Puntual in english


pronunciation: pʌŋktʃuəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

puntual1 = punctual. 

Example: Dependability could be subdivided into 1) discharge of own job responsibilities, 2) regular and punctual attendance , and 3) self-control.


» información puntualtimely information .

Example: Accurate, timely information is particularly important in the field of pharmaceutical marketing.

» ser puntualbe on timebe right on time .

Example: Each was asked to sign a contract promising to come to class every day and to follow small rules, like being on time.

Example: The waiting area is comfortable, and my appointments have been right on time.

puntual2 = factual ; relevant ; precise. 

Example: No one, in this purely hypothetical example, has thought that the reader might be happy with a factual account of an Atlantic convoy as well as, or in place of, a purely fictional account.Example: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.Example: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.

puntual3 = punctuated. 

Example: To illustrate, 'punctuated equilibrium' is an anthropological concept that has gained popularity in the study of human evolution.


» de forma puntualoccasionallywhen necessary .

Example: Only occasionally although increasingly is the full text of a document used.

Example: Use pesticides only when necessary and only in amounts that will adequately control pests.

» informe puntualtimely report .

Example: As this timely report makes depressingly clear, the forcible eviction of people from their homes is on the rise in Europe.

» visión puntualsnapshot [snap-shot] .

Example: The article 'The information highway: on ramps, checkpoints, speed bumps and tollbooths' offers a comprehensive snapshot of the current policy and practices regarding the dissemination of government information in electronic form.

Puntual synonyms

prompt in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: prɑmpt part of speech: adjective, verb timely in spanish: oportuno, pronunciation: taɪmli part of speech: adjective on time in spanish: a tiempo, pronunciation: ɑntaɪm part of speech: adjective, adverb
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