Punto in english


pronunciation: pɔɪnt part of speech: noun
In gestures

punto (.) = point (.). 

Example: Freeze drying is denoted by the special auxiliary .046 and introduced in a class mark by the facet indicator .0 (point nought).

. (punto) = full stop (.) ; point (.). 

Example: There is no space before a full stop, but a space is left after one.Example: Freeze drying is denoted by the special auxiliary .046 and introduced in a class mark by the facet indicator .0 (point nought).

punto1 = point ; pointer. 

Example: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Example: Seven pointers follow which are useful for discriminating between documents to be abstracted and those not worth abstracting.


» aclarar el punto principalclarify + the main point .

Example: A series of round table discussions over 2 days served to clarify the main points at issue.

» aclarar un puntoclarify + a point .

Example: Let me clarify the point of this page as some seem to be confused.

» adoptar un punto de vistaembrace + a view .

Example: The author embraces a view which challenges several of the fundamental assumptions of cognitive science and artificial intelligence.

» analizar desde un punto de vista críticocast + a critical eye over .

Example: The author casts a critical eye over technical progress in libraries and different levels of development in English- and French-speaking regions of Africa.

» argumento que presenta los dos puntos de vistatwo-sided argument .

Example: In addition, 4 major issues are presented regarding information diffusion: logical vs. emotional appeals, one-sided vs two-sided arguments, and order of presentation.

» argumento que presenta sólo un punto de vistaone-sided argument .

Example: In addition, 4 major issues are presented regarding information diffusion: logical vs. emotional appeals, one-sided vs two-sided arguments, and order of presentation.

» comprender un punto de vistatake + a point .

Example: I would only suggest that the gentleman's anterior point is extremely well taken although I don't choose to belabor it.

» desde cualquier punto de vistaby any standard(s) .

Example: By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.

» desde el punto de vista dein terms offrom the vantage ofagainst a backdrop ofagainst a background of .

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

Example: Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.

Example: Problems, potential and standards for WORMs and WORM drives are discussed against a background of recent market surveys.

» desde el punto de vista de + Nombreas seen through the eyes of + Nombreas far as + Nombre + be + concernedinsofar as + Nombre + be + concerned .

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

Example: As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.

Example: According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.

» desde el punto de vista dein terms offrom the vantage ofagainst a backdrop ofagainst a background of .

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

Example: Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.

Example: Problems, potential and standards for WORMs and WORM drives are discussed against a background of recent market surveys.

» desde el punto de vista de + Nombreas seen through the eyes of + Nombreas far as + Nombre + be + concernedinsofar as + Nombre + be + concerned .

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

Example: As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.

Example: According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.

» desde el punto de vista dein terms offrom the vantage ofagainst a backdrop ofagainst a background of .

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

Example: Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.

Example: Problems, potential and standards for WORMs and WORM drives are discussed against a background of recent market surveys.

» desde el punto de vista de la mitosismitotically .

Example: Most of them are mitotically stable, and the integration of the vector into the host genome frequently occurred in a tandem fashion.

» desde el punto de vista de la nutriciónnutritionally speakingnutritionally .

Example: When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.

Example: Thus the consumer is left with the choice between more expensive but nutritionally superior fresh foods, and cheap, usually nutritionally inferior processed foods.

» desde el punto de vista de + Nombreas seen through the eyes of + Nombreas far as + Nombre + be + concernedinsofar as + Nombre + be + concerned .

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

Example: As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.

Example: According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.

» desde el punto de vista de la armoníaharmonically .

Example: As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.

» desde el punto de vista de la melodíamelodically .

Example: As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.

» desde el punto de vista de la genéticagenetically .

Example: The catalog must also be designed to reveal to him/her at the same time what other editions, translations, or versions of the work, as well as other genetically related works, the library has.

» desde el punto de vista de la fisiologíaphysiologically .

Example: Physiologically, speech is an overlaid function, or, to be more precise, a group of overlaid functions.

» desde el punto de vista dein terms offrom the vantage ofagainst a backdrop ofagainst a background of .

Example: And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.

Example: Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.

Example: Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.

Example: Problems, potential and standards for WORMs and WORM drives are discussed against a background of recent market surveys.

» desde el punto de vista de la letralyrically .

Example: Lyrically this song is about a man telling his lady they are going to trade places and swap roles.

» desde el punto de vista de la cienciascientifically speaking .

Example: Scientifically speaking, the fertility of a woman ebbs with her age, which is the reason it is said that her biological clock is ticking as the chances of her getting pregnant decline as she grows older.

» desde el punto de vista del trabajadorin the trenches .

Example: The article is entitled 'Lessons learned in the trenches: preservation microfilming after thirteen years'.

» desde el punto de vista del climaclimatically .

Example: However, the most northerly and climatically extreme parts of the Arctic are inhabited by few species.

» desde el punto de vista del ritmorhythmically .

Example: As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.

» desde el punto de vista del gobiernogovernmentally .

Example: The US has deteriorated, both economically and governmentally, to such a degree that the very structure of the US is in danger of collapse.

» desde el punto de vista de la archivísticaarchivally .

Example: The gap between the archivally developed and undeveloped countries has widened since 1979 and technical changes relating to automation, conservation, reprography, deterioration due to pollution and wear and tear cause increasing problems.

» desde el punto de vista de la calidadon quality grounds .

Example: Some pop culture may be creative enough to warrant serious consideration on quality grounds.

» desde el punto de vista de la competitividadcompetitively .

Example: This framework is designed to provide a basis both for identifying differences between firms and for thinking through the implications and likely outcomes of intervention both operationally and competitively.

» desde el punto de vista de la conservaciónpreservationally .

Example: In addition to sealants or paint, a number of simple yet preservationally sound liners are now available for use on wooden shelves.

» desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidadfunctionally .

Example: A public library's design can go far in either reinforcing or thwarting the intimacy of reading and in determining its success -- functionally, aesthetically and financially.

» desde el punto de vista de la informáticacomputationally .

Example: They analytical techniques range from the simple convolution technique which is fast but inaccurate, to the approach proposed by Eckberg and Hou, which is accurate, but computationally slow = Las técnicas analíticas van desde la simple técnica convolucionista, que es rápida pero inexacta, al método propuesto por Eckberg y Hou, que es preciso pero lento desde el punto de vista de la informática.

» desde el punto de vista de la logísticalogistically .

Example: Viewdata systems, which logistically are a prime medium for news and information, has failed to capture the professional user's imagination.

» desde el punto de vista de la medicinamedically .

Example: Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.

» desde el punto de vista de la músicamusically .

Example: The author maintains that, aside from increasing computational speed, and thus real-time control, musically no advances have been made.

» desde el punto de vista de la notaciónnotationally .

Example: In CC each facet is introduced, notationally, by its own facet indicator.

» desde el punto de vista de la químicachemically .

Example: Nevertheless, deacidification alone will not stop the decay unless soluble copper compounds are removed from the object or converted to chemically inert compounds.

» desde el punto de vista de la realidadfactually .

Example: It is factually wrong and historically incorrect to deify scientists, who share the foibles and weaknesses of other human beings.

» desde el punto de vista de las matemáticasmathematically .

Example: Most computer programs are not eligible for a patent because they are expressed mathematically.

» desde el punto de vista de la tonalidadtonally .

Example: Whereas when the talk is limited, anemic, verbally and tonally narrow, just the opposite is true; a deprivation occurs that will later show itself in difficulties in learning to read, in writing, in coping with social situations where speech is essential.

» desde el punto de vista del contextocontextually .

Example: Such representations of women have to be interpreted contextually.

» desde el punto de vista del estilostylistically .

Example: The second paragraph came down to earth stylistically.

» desde el punto de vista del funcionamientooperationally [Para que se pueda funcionar/trabajar con ello] .

Example: To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.

» desde el punto de vista de los hechosfactually .

Example: It is factually wrong and historically incorrect to deify scientists, who share the foibles and weaknesses of other human beings.

» desde el punto de vista del usoin terms of use .

Example: The success of the service in terms of use and solid revenue generated were sufficient to place the service on a secure footing.

» desde el punto de vista fisiológicophysiologically .

Example: Physiologically, speech is an overlaid function, or, to be more precise, a group of overlaid functions.

» desde el punto de vista inmunológicoimmunologically .

Example: Interestingly, the marsupial pouch contains a range of potentially pathogenic bacteria and this generates an immunologically challenging environment for the developing young.

» desde el punto de vista judicialjudicially .

Example: These are discussed under the following headings: Constitution of Canada; division of powers; administration of justice in the provinces; statutes and regulations judicially considered; and computer-assisted legal research in Canada.

» desde el punto de vista lingüísticolinguistically .

Example: His work is criticized for its triviality, quantity, linguistically impoverished style, anemia of characterization, and cliched, stereotyped ideas and plots.

» desde el punto de vista políticopolitically .

Example: But the building plans were nearly jeopardised several times in a politically charged atmosphere that led to a tax-payer revolt in California.

» desde el punto de vista profesionalcareer-wise [careerwise] .

Example: I hope you'll think very seriously about all the advantages and disadvantages -- career-wise and personally -- of both positions in their respective environments before you make up your mind.

» desde este punto de vistaviewed in this light .

Example: Viewed in this light, his desire for self-effacement begins to seem like a rigorous ethics carried to the logical conclusions that most of us do not have the stomach for.

» desde mi punto de vistain my opinionin my viewin my books .

Example: This attack is directed against a particular heresy; one which is widespread, but it is in my opinion none the less damnable.

Example: The problem can only be solved by analogy; in my view, the regulations on communication to the public should be applied mutatis mutandis.

Example: In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.

» desde + Posesivo + punto de vistain + Posesivo + eyesin + Posesivo + viewby + Posesivo + lights .

Example: Both were justifiable expenses in his eyes, and he'd flay her alive if he learned she was squandering his money on fripperies.

Example: In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» desde todos los puntos de vistain every sense .

Example: The use of libraries has in every sense risen between 1980 and 1985.

» desde un punto de vista académicoacademically .

Example: The date of the publication of Bishop Thomas Percy's 'Reliques of ancient English poetry' made the study of folk literature academically respectable.

» desde un punto de vista antropológicoanthropologically .

Example: It is difficult to explain the seductive, suggestive, 'magical' power of images anthropologically.

» desde un punto de vista astronómicoastronomically .

Example: The nearest Earth-like planet is probably 13 light-years away; astronomically speaking, that's just a stroll across the park.

» desde un punto de vista científicoscientifically speaking .

Example: Scientifically speaking, the fertility of a woman ebbs with her age, which is the reason it is said that her biological clock is ticking as the chances of her getting pregnant decline as she grows older.

» desde un punto de vista clínicomedicallyclinically .

Example: Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.

Example: However, acute infections are uncommonly recognized clinically, underscoring the importance of screening individuals at risk.

» desde un punto de vista críticojudgmentally [judgementally]with a critical eyecritically .

Example: I don't mean that judgmentally either, but every record is searched before it goes into the NUC to insure consistency of form and eliminate duplicates.

Example: The author considers the potential of the Internet as a medium for education and teaching with a critical eye and concludes that some of the assumptions about online learning are highly suspect.

Example: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.

» desde un punto de vista culturalculturally .

Example: They recognize the logistical as well as intellectual futility of attempting to control from a geographically and culturally remote centre every aspect of a programme of information aimed at a member state or third country.

» desde un punto de vista económicoeconomicallymonetarily .

Example: With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.

Example: In appraising the worth of a title, both historically and monetarily, the bookseller turns to reference sources which enable him/her to assess its value.

» desde un punto de vista estéticoaesthetically [esthetically, -USA] [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano] .

Example: Limitless flexibility sounds to be the answer but it is, of course, impossibly expensive and unacceptable aesthetically = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen esta secuencia de vocales en inglés británico y que se reduce a -e- en inglés americano.

» desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnicotechnically speaking .

Example: Technically speaking, trade paperbacks which reprint stories from an ongoing comic book title or previously published mini-series are not graphic novels at all.

» desde un punto de vista étnicoethnically .

Example: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

» desde un punto de vista filosóficophilosophically .

Example: The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.

» desde un punto de vista generalin a broad sense .

Example: In a broad sense, electronic commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet.

» desde un punto de vista históricohistorically .

Example: Historically, however, humans have always sought to capture and preserve such basic functions by institutionalizing them.

» desde un punto de vista ideológicoideologically .

Example: Reaching a deal with Putin would require that Trump, above all, act pragmatically and not ideologically.

» desde un punto de vista más amplioin a broader sense .

Example: In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.

» desde un punto de vista más generalin a broader sense .

Example: In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.

» desde un punto de vista médicomedically .

Example: Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.

» desde un punto de vista medioambientalenvironmentally .

Example: White's theology was found to be unacceptable environmentally.

» desde un punto de vista morfológicomorphologically .

Example: Mice that produce an unusually high proportion of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa were used as sperm donors.

» desde un punto de vista operativooperationally [Para que se pueda funcionar/trabajar con ello] .

Example: To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.

» desde un punto de vista racialracially .

Example: The ruling, which spells out academic requirements for athletes who play at universities, has met with much opposition, the primary criticism being that the ruling is racially discriminatory.

» desde un punto de vista racistaracially .

Example: The ruling, which spells out academic requirements for athletes who play at universities, has met with much opposition, the primary criticism being that the ruling is racially discriminatory.

» desde un punto de vista religiosoreligiously .

Example: Some teachers argue against book clubs, claiming that they bring together only a certain kind of avid reader, the literary equivalent of the religiously effete and over-pious.

» desde un punto de vista sicológicopsychologically .

Example: Even where free libraries were available farmers found it physically and psychologically difficult to use them.

» desde un punto de vista socioeconómicosocioeconomically .

Example: This gap is a result of the municipality's policy of 'positive discrimination', which gave preference to the socioeconomically weaker neighbourhoods.

» desde un punto de vista técnicotechnically .

Example: The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.

» el punto más débil deunderbelly .

Example: It shows us that the underbelly of human nature and its curiosity for things that are taboo is stronger than any moral or ethical code.

» el punto más vulnerable deunderbelly .

Example: It shows us that the underbelly of human nature and its curiosity for things that are taboo is stronger than any moral or ethical code.

» en este puntoat this pointin this respect .

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

Example: The socio-political reform now under way in Hungary requires renewal from librarianship as well, and one may draw on the author's ideas in this respect.

» fiel desde el punto de vista de la historiahistorically accurate .

Example: The article is entitled 0To be politically correct or historically accurate? 'Truth' in the computer age'.

» hacer valer + Posesivo + punto de vistaassert + Posesivo + views .

Example: Commentators who assert their views premised upon a unity of aims for SLIS not only fail to appreciate existential realities, they also distort perceptions about what is the best speed of curriculum evolution.

» manifestar un punto de vistaair + a view .

Example: With minor exceptions, the reviews were very favourable and in a number of instances reviewers took the opportunity to air views on libraries and librarianship.

» mencionar un puntotouch on + a point .

Example: I think she was subliminally, perhaps, touching on a point that has not been brought up, namely, quality control in cooperative cataloging, which we're all for.

» mi punto de vistain my view .

Example: The problem can only be solved by analogy; in my view, the regulations on communication to the public should be applied mutatis mutandis.

» neutral desde el punto de vista de la razarace-neutral .

Example: Some black librarian see little progress towards race-neutral attitudes and finds themselves either directly or indirectly snubbed, patronise or completely ignored by users as well as staff members.

» no concebirse desde ningún punto de vistabe impossible under any hypothesis .

Example: To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.

» probar un puntoprove + a point .

Example: Legros and Grant devised a simple test to prove the point.

» promover un punto de vistapromote + view .

Example: These examples do raise a major argument: by identifying these areas for action are we not promoting certain ideas and views?.

» punto a favorasset .

Example: The efficient analysis of professional and technical documents is an asset in many spheres of activity.

» punto clavekey pointwatershedtipping pointsweet spot .

Example: We found it difficult to come to a consensus of the professional staff on several key points.

Example: The library literature of 1990-91 indicates that the 1990s will be a watershed for academic and research libraries.

Example: The article is entitled 'The indexing of scholarly journals: a tipping point for publishing reform?'.

Example: There is an intergenerational sweet spot we should aim for, a point of maximum engagement for all employees.

» punto conflictivohotspothotspot .

Example: By doing so, the system finds hotspots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

Example: By doing so, the system finds hotspots on the Web that contain information germane to a user's query.

» punto de consulta únicoone-stop helpdeskone-stop hotline .

Example: We are like the one-stop helpdesk for the camp -- we do everything from providing security to changing a blown light bulb.

Example: The State of Oregon is launching a new one-stop hotline for reporting tsunami debris along the coastline.

» punto de fijaciónfixation point .

Example: If the visual axis of the two foveas intersects at the fixation point, it is said that there is binocular fixation.

» punto de intersecciónpoint of intersection .

Example: The ascendant is the point of intersection between the Eastern horizon and the ecliptic.

» punto de la agendaagenda item .

Example: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.

» punto del orden del díaagenda item .

Example: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.

» punto de recogida de basurarubbish tipcommunity recycling centre .

Example: After around 12 years of planning and legal challenges, construction of Orange's multi-million dollar regional rubbish tip is starting.

Example: Camberley residents will be able to visit their local community recycling centre later in the day when new extended opening hours are trialled.

» punto de referenciabenchmark [Pruebas a las que se somete un producto para determinar sus tiempos de respuesta con respecto a ciertas operaciones]frame of referencesignpostsignpostingpoint of referenceanchoranchor pointreferral pointswitching pointreference point [Lugar dentro de una institución dedicado a ofrecer información sobre dónde buscar lo que se necesita]reference pointlandmark .

Example: Benchmarks are the times taken to carry out a set of standard operations and they are comparable to the government fuel consumption figures for cars.

Example: However well a network may function, if the people communicating are not in the same frame of reference, the resulting problems will inpinge upon the benefits of office automation.

Example: The cooperative approach in evidence in the Moorlands Information scheme is one signpost for the future.

Example: The sequence in the book is chosen for us by the author and we cannot alter it, though we may to a large extent minimize the effect by adequate signposting in the form of indexes and guiding.

Example: This article uses the example of the needs of library service of Pretoria University as a point of reference.

Example: This format can provide an anchor for instructional designers attempting to come to terms with the vast potential of hypertext and hypermedia.

Example: This article stresses the importance of the library as a permanent anchor point for the local community.

Example: There is a wider objective of establishing referral points as 'a place to go when you don't know where to go'.

Example: With the help of a central 'switching point' the board hopes to use this information to provide a sophisticated resource sharing scheme.

Example: Behaviour of patrons who could choose between a person sitting at a computer and one sitting at a desk at each of 2 reference points was observed.

Example: The list was prepared to be used as a reference point by professionals wishing to further their knowledge about the Turkish library and information scene.

Example: Three books were eventually to appear that were landmarks in the field.

» punto de referencia únicoone-stop helpdeskone-stop hotline .

Example: We are like the one-stop helpdesk for the camp -- we do everything from providing security to changing a blown light bulb.

Example: The State of Oregon is launching a new one-stop hotline for reporting tsunami debris along the coastline.

» punto de una agendaitem of business .

Example: The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association included various items of business such as: the ALA stand on UNESCO; a new dues schedule; grants; role of school librarians in ALA; new cataloguing tools; and standards.

» punto de vistaanglepoint of viewsidestancestandpointviewviewpointoutlookeyeworld view [worldview/world-view]bent of mind .

Example: References or added entries must supplement the first or main entry and cater for access from other angles.

Example: Thus, from the searcher's point of view it is important to assess the specific features of the host.

Example: There are two sides to a number of these issues.

Example: It is precisely such programme arrangements which seemed, upon examination, to produce an equivocal stance on the question of applying the technology in a user-orientated way.

Example: So it seems to me you should try to resolve this point of approach, whether you're going to approach it from the standpoint of the user or from the standpoint of the group being listed.

Example: There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.

Example: Whatever viewpoint is taken, it is difficult to dispute the significance of AACR1.

Example: In their first review article of children's reference books in 1982, the School Library Journal's Review Committe for children's reference books presents a bleak outlook.

Example: Subject experts may bring a more informed and critical eye to document analysis.

Example: This article identifies predominant worldview and competing schools of thought regarding the teaching of reference work.

Example: Only when students have a scientific bent of mind, will a community and a country grow.

» punto óptimosweet spot .

Example: There is an intergenerational sweet spot we should aim for, a point of maximum engagement for all employees.

» punto principalmain point .

Example: An abstract covers all of the main points made in the original document, and usually follows the style and arrangement of the parent document.

» puntos a favor y puntos en contrapros and cons .

Example: This article examines the pros and cons for publishers in moving toward electronic journal publishing = Este artículo examina los pros y los contras a las se enfrentan los editores en su avance hacia la edición de revistas electrónicas.

» puntos comunescommon ground .

Example: PRECIS provides an exemplary illustration of the association and common ground between alphabetical indexing and classification.

» puntos principaleskey issues .

Example: Plainly such representative sections may not be present in many documents, but sometimes an extract from the results, conclusions or recommendations of a document may serve to identify the key issues covered by the entire document.

» puntos secundariossecondary points .

Example: An abridgement is usually taken to be a condensation that necessarily omits a number of secondary points.

» que consta de tres puntosthree-point .

Example: So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).

» sostener un punto de vistahold + a point of view .

Example: This example does tend to reinforce the point of view held by many writers that what we are facing is a publication explosion rather than an information explosion.

» tener en cuenta un punto de vistatake into + account + a viewpointcontemplate + view .

Example: They should be in the best position to lobby all the key organizations so that their viewpoint can be taken into account when legislation is being drafted and discussed.

Example: It's also obvious you are uninterested in contemplating views which challenge your own preconceptions.

» tocar un puntotouch on + a point .

Example: I think she was subliminally, perhaps, touching on a point that has not been brought up, namely, quality control in cooperative cataloging, which we're all for.

» tomar en cuenta un punto de vistatake into + account + a viewpointcontemplate + view .

Example: They should be in the best position to lobby all the key organizations so that their viewpoint can be taken into account when legislation is being drafted and discussed.

Example: It's also obvious you are uninterested in contemplating views which challenge your own preconceptions.

» ver Algo desde el punto de vista + Adjetivoview + Nombre + through + Adjetivo + eyes .

Example: She views librarianship through traditional eyes and plans to go into public service.

punto2 = point ; bullet point. 

Example: Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.Example: Readers like bullet points because they are visually appealing and make it easy to quickly find pertinent information.


» a la hora en puntoon the hour .

Example: All courtesy buses depart the club on the hour every hour every day -- from 9am until close.

» alcanzar el punto clavehit + the sweet spot .

Example: Democrats appeared to have hit the sweet spot in a pair of special elections on Tuesday regaining their two-thirds majority in the state Senate.

» alcanzar el punto críticocome to + a head .

Example: The debate appears to have come to a head with the launch of two new titles on DVD.

» alcanzar el punto culminanteclimaxreach + a climax .

Example: When the market for shining victorias and handy runabouts was climaxed by the building of 'horseless carriages,' and tax benefits and lower wages lured mill owners south, thousands emigrated westward.

Example: Carrefour is preparing for protests outside its stores to reach a climax on May 1.

» alcanzar el punto de ebulliciónreach + boiling point .

Example: Such a lengthy boiling period is necessary in order to ensure that all the water has reached boiling point.

» alcanzar el punto más álgidopeak [Llegar al punto más alto o al mejor momento]come into + full bloom .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

Example: Combined with acces to full texts of papers online in the near future, the navigational and retrieval capabilities of citation links will finally come into full bloom.

» alcanzar el punto medioreach + the halfway point .

Example: Summer may have reached the halfway point, but there's still time to sign up for your first cycling race.

» alcanzar el punto óptimohit + the sweet spot .

Example: Democrats appeared to have hit the sweet spot in a pair of special elections on Tuesday regaining their two-thirds majority in the state Senate.

» alcanzar + Posesivo + punto álgidoreach + Posesivo + peakreach + Posesivo + heightreach + Posesivo + highest pointreach + Posesivo + zenith .

Example: After 20 years of development ATM installations are expected to reach their peak in the next decade.

Example: This mania reached its height about the beginning of the present century.

Example: Ancient Greece reached its highest point of achievement in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C..

Example: Sometimes it seems to me as if poor old Europe were under sentence of death, and as if she had reached her zenith and will from now on slowly decline.

» alcanzar un puntoreach + a point .

Example: But more mature readers can be expected to go on reading for full sessions without flagging, a point that most children should reach by ten years old.

» alcanzar un punto críticoreach + a critical pointreach + a turning point .

Example: The path toward European integration has reached a critical point: obstacles remain, but there can be no turning back.

Example: To understand books and their function in the social mechanism is to have a very delicate ear to the ground and to discern when turning points are reached.

» alcanzar un punto muertodeadlock .

Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.

» a puntofinely tuned .

Example: And you will have a greater chance of success and survival if your gyroscope is finely tuned and true to course.

» a punto deon the verge ofa heartbeat away fromon the brink of .

Example: With healthy roots in the library field, optical disc technology is on the verge of exponential growth into broader markets.

Example: Each of us lives every minute of every day just a heartbeat away from death.

Example: The organization was trembling on the brink of financial disaster, and only the journal, American Documentation, was holding it together.

» a punto de + Infinitivoabout to + Infinitivo .

Example: A list of all subscriptions about to become due may be made by using this subfunction.

» a punto de irse a piqueon the rocks .

Example: Marriage is on the rocks in Britain, with the proportion of unmarried people exceeding that of married people as more men and women opt to live together without constraints.

» a punto de moriron + Posesivo + deathbed .

Example: The seminar explored whether the journal as we know it is on its deathbed.

» el punto más bajorock-bottom .

Example: The rock-bottom element seems to be the confidence in facing life.

» encontrar el punto mediostrike + the right note .

Example: It is worth some time and trouble to strike the right note of pride and frugality.

» encontrarse en un punto clavebe at a tipping point .

Example: The Ebola crisis is now at a tipping point, as the numbers of cases are likely to increase dramatically in the coming weeks.

» en el punto más álgido deat the peak ofat the zenith of .

Example: He has confessed that he used to guzzle cough syrup when he was at the peak of his drug addiction.

Example: All great sportsmen at the zenith of their careers know well -- although they often forget -- the wisdom of walking away while at the top.

» en puntoo'clock [Usado con las horas] .

Example: At ten o'clock in the morning, how many people are using OCLC? One per second?.

» en qué puntoat what point .

Example: Libraries are having to decide at what point a service should become chargeable without creating a disadvantage to those who cannot pay = Las bibliotecas tienen que decidir cuándo se debería cobrar por un servicio sin crear un problema para los que no pueden pagar.

» en su puntoripe [riper -comp., ripest -sup.]  ; just rightal dente .

Example: It is undeniable that the ripest crop of unrecognised great inventors, long-lost heirs to dormant peerages, and assorted harmless drudges is to be gathered in the great general libraries of our major cities.

Example: If you don't say the magic word just right, the door won't open.

Example: Pasta must be cooked al dente in order to be truly Italian.

» en su punto más álgidoat its heightat its peakat its zenithin full bloom .

Example: At its height in 1929 the stock, circulation and readers were only slightly fewer than those of the secular public libraries.

Example: At its peak in 1987, the rebel army consisted of more than 25000 fighters.

Example: America was at its zenith to the outside world forty years ago when the first human landed on the moon.

Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.

Punto synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun place in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: pleɪs part of speech: noun spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun stop in spanish: detener, pronunciation: stɑp part of speech: verb, noun period in spanish: período, pronunciation: pɪriəd part of speech: noun aim in spanish: objetivo, pronunciation: eɪm part of speech: noun, verb tip in spanish: propina, pronunciation: tɪp part of speech: noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective degree in spanish: la licenciatura, pronunciation: dɪgri part of speech: noun stage in spanish: escenario, pronunciation: steɪdʒ part of speech: noun direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective guide in spanish: guía, pronunciation: gaɪd part of speech: noun, verb maneuver in spanish: maniobra, pronunciation: mənuvɜr part of speech: noun, verb indicate in spanish: indicar, pronunciation: ɪndəkeɪt part of speech: verb detail in spanish: detalle, pronunciation: dɪteɪl part of speech: noun target in spanish: objetivo, pronunciation: tɑrgət part of speech: noun steer in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: stɪr part of speech: verb signal in spanish: señal, pronunciation: sɪgnəl part of speech: noun item in spanish: ít, pronunciation: aɪtəm part of speech: noun dot in spanish: punto, pronunciation: dɑt part of speech: noun orient in spanish: orientar, pronunciation: ɔrient part of speech: noun, verb taper in spanish: cirio, pronunciation: teɪpɜr part of speech: noun, verb bespeak in spanish: encargar, pronunciation: bɪspik part of speech: verb betoken in spanish: anunciar, pronunciation: betoʊkən part of speech: verb sharpen in spanish: afilar, pronunciation: ʃɑrpən part of speech: verb luff in spanish: luff, pronunciation: lʌf part of speech: noun full stop in spanish: parada completa, pronunciation: fʊlstɑp part of speech: noun gunpoint in spanish: punta de pistola, pronunciation: gʌnpɔɪnt part of speech: noun manouevre in spanish: maniobra, pronunciation: mənuvri part of speech: noun, verb repoint in spanish: repuntar, pronunciation: ripɔɪnt part of speech: verb power point in spanish: PowerPoint, pronunciation: paʊɜrpɔɪnt part of speech: noun point in time in spanish: punto en el tiempo, pronunciation: pɔɪntɪntaɪm part of speech: noun compass point in spanish: punto de la brújula, pronunciation: kʌmpəspɔɪnt part of speech: noun pointedness in spanish: puntería, pronunciation: pɔɪntɪdnəs part of speech: noun distributor point in spanish: punto de distribución, pronunciation: dɪstrɪbjətɜrpɔɪnt part of speech: noun full point in spanish: punto completo, pronunciation: fʊlpɔɪnt part of speech: noun breaker point in spanish: punto de quiebre, pronunciation: breɪkɜrpɔɪnt part of speech: noun
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