Purulento in english


pronunciation: pjʊrulənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

purulento = purulent ; festering ; rankling ; pussy . 

Example: For instance, if discharge is 'watery' or 'purulent,' vision is 'blurred,' pain is 'moderate,' then corneal trauma or infection is diagnosed.Example: The Senate is a festering pustule on the arse end of Canada's democracy.Example: Another early hero of Surrealism, Salvador Dali, had been excommunicated for a rankling crime: success.Example: Unfortunately I caught an infection in my leg causing the ulcer to inflame and become very pussy and sore.

Purulento synonyms

pussy in spanish: coño, pronunciation: pʊsi part of speech: noun putrid in spanish: podrido, pronunciation: pjutrɪd part of speech: adjective septic in spanish: séptico, pronunciation: septɪk part of speech: adjective festering in spanish: supurando, pronunciation: festɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun infected in spanish: infectado, pronunciation: ɪnfektəd part of speech: adjective
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