Pulular in english


pronunciation: swɔrm part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pulular = buzz with ; mill around ; run + rampant ; swarm. 

Example: The entire USA has begun to buzz with discusions on making this way of doing business the rule rather than the exception of 21st century life.Example: The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds.Example: While inflation was running rampant during the Trudeau years, that was the pattern in most countries in the world including the USA.Example: Nearby workers rescued a man after he swatted one bee and was swarmed by others that stung him more than 200 times.

Pulular synonyms

stream in spanish: corriente, pronunciation: strim part of speech: noun pour in spanish: verter, pronunciation: pɔr part of speech: verb horde in spanish: horda, pronunciation: hɔrd part of speech: noun teem in spanish: abundar, pronunciation: tim part of speech: verb drove in spanish: condujo, pronunciation: droʊv part of speech: noun
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