Quemada in english


pronunciation: bɜrnd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

quemado = burned-out ; burned ; burnt. 

Example: The majority of the people in charge of prison libraries are mediocre in their work, institutionalised, burned-out, or all of the above.Example: Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.Example: To use it to clean a burnt pot, combine two tablespoons of cream of tartar and about a cup of water, bring to a boil, remove from the heat, and allow to cool before washing with hot, soapy water.


» estar quemadobe burnt-out [Agotado emocionalmente] .

Example: He's burnt out, his beautiful but moody wife is never home, work pressures are mounting and unpaid bills are piling up.

» estar quemado (de)be fed up (with) .

Example: It goes without saying that not every situation is the same, but a lot of people are fed up with our current tax structure.

» más quemado que la pipa (de) un indiocompletely burned-outtotally burned-out .

Example: The fact is that people who are completely burned-out on their work find that the only cure is to change what they do.

Example: She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.

» morir quemado en la hogueraburn + Nombre + at the stake .

Example: In days gone by, they'd have burned her at the stake.

» quemado por el solsunburnt [sunburned, -USA] .

Example: Standing tall on the sunburnt African plains, baobab trees tower over the landscape like great living monuments.

quemar = burn ; set + Nombre + on fire ; torch ; ignite ; set + ablaze ; incinerate ; scorch ; sear ; singe ; scald. 

Example: In Italy, Mussoline was burning books and suppressing libraries with appalling regularity.Example: The second example relates to a bibliographical puzzle concerning the bowdlerized British version of William Styron's novel 'Set this house on fire'.Example: Alenxandria's library was torched and completely destroyed by the brutal Roman emperor Aurelian in A.D. 270.Example: Nitrate film ignites readily, burns fiercely, virtually inextinguishably and with highly toxic fumes.Example: The day ended in a riot during which the town hall was set ablaze.Example: This is a project to incinerate an estimated 700, 000 tonnes of toxic sludge created as a byproduct of a century of steelmaking.Example: If badly affected, spots run together, and leaves appear scorched.Example: Searing meat is the process for caramelising the sugars present in meat and forming an aesthetic crust around its surface.Example: Soon Frank's shoulders baked, and he could feel the day's heat singeing his cheeks and forehead.Example: In the morning my shower started to splurt out boiling water, scalding my head so badly it has blistered.


» alcohol de quemarmeths [meth, -USA] .

Example: My friend drank some meths and coke and he reckoned it was really great but I am inclined to think it is rather lethal.

» dinero + quemar + en el bolsillomoney + burn + a hole in + Posesivo + pocket .

Example: She had a bit of spare money and she intended to not let it burn a hole in her pocket.

» dinero + quemar + las manosmoney + burn + a hole in + Posesivo + pocket .

Example: She had a bit of spare money and she intended to not let it burn a hole in her pocket.

» fusible + quemarseblow + a fuse .

Example: You could expect quite a shock -- financially, that is -- if you had to call in an electrician every time you blew a fuse.

» más quemado que la pipa (de) un indiocompletely burned-outtotally burned-out .

Example: The fact is that people who are completely burned-out on their work find that the only cure is to change what they do.

Example: She's totally burned-out after the first year and now doesn't give a shit.

» quemar caloríasburn + calories .

Example: I didn't go to the gym today so I'm just punching the air and jumping on my bed burning calories.

» quemar completamenteburn out .

Example: The National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo was bombed and burnt out with the loss of 90 per cent of its stock.

» quemar el último cartuchoshoot + Posesivo + (last) boltplay + Posesivo + last cardplay + Posesivo + last trump (card) .

Example: He felt that he had played his last card and shot his last bolt, and that Diana definitely wished to be rid of him.

Example: He felt that he had played his last card and shot his last bolt, and that Diana definitely wished to be rid of him.

Example: To save her own face, she played her last trump, the card which she had hitherto been careful to keep out of sight.

» quemar en la hogueraburn + Nombre + at the stake .

Example: In days gone by, they'd have burned her at the stake.

» quemar las navesburn + Posesivo + bridgesburn + Posesivo + boats .

Example: She has burned her bridges in England so badly that the actress now has to leave the country altogether.

Example: Expecting to go to America with her boyfriend, staff nurse Sally Chalmers burnt her boats and resigned her job only to be left behind!.

» quemarle la sangre a Unomake + Posesivo + blood boil .

Example: His confident and somewhat arrogant persona makes her blood boil, but as the saying goes: there is a thin line between love and hate.

» quemar + Posesivo + último cartuchoshoot + Posesivo + (last) boltplay + Posesivo + last cardplay + Posesivo + last trump (card) .

Example: He felt that he had played his last card and shot his last bolt, and that Diana definitely wished to be rid of him.

Example: He felt that he had played his last card and shot his last bolt, and that Diana definitely wished to be rid of him.

Example: To save her own face, she played her last trump, the card which she had hitherto been careful to keep out of sight.

» quemarsego up in + flamesget + burned/burnt .

Example: The title of the article is 'National library in Sarajevo destroyed; collections, archives go up in flames'.

Example: You know the kind of thing: if you put your hand in the fire then, as sure as eggs is eggs, your hand will get burnt.

» quemarse completamentego up in + smoke .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Incendiary guilt: when your labels go up in smoke'.

» quemarse la bocaburn + Posesivo + mouth .

Example: The prisoners pounced on the food like hungry beasts and, champing noisily, gulped down the soup greedily, hardly chewing the meat, and burning their mouths.

» quemarse las pestañashit + the bookspound + the books .

Example: Plymouth's swimming superstar Ruta Meilutyte is hitting the books as well as the pool in a bid to safeguard her future.

Example: Every student knows that studying is important, and that its hard to pass your test without pounding the books.

» quemarse por el solget sunburnedsunburn .

Example: It is easy to get sunburned at higher altitudes, because there is less of the earth's atmosphere to block the sunlight.

Example: Almost everyone has been sunburned or will become sunburned at some time.

» quemar totalmenteburn + Nombre + to the groundburn + Nombre + to (a) cinder(s)burn + Nombre + to ashesburn + Nombre + down .

Example: I don't really understand how someone could put so much work into something only to burn it to the ground.

Example: Then we just had to cross our fingers, because if a disease like foulbrood happens to infect your hive, you have to burn it to cinders.

Example: Then set it on fire and burn it to ashes.

Example: I wish officials would have taken the necessary precautions to preserve it and protect it from the assholes who burned it down.

» quemar vivoburn + Nombre + to deathburn + Nombre + alive .

Example: The enemy's order was to cause maximum damage, and many residents were burned to death or strafed by fighter planes.

Example: Last May, a man bound the legs of a dog, doused her with lighter fluid and burned her alive.

» si juegas con fuego, te puedes quemarif you play with fire, you'll get (your fingers) burnt/burned .

Example: And it seems that the old idiom, 'If you play with fire, you'll get burned,' rings true today.

» sin quemarunburned .

Example: Canopy light penetration and overstorey tree density were measured in both burned and unburned forests.

» uso de leña para la combustiónwood burning .

Example: If you get serious about wood burning, you must always think one full year ahead and buy this years wood for next year.

» uso de leña para quemarwood burning .

Example: If you get serious about wood burning, you must always think one full year ahead and buy this years wood for next year.

Quemada synonyms

tempered in spanish: templado, pronunciation: tempɜrd part of speech: adjective burnt in spanish: quemado, pronunciation: bɜrnt part of speech: adjective hardened in spanish: curtido, pronunciation: hɑrdənd part of speech: adjective injured in spanish: lesionado, pronunciation: ɪndʒɜrd part of speech: adjective baked in spanish: horneado, pronunciation: beɪkt part of speech: adjective treated in spanish: tratado, pronunciation: tritəd part of speech: adjective destroyed in spanish: destruido, pronunciation: dɪstrɔɪd part of speech: adjective cooked in spanish: cocido, pronunciation: kʊkt part of speech: adjective burned-out in spanish: quemado, pronunciation: bɜrndaʊt part of speech: adjective burnt-out in spanish: quemado, pronunciation: bɜrntaʊt part of speech: adjective toughened in spanish: endurecido, pronunciation: tʌfənd part of speech: adjective
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