Píldora in english


pronunciation: pɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

píldora = pill ; tablet. 

Example: White respondents are more than six times as likely to use pills to vomit as a method of weight management.Example: There are many different tablets available to treat diabetes.


» dorar la píldorasweeten + the pillspin-doctorsugar + the pillsugar-coat + the pillsugar-coattake + the teeth out of .

Example: They also differ in their views of what can be done to 'sweeten the pill,' whether death ought to be viewed as a barrier to self-fulfillment or a means of self-transcendence.

Example: The field is clouded by manufacturers hyping their own products and industry factions spin-doctoring new technologies.

Example: Liberal economists like to sugar the pill by talking about constructing a social safety net.

Example: The government has attempted to sugar-coat the pill by making various promises about maintenance of employment and working conditions.

Example: Some Muslims try to sugar-coat the ugly truths about the way their religion is practised.

Example: Sometimes making fun of something terrible helps to take the teeth out of it.

» estar tomando la píldora anticonceptivabe on the pill .

Example: Women who have been on the pill for 10 or more years cut their risk of ovarian cancer by about 45%.

» la píldorathe pill .

Example: Young people stated that they were wary of using either the pill or injectable contraceptives because they believed that these methods would make them sterile.

» píldora anticonceptivacontraceptive pillbirth control pill .

Example: Forty-one percent of the women understood that contraceptive pills do not prevent infection.

Example: The teacher provided students with a list of drugs such as birth control pills, caffeine, tobacco, aspirin, & a variety of illegal substances (eg, marijuana, cocaine, LSD).

» píldora del día despuésmorning-after pill .

Example: It is argued that birth control, including 'morning-after pills,' can reduce the effectiveness of rape as a weapon in ethnic conflict.

» píldora para adelgazarslimming pill .

Example: Several slimming pills have been taken off the market because they have very serious side effects.

» píldora para dormirsleeping pill .

Example: The prescription of sleeping pills remains as an indicator of the medicalization of sleep.

» píldora postcoitalmorning-after pill .

Example: It is argued that birth control, including 'morning-after pills,' can reduce the effectiveness of rape as a weapon in ethnic conflict.

Píldora synonyms

tablet in spanish: tableta, pronunciation: tæblət part of speech: noun lozenge in spanish: pastilla, pronunciation: lɔzəndʒ part of speech: noun oral contraceptive pill in spanish: píldora anticonceptiva oral, pronunciation: ɔrəlkɑntrəseptɪvpɪl part of speech: noun contraceptive pill in spanish: píldora anticonceptiva, pronunciation: kɑntrəseptɪvpɪl part of speech: noun birth control pill in spanish: pastilla del día después, pronunciation: bɜrθkəntroʊlpɪl part of speech: noun anovulatory drug in spanish: droga anovulatoria, pronunciation: ənɑvjələtɔridrəg part of speech: noun oral contraceptive in spanish: anticonceptivo oral, pronunciation: ɔrəlkɑntrəseptɪv part of speech: noun
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