Pulverizar in english

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pronunciation: graɪndəp part of speech: none
In gestures

pulverizar = spraying ; spray ; pulverise [pulverize, -USA]. 

Example: 'See' references are generally used to link two terms which represent similar concepts, but which are presented in different form; for example, Dusting and spraying see spraying and dusting.Example: Parents have the right to know when pesticides are sprayed at many private day-care centers under a state law that took effect on Monday.Example: Doctors have successfully prevented a patient's leg from being amputated by pulverizing a blood clot in his femoral artery with a triturator.


» mochila de pulverizarknapsack sprayerpressure sprayer .

Example: The knapsack sprayer, also know as a pressure sprayer, is used to spray plants against disease and pests.

Example: The knapsack sprayer, also know as a pressure sprayer, is used to spray plants against disease and pests.

» ¡pulverízalos!Nuke 'em! .

Example: The article 'Nuke 'em! Library pest control' describes tests carried out to determine the effectiveness of microwaves (in the form of a domestic microwave oven) as a means of destroying insect pests in books and other library materials.
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