Puñetero in english


pronunciation: blʌdi part of speech: adjective
In gestures

puñetero = bloody ; goddam(n) ; damn ; goddamned ; effing ; blooming ; dang ; ruddy . 

Example: Prince Charles has admitted he is a 'bloody nuisance' lobbying on green issues but concedes he will have to curb his campaigning when he becomes king.Example: It's all goddam lies from start to finish.Example: And we can't do it if we're again slavishly and uncritically, for reasons of imagined cost savings, accepting every damn thing that comes out of the tube.Example: Is it true that President Bush called the Constitution a 'goddamned piece of paper'?.Example: They work so effing hard and the so called fans give them a kick in the teeth when they need their support the most.Example: I'm still trying to establish what the fashion etiquette is for dressing in such blooming cold weather.Example: The fool behind me was in such a dang hurry that he wanted me to run the people over who were crossing the street.Example: With his own life in such a ruddy mess, what right had he to give advice to his assistant?.


» no tener ni puñetera idea sobre Algonot know the first thing aboutnot have the foggiest idea [Con frecuencia se omite la palabra idea al final]not have the slightest ideanot have the vaguest idea .

Example: The article is entitled 'We don't know the first thing about digitization: Assessing the Need for Digitization Training'.

Example: I don't have the foggiest idea how one would go about it.

Example: Most of our friends don't know the bow from the stem, or have the slightest idea what starboard means, which does present a problem or two.

Example: The worst thing about it was that she didn't have the vaguest idea why she wanted to do that in the first place.

Puñetero synonyms

red in spanish: rojo, pronunciation: red part of speech: adjective, noun damn in spanish: Maldita sea, pronunciation: dæm part of speech: adjective, verb, adverb internecine in spanish: aniquilación mutua, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnəsin part of speech: adjective crimson in spanish: carmesí, pronunciation: krɪmzən part of speech: adjective violent in spanish: violento, pronunciation: vaɪələnt part of speech: adjective gory in spanish: sangriento, pronunciation: gɔri part of speech: adjective blinking in spanish: parpadeo, pronunciation: blɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: noun cutthroat in spanish: asesino, pronunciation: kʌtθroʊt part of speech: adjective, noun bally in spanish: excesivamente, pronunciation: bæli part of speech: noun flaming in spanish: llameante, pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective sanguinary in spanish: sanguinario, pronunciation: sæŋgwɪneri part of speech: adjective blooded in spanish: de pura sangre, pronunciation: blʌdɪd part of speech: adjective sanguineous in spanish: sanguíneo, pronunciation: sæŋgwinuz part of speech: adjective murderous in spanish: asesino, pronunciation: mɜrdɜrəs part of speech: adjective bloodthirsty in spanish: sanguinario, pronunciation: blʌdθɜrsti part of speech: adjective bloodied in spanish: ensangrentado, pronunciation: blʌdid part of speech: adjective bloodstained in spanish: ensangrentado, pronunciation: blʌdsteɪnd part of speech: adjective crashing in spanish: estrellarse, pronunciation: kræʃɪŋ part of speech: verb homicidal in spanish: homicida, pronunciation: hɑməsaɪdəl part of speech: adjective bloody-minded in spanish: de mente sangrienta, pronunciation: blʌdimɪndɪd part of speech: adjective bloodsucking in spanish: chupasangre, pronunciation: blʌdsəkɪŋ part of speech: adjective all-fired in spanish: a todo fuego, pronunciation: ɔlfaɪɜrd part of speech: adjective, adverb butcherly in spanish: carnicería, pronunciation: bʊtʃɜrli part of speech: adjective slaughterous in spanish: sangrante, pronunciation: slɔtɜrəs part of speech: adjective blood-filled in spanish: lleno de sangre, pronunciation: blʌdfɪld part of speech: adjective mutually ruinous in spanish: mutuamente ruinoso, pronunciation: mjutʃuəlɪruənəs part of speech: adjective
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