Quejido in english


pronunciation: moʊn part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

quejido = groan ; whimper ; whine ; yelp ; bleat ; moan. 

Example: Various extremes of excitement and despair ensued: groans, sweating brows, pencils chewed.Example: The article is entitled 'The WTO deal on basic telecommunications: big bang or little whimper?'.Example: The noise is a high-pitched whine or hiss the machine emits during operation.Example: Then he did several backflips and wailed aloud in his misery and woe, his yelps of distress quite filling the empyrean.Example: But other than a few bleats in the media, the public has completely ignored this story.Example: We arrived back to camp and listened to the low moans of a lion off in the distance.

Quejido synonyms

groan in spanish: gemido, pronunciation: groʊn part of speech: noun, verb sough in spanish: susurro, pronunciation: soʊ part of speech: verb
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