Pupila in english


pronunciation: pjupəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pupila = eye pupil ; pupil. 

Example: A mannequin head is used to teach the swinging flashlight test for examining eye pupils.Example: The mannequin simulates pupil reactions and hence helps develop psychomotor skills.


» de la pupilapopulary .

Example: Populary light response is poor and intraocular pressure is normal and smear shows no organisms.

» dilatación de las pupilaspupil dilation .

Example: Pupil dilation was significantly greater when participants confabulated responses than when they told the truth.

» pupila dilatadadilated pupil .

Example: The irate patron stance is characterised by very erect posture, an angry facial expression, sustained eye contact, dilated pupils, emphatic head nods, and in rare cases, clenched fists.

pupilo1 = mentee. 

Example: The main reasons mentees joined the scheme were to enhance professional networking and to receive career advice.

pupilo2 = pupil. 

Example: It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.

Pupila synonyms

student in spanish: estudiante, pronunciation: studənt part of speech: noun schoolchild in spanish: alumno, pronunciation: skultʃaɪld part of speech: noun educatee in spanish: educar, pronunciation: edʒjukəti part of speech: noun
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