Quebrado in english


pronunciation: broʊkən part of speech: adjective
In gestures

quebrado = fraction. 

Example: The ALA Rules provide guidance on how to file fractions and superscript and subscript numerals.


» masa quebradashort pastryshortcrust .

Example: The shortening is rubbed into the flour in the same way as for short pastry.

Example: Lard and suet are suitable for shortcrust and flaky pastry, used with butter or margarine.

quebrar1 = fracture. 

Example: He will miss a month after fracturing his hand in practice.


» la mujer honrada, la pierna quebrada y en casaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» quebrarsesnap off .

Example: The jet ultimately shot up fully vertically -- at which point the wings snapped off and the whole works careened down into the ocean.

quebrar2 = go + belly up ; fold ; go + bust ; go into + liquidation ; go into + administration ; go into + receivership ; go into + bankruptcy ; go + bankrupt. 

Example: Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.Example: By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms = By the mid-eighties, two of the big companies folded, but were replaced by a handful of small, independent firms.Example: If fuel pump prices are reduced drastically many petrol station operators will go bust.Example: When a company goes into liquidation, the directors cease to have control of the company, and the liquidator takes over.Example: Dundee have been docked four points as a result of going into administration.Example: The company's employees face the likelihood of being made jobless after it went into receivership this week.Example: I am truly ashamed to have gone into bankruptcy and I don't know when I will recover emotionally from this experience.Example: One version of the story has the emperor going bankrupt.


» hacer quebrarbankrupt .

Example: As a writer on the publishing of scholarly books in the USA once put it, 'A book that would bankrupt a scholarly publisher does not fall within the proper domain of scholarly publishing'.

» no quebrarstay in + businesskeep + Posesivo + head above the waterstay + afloathold + Posesivo + head above the water .

Example: The business of libraries is staying in business.

Example: Librarians must help libraries keep their heads above water in a difficult economic climate.

Example: Record-high bank fees are making it harder for consumers to stay financially afloat.

Example: We finally are holding our heads above the water with our finances and I have a good job and my son is in daycare.

Quebrado synonyms

ground in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: graʊnd part of speech: noun split in spanish: división, pronunciation: splɪt part of speech: verb, noun humble in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: hʌmbəl part of speech: adjective upset in spanish: trastornado, pronunciation: əpset part of speech: verb, noun low in spanish: bajo, pronunciation: loʊ part of speech: adjective rough in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌf part of speech: adjective tame in spanish: domar, pronunciation: teɪm part of speech: adjective, verb rugged in spanish: escabroso, pronunciation: rʌgəd part of speech: adjective confused in spanish: confuso, pronunciation: kənfjuzd part of speech: adjective impaired in spanish: dañado, pronunciation: ɪmperd part of speech: adjective impoverished in spanish: empobrecido, pronunciation: ɪmpɑvrɪʃt part of speech: adjective busted in spanish: reventado, pronunciation: bʌstɪd part of speech: adjective fitful in spanish: irregular, pronunciation: fɪtfəl part of speech: adjective crushed in spanish: aplastada, pronunciation: krʌʃt part of speech: adjective humbled in spanish: humillado, pronunciation: hʌmbəld part of speech: adjective imperfect in spanish: imperfecto, pronunciation: ɪmpɜrfɪkt part of speech: adjective fragmented in spanish: fragmentado, pronunciation: frægməntɪd part of speech: adjective incomplete in spanish: incompleto, pronunciation: ɪnkəmplit part of speech: adjective shattered in spanish: destrozada, pronunciation: ʃætɜrd part of speech: adjective chipped in spanish: astillado, pronunciation: tʃɪpt part of speech: adjective humiliated in spanish: humillado, pronunciation: hjumɪlieɪtɪd part of speech: adjective interrupted in spanish: interrumpido, pronunciation: ɪntɜrʌptɪd part of speech: adjective damaged in spanish: dañado, pronunciation: dæmədʒd part of speech: adjective cracked in spanish: agrietado, pronunciation: krækt part of speech: adjective distributed in spanish: repartido, pronunciation: dɪstrɪbjətəd part of speech: adjective unkept in spanish: descuidado, pronunciation: əŋkept part of speech: adjective breached in spanish: violado, pronunciation: britʃt part of speech: adjective destroyed in spanish: destruido, pronunciation: dɪstrɔɪd part of speech: adjective dotted in spanish: punteado, pronunciation: dɑtəd part of speech: adjective dashed in spanish: precipitado, pronunciation: dæʃt part of speech: adjective halting in spanish: vacilante, pronunciation: hɔltɪŋ part of speech: adjective dissolved in spanish: disuelto, pronunciation: dɪzɑlvd part of speech: adjective fractured in spanish: fracturado, pronunciation: fræktʃɜrd part of speech: adjective tamed in spanish: domesticado, pronunciation: teɪmd part of speech: adjective disorganized in spanish: desestructurado, pronunciation: dɪsɔrgənaɪzd part of speech: adjective smashed in spanish: colocado, pronunciation: smæʃt part of speech: adjective disordered in spanish: desordenado, pronunciation: dɪsɔrdɜrd part of speech: adjective crumbled in spanish: se derrumbó, pronunciation: krʌmbəld part of speech: adjective splintered in spanish: astillado, pronunciation: splɪntɜrd part of speech: adjective wiped out in spanish: borrado, pronunciation: waɪptaʊt uncomplete in spanish: incompleto, pronunciation: ənkəmplit part of speech: adjective unsmooth in spanish: no suave, pronunciation: ənsmuθ part of speech: adjective broken in in spanish: roto en, pronunciation: broʊkənɪn part of speech: adjective broken-field in spanish: campo roto, pronunciation: broʊkənfild part of speech: adjective
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