Puta in english


pronunciation: bɪtʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

puta = whore ; slut ; tart ; hooker ; slag ; slapper ; strumpet ; drab ; harlot ; chippy. 

Example: In penitentiaries, nuns & whores shared a similar lifestyle & regimen, reducing the social & moral space between them.Example: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on 'nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.Example: She loves wearing lots of make up and looking like a tart.Example: The actual quotation from Castro's 1992 speech reads as follows: 'There are hookers, but prostitution is not allowed in our country'.Example: Sleeping around does not make a woman a slag or a slapper -- a look at sex, lies and sterotypes that still persist today.Example: Sleeping around does not make a woman a slag or a slapper -- a look at sex, lies and sterotypes that still persist today.Example: She was is a bit of a strumpet and was nearly killed by her husband on her wedding night when he discovered that she was pregnant.Example: Prostitutes (whores, strumpets, drabs, harlots) are closely associated with the concepts of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and betrayal.Example: Prostitutes (whores, strumpets, drabs, harlots) are closely associated with the concepts of dishonesty, hypocrisy, and betrayal.Example: The only way chippies like her will stop acting so cheap is if men stop giving them attention.


» andar como puta por rastrojohave + a hard timefind + times hardhave + a tough timehave + a rough timehave + a rough ride .

Example: Scholars are going to have a hard time finding that reference.

Example: The same applies to our farmers who also are finding times hard, despite many people thinking they are made of money and having it easy.

Example: He had a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travelbag onto the plane and stuffing it in the overhead bin.

Example: I've been having a rough time these past two months getting over a breakup.

Example: They have had a rough ride, but Austrian sweet wines are back with a vengeance.

» casa de putasbrothelbawdy house [bawdyhouse]whorehousecathousebordello .

Example: And there was the curious behaviour of Plantin's compositor Michel Mayer, who in June 1564 spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in a brothel, then packed his things and left the establishment without saying a word to anyone.

Example: The author describes the cowboys, barrooms, variety theaters, and bawdy houses and their patrons in an attempt to separate historical reality from local myth.

Example: It turns out that her husband to be was a country music kind of guy and she ran a whorehouse.

Example: To search answers by using drugs is the same as searching love in a cathouse.

Example: Theatres, cafés, cabarets, bars, bordellos, carnival fairs and the gutter. were the places where the artist found his subject matter.

» de puta madrefantasticwickedswellthe dog's bollocksthe bee's kneesthe cat's meowthe cat's pyjamasthe cat's whiskersbadass [Adjetivo usado generalmente en sentido positivo]kick-arse/asskick-butt .

Example: GODORT has done a fantastic job of dealing with and solving documents problems.

Example: London in the 90s was wicked.

Example: I was reading this book in anticipatian of the movie and it was swell, it was so good I read it two days straight.

Example: For reasons that aren't clear 'the dog's bollocks,' which have all the credentials to be thought of badly, are considered the top of the tree.

Example: By the 1930s, 'cool as a cucumber' was 'the bee's knees,' slang of the era for 'excellent'.

Example: Both are considered to be the cat's meow but in different fields of machining.

Example: He's supposed to be the cat's pyjamas in modern classical music today.

Example: And if its wines are no longer considered the cat's whiskers, you should not let that prevent you from visiting Sydney.

Example: You can think of Homer as a badass literary ninja who wailed out a lyre solo so face-melting that it was remembered for the rest of history, and then dropped a smoke bomb and back-flipped out of sight forever.

Example: I also have a kick-arse group of people working with me to build the business.

Example: Finding the right market and coming up with a kick-butt idea can easily make the difference between a struggling business and a successful one.

» de puta penaappallingdeplorable  ; awful .

Example: His article, 'The skeleton in the closet: public libraries art collections suffer appalling losses,' examines the problem of theft and mutilation of art materials in public libraries.

Example: We agree with Price that using the words 'citation' and 'reference' interchangeably is a deplorable waste of a good technical term.

Example: These articles were written by those who have had first hand experience of the awful consequences of not devoting enough time to testing their security systems.

» estar en la puta callebe out on + Posesivo + ear .

Example: However, things aren't going her way in West Wirral and if the polls can be trusted, she'll be out on her ear next week.

» hijo de putarotter  ; fucker  ; motherfuckerson of a bitchson of a gun .

Example: When she had finished Beck said reassuringly: 'Don't let old Tilly bother you - She can be a rotter at times - She's a Jekyl and Hyde, if ever there was one - One minute she's fine; another, she's a monster'.

Example: Why are little kids such fuckers? -- my brother seriously needs to learn to grow up.

Example: Such motherfuckers like you should stay away from my country.

Example: I'd love to see that son of a bitch roasted on a spit, but only God knows why, she's sticking by his side.

Example: Soon bad things will happen to Nabal and his family because he's such a son of a gun that nobody can talk sense to him.

» ir de putaswhoringgo + whoring .

Example: The library was created as a mechanism of social control to act as an antidote to the miners' proclivity for drinking, whoring and gambling.

Example: Getting drunk and going whoring doesn't make you a man!.

» no tener ni puta ideanot get + Posesivo + shit together .

Example: To begin with a vulgarism, the public libraries have definitely not got their shit together.

» no tener ni puta idea sobre Algonot know the first thing aboutnot have the foggiest idea [Con frecuencia se omite la palabra idea al final]not have the slightest ideanot have the vaguest idea .

Example: The article is entitled 'We don't know the first thing about digitization: Assessing the Need for Digitization Training'.

Example: I don't have the foggiest idea how one would go about it.

Example: Most of our friends don't know the bow from the stem, or have the slightest idea what starboard means, which does present a problem or two.

Example: The worst thing about it was that she didn't have the vaguest idea why she wanted to do that in the first place.

» pasarlas putasjump through + hoopsbe to hell and backhave + a devil of a timego through + (sheer) hellgo through + a (real) ordealgo through + a lotbe through a lothave + a shitty timehave + a rotten timebe a/one hell of a roller coaster (ride)go through + hell and back .

Example: The article is entitled 'Jumping through Hoops, Walking on Eggshells: The Experiences of Library Students with Disabilities'.

Example: These wrinklies are the wise men who have been to hell and back.

Example: As for poor Marilyn, she is the black sheep of the family, who has a devil of a time holding onto a boyfriend.

Example: Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it.

Example: My second delivery was an emergency C-section to a ten pound baby who went through a real ordeal as I waited for the doctor to arrive.

Example: These people may go through a lot but they keep smiling and are grateful for what they do have.

Example: We've been through a lot together and most of it was your fault.

Example: You sound like someone who has had a shitty time growing up, and I suspect that your problems lie in other realms of the mind.

Example: I am still married to Judy who has had a rotten time being my wife.

Example: It's been a hell of a roller coaster ride, but one thing I learned from this is, all you can do is take one day at time.

Example: This chickadee on the picture here is still fighting after going through hell and back and every time I get news of her progress, my heart fills with joy.

» puta itinerantetravelling prostitute .

Example: There has been an influx of traveling prostitutes who advertise on web sites and meet customers in hotels and motels along Interstate 95 from Florida to South Carolina.
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