Pulso in english
pronunciation: pʌls part of speech: noun

pulsar = enter ; trip ; click.
Example: Entry of an 'e' for end will bring back the screen shown in Figure 23 where you can make another choice or enter 'e' for end.Example: The cord which trips its shutter may reach down a man's sleeve within easy reach of his fingers.Example: We click on the photo of the author, and he comes alive explaining the virtues of his book.more:
» al pulsar un botón = at the push of a button .
Example: A rubber blanket or hinged lid covers the document to cut out extraneous light and then, at the push of a button, paper is fed into the machine and charged with electricity.» con sólo pulsar un botón = at the press of a button ; at the flick of a switch ; with the flick of a switch ; at the push of a button ; at the touch of a button .
Example: The interface usually includes a control keyboard, a modem, and an auto-dialler (for calling the data-base computer and identifying the calling terminal at the press of a button). Example: It may now be possible to lower your blood pressure at the flick of a switch by stimulating parts of the brain with electrodes. Example: Either armor piercing or high explosive ammunition may be selected with the flick of a switch. Example: A rubber blanket or hinged lid covers the document to cut out extraneous light and then, at the push of a button, paper is fed into the machine and charged with electricity. Example: Connect with your data and your patients at the touch of a button.» desplazar el cursor en pantalla pulsando la tecla de tabulación = tab over to .
Example: The following qualifiers may be added to any search by tabbing over to the appropriate heading and typing in the desired data.» elegir pulsando una tecla de un ratón = click .
Example: We click on the photo of the author, and he comes alive explaining the virtues of his book.» pulsar botones = button-pushing [Acción de] .
Example: The stereotype of the decision-maker as a person who does nothing but finger-snapping and button-pushing fades with systematic research and analysis.» pulsar el botón derecho = right-click .
Example: By right-clicking on the image, you can zoom in or zoom out the image.» pulsar el botón izquierdo = left-click .
Example: It is possible to sort all the items in a grid by left-clicking once on a column header.» pulsar la tecla del tabulador = tabulate .
Example: Next, tabulate again to the area for passwords.» pulsar una tecla = depress + a key ; invoke + key ; press + key ; tap + key ; strike + a key .
Example: Machines have been made which will read typed figures by photocells and then depress the corresponding keys. Example: Always ensure that the printer is loaded with the correct forms and aligned prior to invoking the <F6> or <F8> function keys. Example: Foreign disc in CD-ROM player, correct the problem and press any key to continue. Example: Tapping a few keys projects the head of the trail. Example: Problems can arise if an inexperienced typist strikes the keys too strongly as enclosed letters such as 'o' tend to drop out.» pulsar un botón = depress + a button ; push + a button ; press + a button .
Example: The reader's ticket is placed alongside the stack of transaction cards and a button is depressed to activate the camera in the photocharger. Example: If you have a stand-alone CD-ROM drive, open and close the drawer by pushing the 'open/close' button. Example: First, the required channel is selected by pressing the appropriate key and then pressing the button marked 'text'.» simplemente con pulsar el ratón = a click away .
Example: These information seekers believe that up-to-date quality information is free and only a click away.pulso = pulse ; heart rate.
Example: Data like voices or text can be reduced to pulses of light.Example: This is a relaxation technique used to teach patients to control their heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and other involuntary functions.more:
» echarse un pulso = arm wrestling .
Example: Appropriate for both regular and special classes, activities include arm wrestling, ball games, and jumping jacks.» ganar el pulso = the nod + go to .
Example: In a tie, the data suggests the nod would go to search engines = En igualdad de condiciones, los datos nos dan a entender que serían los buscadores los que ganarían el pulso, en última instancia.» ganarse Algo a pulso = earn + Nombre + on + Posesivo + (own) merit(s) .
Example: He even makes her realise that she does not have to sleep with her boss to get promotion but can earn it on her own merits.» hacer que Alguien se lo gane a pulso = give + Nombre + a (good) run for + Posesivo + money .
Example: Oracle and Sun yesterday renewed their vows of collaboration and detailed their plans to give Microsoft a run for its money.» tomar el pulso a Algo = take + the pulse .
Example: Swiftly changing markets make it necessary to use more formal techniques for taking the community pulse.