Purificador in english


pronunciation: pjʊrəfaɪɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

purificador1 = purifier. 

Example: These purifiers are targeted at asthma patients since they eliminate all dust particles rendering the air pure and clean.


» purificador de aguawater purifier .

Example: While both water filters and water purifiers are excellent when it comes to removing bacteria, keep in mind that only a water purifier will remove viruses from your drinking water.

» purificador de aireair purifier .

Example: Americans spend an estimated $250 million annually on air purifiers for their homes.

purificador2 = purifying. 

Example: He is the most recent reformer to nail his purifying theses to the door of conservatism's cathedral is Michael Gerson.


» planta purificadora de aguawater treatment facilitywater treatment plant .

Example: This new water treatment facility is now the largest-capacity facility of its kind in California and the third largest in North America.

Example: Whether the water comes from the ground or the surface, it will always go through a water treatment plant in order to keep it clean.
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