Puntizón in english


pronunciation: pʌntaɪzn part of speech: none
In gestures

puntizón = chain-line. 

Example: Even though the facsimilist's paper is of the same period as that of the rest of the book, he is most unlikely to be able to match it precisely in all its characteristics thickness, texture, colour, chain-lines, watermark, and the propinquity of worm-holes and stains.


» puntizoneswires [En la fabricación de papel, marcas que el entramado metálico de las formas o módulos dejaban sobre el papel que junto con los "corondeles" (chains) formaban el verjurado del papel] .

Example: Until the middle of the eighteenth century all moulds were of the laid (chain and wire) pattern, with the wire mesh fastened directly to the bars of the mould frame.

» puntizones y corondeleschain and wire [En la fabricación de papel, marcas que las barras sobre las descansaba el entramado metálico de las formas o módulos dejaban sobre el papel formando así el verjurado del papel] .

Example: Until the middle of the eighteenth century all moulds were of the laid (chain and wire) pattern, with the wire mesh fastened directly to the bars of the mould frame.
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