Punitivo in english


pronunciation: pjunətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

punitivo = punitive ; retributive. 

Example: If there are people who do not want to become whole individuals, influences more potent, persuasive or punitive than libraries will fail to alter them.Example: The main character in the novel viewed his death as the solutions to his problems and was therefore motivated enough by the death-wish to kill with the hopes of retributive capital punishment.


» compensación punitivaexemplary damages [En derecho, sanción que se impone a un persona o entidad en señal de castigo por la infracción cometida de modo que sirva de ejemplo]punitive damages [En derecho, sanción que se impone a un persona o entidad en señal de castigo por la infracción cometida de modo que sirva de ejemplo] .

Example: This paper examines the arguments for and against extending exemplary damages to breach of contract.

Example: ACS is liable to Dialog for punitive damages in the amount of $100 million.

Punitivo synonyms

penitentiary in spanish: penitenciario, pronunciation: penɪtentʃɜri part of speech: noun penal in spanish: penal, pronunciation: pinəl part of speech: adjective correctional in spanish: correccional, pronunciation: kɜrekʃənəl part of speech: adjective punitory in spanish: punitorio, pronunciation: punɪtɔri part of speech: adjective
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