Pulpa in english


pronunciation: pʌlp part of speech: noun
In gestures

pulpa = pulp ; pomace ; marc. 

Example: The situation was probably similar in Britain, except that very little straw pulp was used, and a considerable amount of esparto.Example: Although pomace is high in fiber, it is used mostly in pet and livestock feeds.Example: Digestibility is reported to be increased by soaking the marc in hot water for about twenty minutes to remove the tartrates.


» convertir en pulpapulp .

Example: Unless the filmed material is deemed of high artistic or artifactual value, it is subsequently pulped.

» reducido a la pulpapulped .

Example: Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.

Pulpa synonyms

flesh in spanish: carne, pronunciation: fleʃ part of speech: noun pulp magazine in spanish: revista de pulpa, pronunciation: pʌlpmægəzin part of speech: noun
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