Puro in english


pronunciation: pjʊr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

puro1 = cigar. 

Example: The Dutch, too, started making cigars using tobacco from their Far Eastern colonies.


» caja de puroscigar box .

Example: Almost everybody we know had their treasures or some of their personal items stashed away in an old cigar box.

» cigarro purocigar .

Example: The Dutch, too, started making cigars using tobacco from their Far Eastern colonies.

» meterle un puro a Alguienthrow + the book at .

Example: I hope they throw the book at him, as anybody should be able to go anywhere they want without getting attacked.

puro2 = pure ; stark ; unmixed ; naked ; raw ; sheer ; stainless ; chaste. 

Example: The notation used in DC is pure, and numbers.Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.Example: But the next Oxford catalog, published in 1620, represented an unmixed finding catalog, consisting of one alphabetical listing of all the books in the library irrespective of their arrangement on the shelves.Example: Everything in this book is set down without reference to context, or author's intention, or the naked facts and figures, or the difference between one kind of writing and reading and another.Example: Vegetable fibres in their raw state contain the necessary strands of cellulose which can be converted into paper.Example: The sheer bulk of the headings and the complexity of references structures is sufficient to confirm that a more systematic approach might prove fruitful.Example: In this study of sapphism in the British novel, Moore often directs our attention to the periphery of sapphic romances, when an abjected body suffers on behalf of the stainless heroine.Example: Believe it or not, you can be celibate without being chaste, and chaste without being celibate.


» ciencias puraspure sciences .

Example: The candidates selected represent a wide range of disciplines from the pure sciences to the Arts.

» color purotrue colour .

Example: True colors are the outstanding feature of his work.

» de pura cepapure-bloodtrue-blood .

Example: A pure-blood vampire has no human blood in their line of ancestry.

Example: To be sure, Jesus himself was a true-blood descendant of Abraham, and His genealogy is important for theological reasons.

» de pura desesperaciónin sheer desperation .

Example: In sheer desperation, he broke away from the two policemen who claimed to be protecting him and ran to the squad car, begging for protection.

» de pura razapure-bloodpurebredpedigreed .

Example: A pure-blood vampire has no human blood in their line of ancestry.

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

» de pura sangrepure-bloodtrue-bloodpurebred .

Example: A pure-blood vampire has no human blood in their line of ancestry.

Example: To be sure, Jesus himself was a true-blood descendant of Abraham, and His genealogy is important for theological reasons.

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

» de raza purapurebredpedigreed .

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

» la pura verdadthe plain truththe plain fact .

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

Example: The plain fact is that javelin throwing by itself is too destructive to the body to allow an endless amount of throws.

» notación purapure notation [Notación que usa sólo un tipo de símbolos (letras, números, etc.)] .

Example: A pure notation is a notation that uses only one kind of symbol, for example, letters or numbers.

» perro de raza purapedigreed dog .

Example: Pedigreed dogs are not always better than normally bred dogs, and can have serious health disorders as the result of inbreeding.

» por (pura) curiosidad(just) out of interest(just) as a mater of interest(just) out of (sheer) curiosity(just) for the sake of curiosity(just) for curiosity's sake .

Example: The only drawback to this book is that a person looking up a word may continue reading for another 15 minutes or so just out of interest.

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.

Example: Scientists collect knowledge partly because they want to improve the world, but often just out of curiosity.

Example: There are the curious people who like anything that is out of the ordinary just for the sake of curiosity.

Example: If you find one that you like, I'd love for you to show me sometime, just for curiosity's sake.

» por pura diversiónfor kicksjust for a laughjust for laughsjust for funjust for kicks (and giggles)just for the fun of it .

Example: These robbers carry out their vicious attacks for 'kicks' and street credibility rather than cash, a chilling study reveals.

Example: And she tore it up and threw it in my face, just for a laugh.

Example: My guess is the guy who did it had a sense of humor and probably did it just for laughs.

Example: We mostly did it just for fun, we never thought about doing it for anything else.

Example: The boys, aged 14 to 18 at the time, said they were high and they did it just for kicks.

Example: Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?.

» por puro entretenimiento(just) for the fun of (doing) it(just) for the hell of (doing) it(just) for the sake of it(just) for the devil of it .

Example: Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it.

Example: The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'.

Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

» por puro placer(just) for the fun of (doing) it(just) for the hell of (doing) it(just) for the sake of it(just) for funjust for a laughjust for laughsjust for funjust for kicks (and giggles)just for the fun of it(just) for the devil of it .

Example: Last week, I decided to collect as many sarcastic and funny remarks as I could, just for the fun of it.

Example: The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'.

Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.

Example: Research shows that teenagers also use the Web as a as an entertainment source -- to play or download games, listen to music, or surf the Web for fun = Las investigaciones nos muestran que los adolescentes también utilizan la web como fuente de entretenimiento (para jugar o descargar juegos, escuchar música o navegar por la red por pura diversión).

Example: And she tore it up and threw it in my face, just for a laugh.

Example: My guess is the guy who did it had a sense of humor and probably did it just for laughs.

Example: We mostly did it just for fun, we never thought about doing it for anything else.

Example: The boys, aged 14 to 18 at the time, said they were high and they did it just for kicks.

Example: Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

» pura lanapure wool .

Example: Made from 100% pure wool, not only will this feel soft, but it will keep its shape for years to come.

» pura lana virgenpure new wool .

Example: This is the perfect yarn for knitting when the luxury and durability of pure new wool is desired.

» pura palabreríajust hot air .

Example: We can complain about politics, politicians and our country's downward spiral, but our words are just hot air if we are not informed.

» pura razablood horsethoroughbredpurebredpurebreed .

Example: Noble descent was as evident in him as in a blood horse.

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Catalog editing with Carlyle's 'CATIE': a thoroughbred or a workhorse?'.

Example: It's estimated over 30% of canines being adopted are purebreds.

Example: According to many studies, 25 - 30% of the dogs in shelters are purebreeds.

» pura realidad, lastark reality, the .

Example: For those involved in producing BNB, the eighties have seen this question leap in a single bound into the realm of stark reality from the cosy abstraction of AACR2.

» pura sangrethoroughbredblood horsepurebredpurebreed .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Catalog editing with Carlyle's 'CATIE': a thoroughbred or a workhorse?'.

Example: Noble descent was as evident in him as in a blood horse.

Example: It's estimated over 30% of canines being adopted are purebreds.

Example: According to many studies, 25 - 30% of the dogs in shelters are purebreeds.

» pura verdad, launvarnished truth, la pure truth, thebald truth, the .

Example: Like its predecessor, it wants to strip away the sentimentality surrounding male-female relationships and reveal the ugly, unvarnished truth.

Example: But the pure truth can only be perceived by discerning it from falsehood.

Example: Prince Harry, known for taking swipes at his brother Prince William's receding hairline, is facing the bald truth that his ginger locks are also thinning.

» puro de corazónpure of heart .

Example: Though the national media will ignore his candidacy, the politically pure of heart will be able to vote their conscience -- and once again have a grand old Quixotic time pissing into the wind.

» puro nerviolive wire [Dicho de una persona] .

Example: The man is a live wire of nerves and predictable unpredictability.

» puro y durounvarnished .

Example: He presents us with an unvarnished look at their fanaticism.

» respirar aire purotake in + fresh air .

Example: Throughout history, school recess has been promoted as a time for children to take in fresh air and release their pent-up energy.

» salir purocome away + pure .

Example: I think you have the right to say what you want, but you can't cozy up with violence mongers and come away pure = Creo que tienes derecho a decir lo que quieras, pero no puedes congraciarte con incitadores de la violencia y salir puro.

» ser puro nerviobe a (real) ball of firebe a real fireball .

Example: Lola was a ball of fire when she was on her game -- she could do the work of ten people.

Example: She was a real fireball, a person of big, sparky energy.

» ser un (mero/puro) formalismobe (just) a formality .

Example: Letters of resignation are just a formality, and not even required in many companies (in my part of the world at least).

» ser un (mero/puro) trámitebe (just) a formality .

Example: Letters of resignation are just a formality, and not even required in many companies (in my part of the world at least).

Puro synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective white in spanish: blanco, pronunciation: waɪt part of speech: adjective, noun sheer in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective fine in spanish: multa, pronunciation: faɪn part of speech: adjective clean in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: klin part of speech: adjective, verb perfect in spanish: Perfecto, pronunciation: pɜrfekt part of speech: adjective complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun consummate in spanish: consumar, pronunciation: kɑnsəmət part of speech: adjective, verb fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective stark in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: stɑrk part of speech: adjective absolute in spanish: absoluto, pronunciation: æbsəlut part of speech: adjective vivid in spanish: vívido, pronunciation: vɪvəd part of speech: adjective intense in spanish: intenso, pronunciation: ɪntens part of speech: adjective native in spanish: nativo, pronunciation: neɪtɪv part of speech: adjective, noun pristine in spanish: prístino, pronunciation: prɪstin part of speech: adjective utter in spanish: pronunciar, pronunciation: ʌtɜr part of speech: verb arrant in spanish: redomado, pronunciation: ærənt part of speech: adjective virtuous in spanish: virtuoso, pronunciation: vɜrtʃuəs part of speech: adjective chaste in spanish: casto, pronunciation: tʃeɪst part of speech: adjective virgin in spanish: Virgen, pronunciation: vɜrdʒɪn part of speech: noun, adjective immaculate in spanish: inmaculado, pronunciation: ɪmækjulɪt part of speech: adjective sublimate in spanish: sublimado, pronunciation: sʌbləmeɪt part of speech: verb, noun refined in spanish: refinado, pronunciation: rəfaɪnd part of speech: adjective theoretical in spanish: teórico, pronunciation: θiɜretɪkəl part of speech: adjective everlasting in spanish: eterno, pronunciation: evɜrlæstɪŋ part of speech: adjective staring in spanish: curioso, pronunciation: sterɪŋ part of speech: adjective, adverb harmonious in spanish: armonioso, pronunciation: hɑrmoʊniəs part of speech: adjective saturated in spanish: saturado, pronunciation: sætʃɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective vestal in spanish: vestal, pronunciation: vestəl part of speech: noun unadulterated in spanish: puro, pronunciation: ənədʌltɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective virginal in spanish: virginal, pronunciation: vɜrdʒənəl part of speech: adjective unalloyed in spanish: puro, pronunciation: ənælɔɪd part of speech: adjective thoroughgoing in spanish: concienzudo, pronunciation: θɔraʊgəgoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective unclouded in spanish: desnudado, pronunciation: ənkloʊdɪd part of speech: adjective sodding in spanish: jodido, pronunciation: sɑdɪŋ part of speech: verb, noun axenic in spanish: axénico, pronunciation: əksenɪk part of speech: adjective undefiled in spanish: puro, pronunciation: ʌndəfaɪld part of speech: adjective purified in spanish: purificado, pronunciation: pjʊrəfaɪd part of speech: adjective undiluted in spanish: sin diluir, pronunciation: əndəlutɪd part of speech: adjective unmixed in spanish: sin mezclar, pronunciation: ənmɪkst part of speech: adjective double-dyed in spanish: doble teñido, pronunciation: dʌbəldaɪd uncontaminated in spanish: sin contaminar, pronunciation: ənkəntæməneɪtəd part of speech: adjective unpolluted in spanish: impoluto, pronunciation: ənpəlutɪd part of speech: adjective unmingled in spanish: sin mezcla, pronunciation: ənmɪŋgəld part of speech: adjective
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