Pública in english


pronunciation: pʌblɪk part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

publicar = come out ; issue ; publish ; release ; bring out. 

Example: Adequate attention should be paid to the needs of nonresearch libraries in whatever code comes out in the second edition.Example: Plans were made to issue a concise version of AACR1, but these plans never came to fruition.Example: There is no official index to the whole scheme, although an index has been published.Example: Continuous revision means that Phoenixes and major revisions will be released as separates between editions.Example: The best that a British author or publisher could do was to authorize an American publisher to bring the book out in America, giving him an advance copy of the text so that he could get in ahead of the field.


» acto de publicarpublication .

Example: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.

» dejar de publicarsecease + publication .

Example: Titles that have ceased publication since the first edition and new serial titles are listed in the appendices.

» digno de publicarpublishable  .

Example: Reprints, original manuscripts and smaller items are possible publishable materials.

» publicar en forma seriadaserialise [serialize, -USA] .

Example: Thackeray serialized his own 'Lovel the widower' and sold 100,000 copies of the first number, more than double the number of the most popular of Dickens's novels in part-issue form.

» publicar oficialmentegazette .

Example: Subsequent press restrictions gazetted in Aug 87 established the possibility of prior censorship.

» publicar o perecerpublish or perish [En el mundo académico, expresión que se define la situación en la que se encuentra el profesorado en la que se le exige que escriban artículos, ponencias, etc. regularmente o verán cortadas sus posibilidades de ascenso y/o permanencia en el trabajo] .

Example: In this essay, the pros and cons of the academic rewards system and the 'publish or perish' syndrome as they relate to serials publishing are discussed.

» publicar por encargopublishing on commission .

Example: Publishing on commission, when the author paid all the costs of production and allowed the publisher a percentage of the gross receipts as a payment for producing and handling the book, had been used since early times for specialist publications.

» publicar por primera vezdebut .

Example: The historic 200-year old encyclopaedia is cashing in on the current interests of its users -- recently it debuted a site of the Titanic.

» publicar una noticia en varias listas de correocross post [cross-post] [En Internet, se usa cuando se publica una noticia en más de una lista de correo o boletín de noticias] .

Example: I thought this might be on interest... and sorry for any cross posting.

» sin publicarunpublished .

Example: Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.

» volver a publicarreissue [re-issue] .

Example: The French original was long out of print until reissued in 1989.

público2 = public ; publicly held. 

Example: Data-capture units are light pens, and such units can be made available at various locations in the library for public consultation.Example: The article 'Time to climb off the fence' discusses the policy concerning publicly held data both in the USA and Europe.


» acceso públicopublic access .

Example: This article argues that the OTA report, despite its affirmation of public access to information, is unlikely to cause a redeployment of resources unless librarians argue vociferously that there is a real need for this information.

» acontecimiento públicopublic event .

Example: Royalty have always been chauffeured to public functions and events and quite often make use of this facility in their private lives too.

» actividad de relaciones públicaspublic relations exercise .

Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.

» acto públicopublic function .

Example: Royalty have always been chauffeured to public functions and events and quite often make use of this facility in their private lives too.

» administración públicapublic administrationcivil service .

Example: While the importance of archives administration and records management is beginning to be realised in the developing world, few governments have recognised the contribution well-kept records would make to development and efficient public administration.

Example: I always thought the civil service system was created to eliminate any possibility of favoritism.

» a juicio públicoin the public eye .

Example: The article is entitled 'Librarians in the public eye'.

» a la opinión públicain the public eye .

Example: The article is entitled 'Librarians in the public eye'.

» alejado de la vida públicaout of public life .

Example: By the time of his death, Hoggart, then 95, had been suffering from dementia for some time and had long been out of public life.

» alteración del orden públicodisorderly conductpublic order offencebreach of the peace .

Example: The article is entitled 'Disorderly conduct: crime and disruptive behaviour in the library'.

Example: The Public Order Act 1986 contains many of the more common public order offences such as riot, affray and threatening behaviour.

Example: All but four of the laws are of a civil nature, three involving pupils with contraband in their school lockers and the other one concerning breach of the peace by college students.

» alterar el orden públicobreach + the peacedisturb + the peace .

Example: By that logic anybody who has sex or masturbates or even wanders around in the nod in a hotel room is 'breaching the peace'.

Example: Just last year, Prince was arrested for assault and disturbing the peace.

» alto cargo públicosenior public official .

Example: There is a need for a law that requires all senior public officials to declare their assets upon taking office, every year thereafter and upon leaving office.

» alumbrado públicostreet lighting .

Example: Furthermore libraries simply are not as essential to the life of the community as better police protection, improved fire-fighting and public works equipment, increased street lighting, and the like.

» ámbito público, elpublic sector, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]public sphere, the .

Example: This article discusses the out-of-control situation of federal paperwork and the consequent burdens it places on the US public and business sector.

Example: Moreover, her fatness is an act of defiance; in a world in which women are taught to take up as little space as possible, Lilian learns to foist her way into the public sphere.

» ante la opinión públicain the public eye .

Example: The article is entitled 'Librarians in the public eye'.

» aparecer en públicomake + a public appearance .

Example: After 40 days of seclusion, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has made a public appearance, an outing that could help quell rumors about his health.

» aparición públicapublic appearance .

Example: The paparazzi have been on Rihanna like cotton on a lamb ever since she made her first public appearance in months.

» Archivo Británico de Documentos PúblicosBritish Public Record Office .

Example: The United States National Archives is the equivalent of the British Public Record Office and its principal bibliographic publications are National Archives Accessions and Guide to the Records in the National Archives.

» archivo de documentos públicosrecord office .

Example: Libraries, archives and record offices must collect and preserve for posterity as much primary source material as they are able and exploit it as much as possible.

» archivo públicopublic archive .

Example: This article describes the collection of Detroit Public Library, which is considered the world's largest public archive of automotive records = Este artículo describe la colección de la Biblioteca Pública de Detroit, que se considera el mayor archivo público del mundo de documentos sobre el automóvil.

» asamblea públicapublic meeting .

Example: Irish former minister Proinsias de Rossa was knocked to the ground after a public meeting in Dublin on Monday night, according to the Labour Party.

» aseo públicopublic restroom .

Example: When planning a library considerations need to be made of shared space, such as hallways, staff lounges, public restrooms, meeting rooms and storerooms.

» asuntos públicospublic affairs .

Example: The library must impart that knowledge of public affairs and of the history of the neighbourhood which a citizen must possess.

» auditor públicopublic auditor .

Example: It was finally decided that the Public Auditor should look into these highly questionable partisan wheelings and dealings that involved public funds.

» autoridad públicasenior public official .

Example: There is a need for a law that requires all senior public officials to declare their assets upon taking office, every year thereafter and upon leaving office.

» azotamiento públicopublic whipping .

Example: The punishment of a public whipping was frequently administered to women who were found guilty of certain offences, as well as to men.

» baño públicopublic restroom .

Example: When planning a library considerations need to be made of shared space, such as hallways, staff lounges, public restrooms, meeting rooms and storerooms.

» beneficio públicopublic interest .

Example: It is, however, possible for member states to make exemptions to this restriction on grounds of important public interest.

» biblioteca públicapublic library [Biblioteca general que sirve en principio a una comunidad local]public library service .

Example: A collection of medical books for the general public in a public library may deal with the same range of topics, but the indexing can probably be more broad than in a specialist index, and the terms used for the same thing may be different.

Example: For instance, a public library service might be said to have a 40:60 split in the provision of information and/or cultural materials, while an industrial library will be wholly information-based.

» biblioteca pública municipalmunicipal public library .

Example: In most US cities the 18th Century ideal of the social library has been transplanted by a derivative form: the municipal public library.

» biblioteca pública provincialprovincial public library .

Example: The national library advises provincial public libraries on cataloguing, preservation, and conservation of valuable and rare book collections.

» bienestar públicopublic welfare .

Example: Our major goal is to promote employment, commerce, economic development, and public welfare in certain neighborhoods.

» bien públicopublic good .

Example: Public libraries are viewed as a 'public good' yet they fail to attract adequate resources to fulfil their role.

» bono de transporte públicotravel card .

Example: Travel cards can be used for as many journeys as you like during their period of validity.

» campaña de relaciones públicaspublic relations campaign .

Example: They decided one day to take it upon themselves without his knowledge to go out and solicit funds for a public relations campaign for a children's program.

» cargo públicopublic officeoffice-holder .

Example: Other wrongdoers in public office have reprehensibly blamed the legal system or tampered with incriminating evidence.

Example: Successful misfeasance cases against office-holders are unusual.

» carrera públicapublic career .

Example: His conviction has brought an ignominious end to his lengthy public career.

» castigo públicopublic whipping .

Example: The punishment of a public whipping was frequently administered to women who were found guilty of certain offences, as well as to men.

» concienciación públicapublic awareness .

Example: This article draws attention to the need to raise public awareness.

» concierto públicopublic concert .

Example: Facilities include 2 rooms for music-making, a recording studio, an audio centre and organisation of public concerts.

» concurso públicobiddingtendertender procedure [Procedimiento por el que se subasta contrato a concurso público por el gobierno]tendering [Subasta de obras por concurso público]tendering proceduretendering process .

Example: The outcome of the bidding was slightly disappointing for the vendor, but they say it was a bargain for the buyer.

Example: Following the issue of a letter of intent to major bodybuilders, the tender was drawn up requiring tenderers to submit a breakdown of costs.

Example: As a result of the tender procedure a contract was made to construct the new Library and Department of Library and Information Studies.

Example: After fruitful discussion with the UGC, the University was authorised to proceed towards tendering stage.

Example: There are exemptions, however, to when these tendering procedures are used.

Example: Many tendering processes end with no solution because the project loses momentum and becomes overly complex.

» concurso público de licitacióncompetitive tendering .

Example: Although the prospect of compulsory competitive tendering in libraries is on the back burner it has put acquisitions firmly in the limelight.

» con mucho públicowell attended [well-attended] .

Example: Programs covered a wide range of topics and were well attended.

» consumo públicopublic consumption .

Example: She is one of those girls who believe their bod is for public consumption.

» convocatoria públicatendertender procedure [Procedimiento por el que se subasta contrato a concurso público por el gobierno]tendering [Subasta de obras por concurso público]bid [Concurso público de un servicio]tendering proceduretendering process .

Example: Following the issue of a letter of intent to major bodybuilders, the tender was drawn up requiring tenderers to submit a breakdown of costs.

Example: As a result of the tender procedure a contract was made to construct the new Library and Department of Library and Information Studies.

Example: After fruitful discussion with the UGC, the University was authorised to proceed towards tendering stage.

Example: New York State has recently moved away from former relatively unrestrictive policies by requiring bids on all items priced over $10,000.

Example: There are exemptions, however, to when these tendering procedures are used.

Example: Many tendering processes end with no solution because the project loses momentum and becomes overly complex.

» correr desnudo en un lugar públicostreak .

Example: I was around when streaking and shooting the moon in public places was the latest fad so doing it is not a problem.

» cultura públicapublic culture .

Example: Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.

» debate públicopublic debate .

Example: The main emphasis appears to be on providing information necessary for the public to be better informed on matters of public debate.

» de carácter públicostate-ownedgovernment-ownedstate-rungovernment-runpublicly owned [publicly-owned]publicly supportedpublicly held .

Example: We are state-owned and in a monopolistic situation because of our size, status and/or the uniqueness of our collection.

Example: Government-owned book depots can help to solve some problems.

Example: The nucleus of the system is composed of state-run information centres.

Example: Both government-run programs and partially government-subsidized programs run by voluntary agencies such as Caritas and the YMCA are common.

Example: Publishers of publicly owned newspapers reported their chains placed more emphasis on generating revenue than publishers of privately owned newspapers.

Example: Certain obligations of public and university libraries and publicly supported library networks often are also spelled out in statutory form.

Example: The article 'Time to climb off the fence' discusses the policy concerning publicly held data both in the USA and Europe.

» declaración públicapublic statement .

Example: His public statements on art quickly won him a following among young students of art.

» demostrar los sentimientos en públicowear + Posesivo + heart on + Posesivo + sleeve .

Example: Miss Clough's privacy was legendary; she did not wear her heart on her sleeve, but she did put her heart into her painting.

» derecho públicopublic lawcivic right .

Example: Except for civil laws, and the individual right of the private citizen etc., the king is bound to public law, constitutional law and divine law.

Example: Here it is at last, the public library as a civic right.

» desempeñar un cargo públicohold + a public office .

Example: Atheists are prohibited from holding public office in many US states.

» desorden públicopublic disordercivil disorder .

Example: Policing solutions based on the display of force may suppress public disorder, but they may actually engender violence.

Example: If the number of unhappy people exceeds the number of happy people in a city, the city will fall into civil disorder.

» de titularidad públicagovernment-ownedstate-ownedstate-rungovernment-runpublicly owned [publicly-owned]publicly supported .

Example: Government-owned book depots can help to solve some problems.

Example: We are state-owned and in a monopolistic situation because of our size, status and/or the uniqueness of our collection.

Example: The nucleus of the system is composed of state-run information centres.

Example: Both government-run programs and partially government-subsidized programs run by voluntary agencies such as Caritas and the YMCA are common.

Example: Publishers of publicly owned newspapers reported their chains placed more emphasis on generating revenue than publishers of privately owned newspapers.

Example: Certain obligations of public and university libraries and publicly supported library networks often are also spelled out in statutory form.

» deuda pública, lanational debt, the .

Example: Libraries are under the influence of the country's national debt and an economic system guided by political considerations rather than economic farsightednes.

» dinero públicopublic tax moneypublic cashtaxpayers' money .

Example: The public tax money is allocated according to pressures from various competing agencies, including politicians and some segments of the public.

Example: Spain has become the latest European nation to stump up billions in public cash to bail out car firms bludgeoned by the economic crisis.

Example: Inmates at state prisons in Iowa may be making toilet paper as part of a new initiative which will save US taxpayers' money.

» dinero público, elpublic's dollars, the .

Example: And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account -- to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day -- because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejemos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.

» dirigente públicosenior public official .

Example: There is a need for a law that requires all senior public officials to declare their assets upon taking office, every year thereafter and upon leaving office.

» discurso públicopublic speech .

Example: His work includes 47 novels, and slews of essays, plays, reviews, poems, histories, and public speeches.

» disfrutar de la mirada públicabask in + attention .

Example: If you're the type of person who enjoys basking in attention, step out of the limelight and give others a chance to shine.

» documento administrativo públicopublic record .

Example: This article maintains that archivists as custodians of the records have an ethical obligation to support the freest possible access to public records.

» documento públicopublic document .

Example: This category of material is currently referred to generically as 'public documents'.

» dominio públicopublic domain .

Example: However, there remains a considerable number of documents which enter the public domain and which provide invaluable raw material for academic research.

» edificio públicomunicipal buildingpublic building .

Example: Here, within an eightblock radius were the principal businesses, stores, and municipal buildings.

Example: Beyond that, a library can create these commons in cyberspace as well as in public buildings = Más aún, la biblioteca puede crear estos espacios públicos comunes en el ciberespacio además de en los edificios públicos.

» ejecución públicapublic execution .

Example: Public executions used to be a form of entertainment and executioners were like rock stars.

» empresa de servicios públicosutility companypublic utility .

Example: By blasting the face of the falls and excavating an underground cavern, the utility company channeled water through pipes to turbines at the base of the falls.

Example: The Kahn report saw NICs (neighbourhood information centers) as 'social utilities comparable to the general public utilities (gas, electric, phone) and public services (post office, water supply) which are recognized as vital to the adequate functioning of the individual, the family and the neighborhood in modern society' = El informa Kahn consideraba que los centros de información ciudadana son "empresas de servicio social comparables a las empresas de servicio público generales (el gas, la electricidad, el teléfono) y a los servicios públicos (correos, abastecimiento de agua) que se reconocen que son vitales para el funcionamiento adecuado del indivudo, la familia y la vecindad en la sociedad moderna" .

» empresa públicapublic firmcivilian employer .

Example: Competition between public and private firms will enable farmers to obtain a higher share of world commodity prices.

Example: Paper and paper management are highly refined technologies that are buried deeply into our infrastructure (e.g., the largest civilian employer in the U.S. is the Post Office).

» encargado de relaciones públicaspublic liaison .

Example: In attempt to supplement the number of hands available to run the library, volunteers serve as public liaisons and assistants in the library's computer facilities.

» enemigo públicopublic enemy .

Example: This shaggy-haired 27-year-old Burmese video journalist is considered a public enemy by his country's military junta.

» enemigo público número unopublic enemy number one .

Example: Obesity is public enemy number one in New Mexico.

» en públicopubliclyin public .

Example: If librarians would calmly and publicly and increasingly lay claim to this area as their professional domain, they would gradually bring about the change in attitude that many desire to see.

Example: This need can be influenced by only offering criticism in private but by giving praise in public.

» enseñanza públicapublic education .

Example: The founders of the public library were allied with the public education movement and considered the library to be the outgrowth of this movement and an agency for postgraduate public education.

» erario públicopublic cash .

Example: Spain has become the latest European nation to stump up billions in public cash to bail out car firms bludgeoned by the economic crisis.

» erario público, elnational coffers, thenation's coffers, the .

Example: Everyone knows that successive governments have plundered the pockets of motorists to swell the national coffers.

Example: The creative industries were growing at twice the rate of the general national economy, contributing £60 billion each year to the nation's coffers.

» escándalo públicopublic scandal .

Example: It was Swinburne who bore the brunt of public scandal.

» escarnio públicopublic ridicule .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» esfera pública, lapublic sphere, the .

Example: Moreover, her fatness is an act of defiance; in a world in which women are taught to take up as little space as possible, Lilian learns to foist her way into the public sphere.

» espacio abierto públicopublic open space .

Example: Glasgow is also home to a large number of well-tended parks and possesses more public open spaces than any other city in the United Kingdom.

» espacio públicopublic area .

Example: The symptoms of agoraphobia, a condition in which an individual fears entering public areas, include fears of leaving home, fainting, entering open and closed spaces, shopping, entering social situations, and traveling far from home.

» espacio público comúncommons .

Example: The commons anchors neighborhoods, downtown districts, and schools and links with other public facilities like cafés and museums = Los espacios públicos comunes ayudan a consolidar los barrios, los centros de las ciudades y las escuelas al mismo tiempo que facilitan la creación de vínculos con otros servicios públicos como cafeterías y museos.

» evento públicopublic event .

Example: Royalty have always been chauffeured to public functions and events and quite often make use of this facility in their private lives too.

» exhibirse en públicoexpose + Reflexivo .

Example: Neil, an Irish radio presenter, wept on air as he apologised for allegedly exposing himself on a flight home after an evening at a top London restaurant.

» exponer a la vergüenza pública en un cepopillory .

Example: The last person to be pilloried in England was Peter James Bossy, who was convicted of 'wilful and corrupt perjury' in 1830.

» fijar una nota en un sitio públpost .

Example: A broadside is a separately published piece of paper, printed on one side only and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g. proclamations, handbills, ballad-sheets, news-sheets.

» financiado con dinero públicopublicly financed .

Example: Library users are lucky to have supplies provided for them by a publicly financed service.

» fuerza del orden públicolaw enforcement agency .

Example: Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month.

» fuerzas del orden públicopolice force .

Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.

» funcionario públicopublic servantgovernment servantpublic employeepublic functionary .

Example: The past and present can be saved for the future if the public archivist, as a public servant, is able to safeguard the integrity of the contractual relationship between citizens and their government which the records document.

Example: This article emphasises the need for the on-going education of non-academics such as journalists, authors, lawyers, doctors, architects, government servants and social workers.

Example: The figures do not support the postulation that the better educated, public employees, left-wing party supporters frequent libraries most.

Example: And because librarians are public functionaries this sensibility must presuppose an awareness of public values and virtues.

» fundación de beneficencia públicapublic trust .

Example: In October, the federal government announced a policy change that removes the tax advantage enjoyed by public trusts by the end of 2010.

» gasto públicogovernment spendinggovernment expenditurepublic expenditure .

Example: While being a crusader against government spending, Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn has run afoul of problems in her personal finances.

Example: Seen like this, the importance of government expenditure to the economy is very clear.

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» gestión públicapublic management .

Example: Within the crisis there are tremendous opportunities to redefine and improve public management.

» gestor públicopublic manager .

Example: Public managers can come up with incredibly diverse, creative, and innovative solutions to society's most vexing and complex problem.

» hablar en públicopublic speakingspeak in + public .

Example: The author offers some guidance on public speaking.

Example: Everytime I speak in public about nonbook cataloging, someone in the audience asks about color coding, and my advice always has been, and still is, don't = Cada vez que hablo en público sobre catalogación de material no librario, alguien de la audiencia pregunta sobre codificación mediante colores y mi contestación es, y siempre ha sido, negativa.

» hacer públicomake + publicproclaimpublicise [publicize, -USA]go + public [En biblioteconomía, se usa generalmente para expresar que Alguien o Algo se pone a trabajar de cara al público o se pone a disposición de una comunidad a través de la biblioteca ]issue + a statementrelease + a statementmake + Nombre + known to the public .

Example: I am not going to contemplate an individual or corporate navel and I am certainly not going to make public my thought processes.

Example: Having proclaimed the merits of pre-coordination in effective and efficient retrieval, the next chapter examines pre-coordinate indexing systems in greater detail.

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

Example: The article 'Can bibliotherapy go public?' advocates for the use of literature in the public library for total development and growth.

Example: King Abdullah issued a statement saying that 'the sky is the limit' for the freedom of the press.

Example: After her arrest, the actress released a statement in which she said she was out of money and had no other way to support her family.

Example: Over the years, we've seen several big music groups break up for reasons which they don't normally make known to the public.

» hacer público un vídeorelease + a video .

Example: But let me come to the main reason why I have been reluctant to give permission to release the video.

» hacerse públicogo + livego + public [En biblioteconomía, se usa generalmente para expresar que Alguien o Algo se pone a trabajar de cara al público o se pone a disposición de una comunidad a través de la biblioteca ]come out in + the open with .

Example: The article 'BookTrack on track for lift off' discusses BookTrack, Whitaker's electronic project, which is about to go live = El artículo 'BookTrack listo para despegar' trata de BookTrack, el proyecto electrónico de Whitaker, que está a punto de salir a la luz.

Example: The article 'Can bibliotherapy go public?' advocates for the use of literature in the public library for total development and growth.

Example: The contradictions within the rural society of the nineteenth century came out in the open with the revolts of the summer of 1857.

» hacer una aparición públicamake + a public appearance .

Example: After 40 days of seclusion, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has made a public appearance, an outing that could help quell rumors about his health.

» hacienda públicanational treasury, theTreasury, the .

Example: In general a kleptocrat regards the national treasury as his own personal checking account.

Example: Focus of interest will be all libraries directly financed by the Treasury.

» huelga del transporte públicopublic transport strike .

Example: The Paris public transport strike that began last Tuesday evening is slated to continue through at least early this week.

» humillar en públicotar and feather [Práctica obsoleta para castigar y humillar a alguien en frente de todos] .

Example: On Sunday evening, an alleged drug dealer was tarred and feathered in a Belfast street as passers-by looked on.

» imagen públicapublic image .

Example: The poor public image of library and information work implies that SLIS will continue to have difficulty in securing the resource base to compete effectively.

» indignación públicapublic outrage .

Example: Public outrage can reshape political discourse and policy making.

» influir en la opinión públicainfluence + public opinion .

Example: It appears that this criticism will not diminish in the future and has the potential to influence public opinion.

» ingresos públicos provenientes del petróleooil revenues .

Example: This article describes the outpouring of official documents on cultural policy and mentions the hope of rescue from the crisis by means of oil revenues.

» institución públicapublic institutionpublic organisation .

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.

Example: 158 public organisations with very diverse computer machinery formed a combine to develop an application which would make the database available on the organisations' different computer systems. = 158 instituciones públicas con equipos informáticos muy diversos crearon un grupo para desarrollar una aplicación que hiciera que la base de datos estuviese disponible en sus diferentes sistemas informáticos.

» interés públicopublic interest .

Example: It is, however, possible for member states to make exemptions to this restriction on grounds of important public interest.

» inversión públicapublic investment .

Example: With the increasing demand for accountability, libraries should be able to justify budgetary requests by translating public investment in libraries into an economic return.

» jardín públicopublic garden .

Example: Parks and public garderns are examples of public spaces where individuals are free to mingle in the company of strangers = Los parques y los jardines públicos son ejemplos de espacios públicos donde la gente es libre de mezclarse con otros.

» juicio públicopublic trial .

Example: Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial.

» la manifestación pública dethe public display of .

Example: The more obvious effect is the public display of jollity that, when surrounded by others in the same spirit, brings an amazing energy and excitement to the air.

» lavabo públicopublic restroom .

Example: When planning a library considerations need to be made of shared space, such as hallways, staff lounges, public restrooms, meeting rooms and storerooms.

» lo públicopublicness  .

Example: These currents are bringing about the de-centring of ideas about authentic forms of publicness and the sidelining of palpable modern forms of politics.

» lugar públicopublic place .

Example: The first step is to bring the library to them by organising stalls and exhibitions in public places.

» manipular la opinión públicamanipulate + people's opinionsmanipulate + public opinion .

Example: Equally powerful is the capacity of words to propagandize, create distrust, fuel hatred, or manipulate peoples' opinions in support of foregone political agendas.

Example: The less aligned their policy preferences are with that of the majority,
the more incentive they have to manipulate public opinion.

» mantener el orden públicomaintain + public order .

Example: Peacekeeping may additionally entail maintaining public order in the period following the cease of hostilities.

» mantenerse al margen de la mirada públicastay out of + the limelight .

Example: 'You can stay out of harm's way,' he replied, 'by going underground and staying out of the limelight'.

» mantenerse al margen de la vida públicastay out of + the limelight .

Example: 'You can stay out of harm's way,' he replied, 'by going underground and staying out of the limelight'.

» mercado públicopublic market .

Example: Public markets are a time-proven tradition within communities and an alternative to more modern establishments vending produce and goods.

» Ministerio de Obras Públicas, elRoad Department, the .

Example: Road Department officials said that using paver tiles to cover potholes on asphalt roads was slipshod.

» módulo de catálogo de acceso público en líneaonline public access catalogue module .

Example: Functions of this library system include: cataloguing; authority control; online public access catalogue; circulation; acquisitions; and serials control modules.

» mofa públicapublic ridicule .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» monumento público conmemorativopublic memorial .

Example: The author examines the background to Ireland's public memorials (crosses, obelisks, cenotaphs and figure sculptures) to those who died in World War I.

» moral públicapublic morality .

Example: It has been a nudist beach since the 1960s, but this year it has been labelled by local authorities as harmful to 'public morality'.

» mostrar los sentimientos en públicowear + Posesivo + heart on + Posesivo + sleeve .

Example: Miss Clough's privacy was legendary; she did not wear her heart on her sleeve, but she did put her heart into her painting.

» no públiconon-public .

Example: A number of non-public libraries participated in the co-operative scheme and they were known as outlier libraries.

» notario públiconotarynotary public .

Example: Nearly all notaries are required by their state laws to use an official seal of office when performing notarial acts.

Example: This article covers the records of the Law Society on attorneys and solicitors; civilian lawyers; scriveners and notaries public; and the judiciary and personnel of the courts = Este artículo trata de los registros del Colegio de Abogados sobre abogados y procuradores, abogados civiles, notarios públicos y la judicatura y el personal de los juzgados.

» NYPL (Biblioteca Pública de Nueva York)NYPL (New York Public Library) .

Example: MARC records have also been used in book catalogs produced by the New York Public Library (NYPL), the Washington State Library, and others.

» obras públicaspublic works .

Example: Furthermore libraries simply are not as essential to the life of the community as better police protection, improved fire-fighting and public works equipment, increased street lighting, and the like.

» ocupar un cargo públicohold + a public office .

Example: Atheists are prohibited from holding public office in many US states.

» opinión públicapublic opinionoutside-world .

Example: The author discusses whether libraries still retain a function as agents of cultural change and moulders of public opinion.

Example: The Publications Office may fairly be said to present itself to the outside-world as a distributor by way of sale, since its overt involvement in free distribution is essentially accessory to that.

» opinión pública, lapublic mind, the .

Example: These statistics were later proved to be erroneous, but the damage was done in the public mind = Posteriormente, se demostró que estos resultados estadísticos eran erróneos, pero el daño ya se había hecho en la opinión pública.

» ordenadores de uso públicoPAWS (Public access workstations) [En una institutición académica o pública, ordenador disponible al público para uso personal] .

Example: Each PAWS computer has both Netscape and Internet Explorer installed, complete with bookmarks to health related resources.

» orden públicopublic orderlaw and ordercivil order .

Example: The Public Order Act 1986 contains many of the more common public order offences such as riot, affray and threatening behaviour.

Example: Every politician running for office in the November elections recognized that law-and-order demagoguery was the ticket to success.

Example: As police commissioner he will advocate for policies that will help restore true civil order to a country that has long been deprived of it.

» organismo de beneficencia públicapublic trust .

Example: In October, the federal government announced a policy change that removes the tax advantage enjoyed by public trusts by the end of 2010.

» organismo públicopublic body .

Example: Public bodies have a rather limited view of the reality of urban security and people's sense of security, especially women's.

» organizar un acto públicoorganise + a function .

Example: The RML can organise large functions in the adjacent civic hall.

» parque públicopublic park .

Example: Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.

» pegar una nota en un sitio públicopost .

Example: A broadside is a separately published piece of paper, printed on one side only and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g. proclamations, handbills, ballad-sheets, news-sheets.

» peligro públicopublic danger .

Example: Increasingly, however, problems with sleep are being framed as public dangers, risks generated by drowsy people during the times they are expected to be awake.

» personaje públicopublic figure .

Example: There is an increasing trend for public figures to take legal action to limit access to their papers.

» plaza públicapublic square .

Example: Dancing in public squares is popular among middle-aged women across China, but noise complaints are rising.

» poder públicopublic power .

Example: This article discusses several specific instances of abuses of public power that involved a questionable relationship between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and various universities during the McCarthy period.

» política públicapublic policy [Cuestiones relacionadas la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar social que afectan a la mayoría de los ciudadanos] .

Example: Public policy is applied to matters of public health, safety and welfare.

» poner una nota en un sitio públicopost .

Example: A broadside is a separately published piece of paper, printed on one side only and intended to be read unfolded; usually intended to be posted, publicly distributed, or sold, e.g. proclamations, handbills, ballad-sheets, news-sheets.

» presupuestos públicos

Pública synonyms

state in spanish: estado, pronunciation: steɪt part of speech: noun world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun open in spanish: abierto, pronunciation: oʊpən part of speech: adjective, verb common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective community in spanish: comunidad, pronunciation: kəmjunəti part of speech: noun national in spanish: nacional, pronunciation: næʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun populace in spanish: populacho, pronunciation: pɑpjələs part of speech: noun unrestricted in spanish: irrestricto, pronunciation: ənristrɪktɪd part of speech: adjective semipublic in spanish: semipublic, pronunciation: seməpʌblɪk part of speech: adjective state-supported in spanish: apoyado por el estado, pronunciation: steɪtsəpɔrtəd part of speech: adjective unexclusive in spanish: no excluyente, pronunciation: ənɪksklusɪv part of speech: adjective
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