Puntillazo in english


pronunciation: pʌntɪlɑzoʊ part of speech: none
In gestures

puntillazo = kiss of death ; coup de grace ; killer blow ; death blow. 

Example: The article 'The kiss of death...or life' looks at how changes in Uruguyan copyright laws will affect US publishers.Example: The article 'Baker and Taylor's coup de grace' reports on how the book and video distributor Baker and Taylor has revamped its corporate outline and rethought its mission.Example: Three times she tracked him down and fought him, only to be thwarted as he somehow evaded her killer blow and disappeared into the night.Example: Another employee said the plant's closure would be the death blow for the entire region.


» dar el puntillazostrike + a death blowdeal + a death blowdeal + a killer blowdeliver + a killer blowdeliver + a death blowstrike + a killer blow .

Example: Moreover, military operations, whatever they may be, will not be able to strike a death blow to international terrorism, indicating that its high time that we probe the topic from a fresh standpoint.

Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.

Example: Pakistan has vowed to target Taliban leaders and deal a killer blow to the Islamists.

Example: Some of these remedies would undoubtedly have delivered a killer blow to the parasites in a horse's gut, but unfortunately harmed the horse in the process.

Example: Lebanon is in such turmoil that war at the present time would deliver a death blow to the economy.

Example: Merick quickly sprang to his feet and rushed forward to strike a killer blow, but the troll was already dead.

» dar el puntillazo aput + an end tobring + an end tobring + Nombre + to an endbring + the curtain down oncall + an end toput + a halt toknock + Nombre + on the headput + the kibosh on .

Example: The abolition of the central and of the district libraries in 1803 put an end to a project which had met too many problems.

Example: He became famous as the leader of illegal metalworkers' strikes that helped bring an end to the military dictatorship in the mid-1970s.

Example: Serial swindler Kenneth Broad was this afternoon jailed for 15 months bringing to an end a playboy lifestyle lived at other people's expense.

Example: He has brought the curtain down on his long career in cricket by announcing his retirement.

Example: A march to call an end to gang-related violence in the city is slated to start at 2 p.m..

Example: This financial crisis put a halt to the project since their lender went bankrupt that year.

Example: So after 3 days we have finally knocked her on the head, dad and I can finally put our feet up and have a cold beer.

Example: Winter weather might put the kibosh on your outdoor plans, but it doesn't mean you won't find plenty of fun things to do in Branson.

» darle el puntillazonail it .

Example: It seems we have all taken swings at this problem without ever really nailing it.
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