Quejumbroso in english


pronunciation: waɪnɪŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

quejumbroso = plaintive ; whiny ; fractious. 

Example: Many cats develop a complete vocabulary of mews which range from plaintive through to cheerful greeting.Example: It's not easy managing clients but it becomes a real pain when you have to deal with whiny customers.Example: Working with a fractious animal is stressful and potentially danger- ous for patient, client, and staff.

Quejumbroso synonyms

querulous in spanish: quejumbroso, pronunciation: kwerələs part of speech: adjective noisy in spanish: ruidoso, pronunciation: nɔɪzi part of speech: adjective fretful in spanish: displicente, pronunciation: fretfəl part of speech: adjective whiny in spanish: quejico, pronunciation: waɪni part of speech: adjective whiney in spanish: quejarse, pronunciation: wɪni part of speech: adjective
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