Pío in english


pronunciation: tʃip part of speech: noun
In gestures

piar = chirp ; twitter. 

Example: Many music theorists claim that passages in music refer to objects, such as babbling brooks, chirping birds, rustling leaves, and chugging trains, by imitating them.Example: We passed by a cherry tree already in full blossom, though it was only March, and noticed the sound of skylarks twittering above our heads.

pío1 = twitter. 

Example: I then heard a twitter of distress immediately above me, and, looking up, was delighted to see the female perched on a twig above me.


» ni píonot a dicky bird .

Example: You can ask but you won't get a dicky-bird out of either of them.

» sin decir ni píoas quiet as a mousewithout saying a wordwithout questionunquestioninglytight-lipped .

Example: Quiet as a mouse, she had crept in to see what they were doing.

Example: And there was the curious behaviour of Plantin's compositor Michel Mayer, who in June 1564 spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a brothel, then packed his things and left the establishment without saying a word to anyone.

Example: The nature of science is that one should not accept anything without question and if you are accepting scientific theory without question.

Example: We should be cautious about accepting the recall-precision curve unquestioningly.

Example: Police remain tight-lipped over the sudden, unexplained death of a security guard in west Auckland.

pío2 = pious ; God-fearing ; godly . 

Example: This pious plantation owner wanted to teach Christianity to 12 of his slaves by inviting them to participate in a reenactment of the Last Supper.Example: On this increasingly God-fearing globe, only Western Europe looks like the last bastion of secularism -- or are the faithful here too returning to the fold?.Example: Many people want to have a godly home but are putting the 'cart before the horse'?.

pío3 = pied ; piebald ; skewbald. 

Example: West African indigenous pigs are black, white, black and white or pied in colour with well developed hair coat and erect ears.Example: He has some black and tan and some piebald and some silver dapple in his coloring.Example: His coloring is called skewbald, and it is caused by a genetic variation.


» caballo píopied horsepiebald horse .

Example: The name brings a picture of colorful wagons being drawn by pied horses.

Example: As Brienne mounted up again, she glimpsed a skinny boy atop a piebald horse at the far end of the village.

Pío synonyms

peep in spanish: mirar furtivamente, pronunciation: pip part of speech: noun, verb chirp in spanish: chirrido, pronunciation: tʃɜrp part of speech: noun, verb chirrup in spanish: gorjeo, pronunciation: tʃɪrəp part of speech: noun, verb twirp in spanish: twirp, pronunciation: twɜrp part of speech: noun
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