Puntualmente in english


pronunciation: prɑmptli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

puntualmente1 = promptly ; on time ; in a timely fashion ; in a timely manner. 

Example: Significantly, however, Panizzi's rules did not prove as viable as did his ideology, and they were promptly and materially changed and recast by his most ardent admirers and followers.Example: If a document is returned on time, the charge-out record is removed from the circulation file and from the borrower's record.Example: It is a recognized fact that the Library of Congress cannot possibly catalog all the books needed by all libraries in a timely fashion.Example: Not only is it crucial to follow validation requirements to the letter, it is extremely important to carry them out in a timely manner.


» acabar puntualmenteend on + time .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» comenzar puntualmentestart on + time .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» empezar puntualmentestart on + time .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» estar informado puntualmente sobremonitor + information on .

Example: The LA is currently conducting a major survey to collect and monitor information on gender, ethnic origin and disability which will enable the LA to highlight and tackle problems of inequality in the profession.

» finalizar puntualmenteend on + time .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

» llegar puntualmentebe on timearrive on + timebe right on time .

Example: Each was asked to sign a contract promising to come to class every day and to follow small rules, like being on time.

Example: Inez Benefield and Zoe Tabary had arrived on time and were working.

Example: The waiting area is comfortable, and my appointments have been right on time.

» puntualmente + Expresión Temporalduly + Expresión Temporal .

Example: As a matter of policy, the period of seven years was set as the publication cycle, and the sixteenth edition duly appeared in 1958.

» terminar puntualmenteend on + time .

Example: A well-run and productive meeting starts on time and ends on time.

puntualmente2 = occasionally ; when necessary. 

Example: Only occasionally although increasingly is the full text of a document used.Example: Use pesticides only when necessary and only in amounts that will adequately control pests.

Puntualmente synonyms

quick in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: kwɪk part of speech: adjective quickly in spanish: con rapidez, pronunciation: kwɪkli part of speech: adverb pronto in spanish: pronto, pronunciation: prɑntoʊ part of speech: adverb right away in spanish: inmediatamente, pronunciation: raɪtəweɪ part of speech: adverb without delay in spanish: sin retraso, pronunciation: wɪθaʊtdɪleɪ part of speech: adverb
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