Quehacer in english

What to do

pronunciation: wʌtudu part of speech: none
In gestures



» dar quehacermake + trouble .

Example: As President Bush's second term winds down, this is no time for him to be making trouble for his successor.

» dedicarse a + Posesivo + quehacer cotidianogo about + Posesivo + everyday lifego about + Posesivo + day .

Example: The last thing we want as we go about our everyday life is that hot sweaty self-conscious feeling.

Example: Well, I went about my day as usual, thanks to a friend, who let me have access to her vehicle, since mine is on the fritz.

» dedicarse a + Posesivo + quehacer diariogo about + Posesivo + everyday lifego about + Posesivo + day .

Example: The last thing we want as we go about our everyday life is that hot sweaty self-conscious feeling.

Example: Well, I went about my day as usual, thanks to a friend, who let me have access to her vehicle, since mine is on the fritz.

» quehaceres de la casahousework .

Example: Five options of help with housework are investigated: domestic help, take-out meals, the microwave, the dishwasher, & the dryer.
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