Puñalada in english


pronunciation: stæb part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

puñalada = stab ; stab wound ; stabbing ; slash wound. 

Example: This item of news penetrated his heart like a stab = This item of news penetrated his heart like a stab.Example: Stab wounds are caused most obviously by knives, but are also caused by bayonets and swords, as well as scissors and screwdrivers.Example: Two men and a woman were hospitalized late Sunday after domestic argument led to multiple stabbings.Example: A car wash worker died after being admitted to the hospital with slash wounds and bruises on his body.


» asestar una puñaladaknife .

Example: They became so angry that they knifed him in the head.

» dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espaldastab + Alguien + in the back .

Example: This guy ran as someone who was a different and fair politician, and he stabbed us in the back .

» dar a Alguien una puñalada traperastab + Alguien + in the back .

Example: This guy ran as someone who was a different and fair politician, and he stabbed us in the back .

» matar a puñaladasstab + Nombre + to deathknife + Nombre + to death .

Example: A youth who killed a woman at a christening stabbed a teenage girl to death weeks later.

Example: Police are hunting the killers of a man knifed to death with a kitchen knife at his flat.

» puñalada por la espaldastab in the back .

Example: That is why, though its origins are elsewhere, the stab in the back has become the sustaining myth of modern American nationalism.

» puñalada traperastab in the back .

Example: That is why, though its origins are elsewhere, the stab in the back has become the sustaining myth of modern American nationalism.

Puñalada synonyms

dig in spanish: cavar, pronunciation: dɪg part of speech: verb, noun thrust in spanish: empuje, pronunciation: θrʌst part of speech: noun, verb knife in spanish: cuchillo, pronunciation: naɪf part of speech: noun poke in spanish: meter, pronunciation: poʊk part of speech: verb, noun prod in spanish: pinchar, pronunciation: prɑd part of speech: noun, verb jab in spanish: pinchazo, pronunciation: dʒæb part of speech: noun, verb knife thrust in spanish: empuje de cuchillo, pronunciation: naɪfθrʌst part of speech: noun
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