedrockget down to + the basics (of things) .

Example: When you get down to brass tacks, the fundamental reason why the UK is in its current mess is because we were borrowing too much for too long.

Example: But we must nevertheless weed through these various proposals and get down to bedrock to what Dirksen really wants.

Example: I was able to get down to the basics of things I needed but ran into some other problems for which I cannot find a solution anywhere.

» llegar al quid de la cuestiónarrive at + the heart of the matterget to/at + the heart of the matter [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común]get to/at + the heart of the issue [El uso de la partícula to en lugar de at es más común] .

Example: There is little doubt in such cases that the enquirer has generalised his more specific need and a tactful librarian can soon arrive at the heart of the matter.

Example: In order to get to the heart of the matter in this predicament, we must look at our modern day lifestyles.

Example: Let's start by looking at potential causes of mental fog and then we can chat about what herbs might help you out with your symptoms or even get at the heart of the issue.

» quid de la cuestión, elheart of the matter, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]heart of the question, the [Expresión generalmente usada con el artículo] .

Example: At the heart of the matter is the individual/organisation relationship, what an employee does, and what is asked of the employee.

Example: This is the heart of the question and the answer holds no surprises.

Quid synonyms

southern cross in spanish: Cruz del Sur, pronunciation: sʌðɜrnkrɔs part of speech: noun crux of the matter in spanish: lo esencial de asunto, pronunciation: krʌksʌvðəmætɜr part of speech: noun crux australis in spanish: Crux Australis, pronunciation: krʌksɔstrəlɪs part of speech: noun
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