Puntuación in english


pronunciation: pəŋktʃueɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

puntuación = punctuation ; score ; rating ; evaluation rating ; scoreboard ; scorecard ; mark. 

Example: Punctuation must be established and be adopted consistently.Example: As job anxiety scores increased, job satisfaction indices decreased.Example: But the rater must not be afraid to give negative ratings.Example: In order to make sure that no prejudice or bias influences an evaluation rating, the rating should be reviewed by the supervisor's supervisor -- the next person in the hierarchy.Example: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.Example: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.Example: The author assesses six Web sites giving marks out of ten for ease of use and navigation.


» llevar la puntuación (de)keep + score (of) .

Example: When you are playing in your own backyard, you can make up your own rules and keep score any way you like.

» Posesivo + mejor puntuación personal anteriorPosesivo + previous best .

Example: She improved on her previous best by two seconds to move into fourth place in rankings.

» método de puntuaciónscoring technique .

Example: The method consists of a weighted scoring technique based on a customisable criteria hierarchy.

» obtener una buena puntuaciónscore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» obtener una puntuación altascore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» obtener una puntuación bajascore + low (on) .

Example: Individuals who score low on this trait tend to be calm and confident, and appear to cope better with stress.

» puntuación altahigh score .

Example: This is not something bad; it simply denotes a correlation in which high scores on one variable go with low scores on the other.

» puntuación bajalow score .

Example: This is not something bad; it simply denotes a correlation in which high scores on one variable go with low scores on the other.

» puntuación con estrellasstar rating [Sistema comúnmente utilizado para los hoteles y la gasolina] .

Example: On a 4 star rating, the drive was rated 4 on ease of installation, ease of use, and overall value; and 3 on product support.

» puntuación de la ISBDISBD punctuation [Conjunto de reglas normalizadas según acuerdo internacional para presentar los elementos de la descripción bibliográfica de un documento, su orden y los símbolos que indican los diferentes elementos] .

Example: Information about ISBD punctuation is given in Figure 2217.

» puntuación de un testtest score .

Example: Test score data were broken down to show that the decline is pandemic throughout the culture & not limited to sex, race, or class variables.

» puntuación mediamean score .

Example: Results demonstrated that there was no significant difference in the mean scores achieved on either the midterm exam or the final exam.

» puntuación probableexpectancy score .

Example: Table 3 shows the average expectancy scores for all databases in each cluster/category.

» recibir una buena puntuaciónscore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» recibir una puntuación altascore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» recibir una puntuación bajascore + low (on) .

Example: Individuals who score low on this trait tend to be calm and confident, and appear to cope better with stress.

» sacar una buena puntuaciónscore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» sacar una puntuación altascore + high (on) .

Example: Reckless driving has been studied by psychologists who found that reckless drivers score high in risk-taking personality traits.

» sacar una puntuación bajascore + low (on) .

Example: Individuals who score low on this trait tend to be calm and confident, and appear to cope better with stress.

» signo de puntuaciónpunctuation symbol [Carácter ni numérico ni alfabético que tiene cierto significado gramatical y que sirve para separar partes de la oración]mark of punctuationpunctuation mark [Carácter ni numérico ni alfabético que tiene cierto significado gramatical y que sirve para separar partes de la oración] .

Example: Capital letters, and various punctuation symbols eg :,(),' may be enlisted as facet indicators.

Example: It is not recommended to use the sloped stroke, /, instead of the vertical stroke, |, for line endings, since in early printing it was used as a mark of punctuation.

Example: Sign language includes all forms of codification in which words, numbers, and punctuation marks have been supplanted by gestures = El lenguaje de signos incluye todas las formas de codificación donde las palabras, números y signos de puntuación se han sustituido por gestos.

» sistema de puntuaciónpoint system .

Example: If a point system can be created, the prescreening stage is greatly simplified.

Puntuación synonyms

punctuation mark in spanish: signo de puntuación, pronunciation: pəŋktʃueɪʃənmɑrk part of speech: noun
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