Pulgada in english


pronunciation: ɪntʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pulgada = inch (") ; in (inch). 

Example: Card catalogues or indexes comprise a set of cards often 5x3 inches (122x72 mm), with each entry on a separate card.Example: The disc is 254 mm (10 in) in diameter and is made of an electrically conductive plastic.


» dpi (puntos por pulgada)dpi (dots per inch) .

Example: High quality (400dpi) TIFF files were stored on archival tape, and JPEG thumbnails and full-size images placed on server to be accessed by CGI script.

» ficha de tres por cinco pulgadasthree-by-five card [Forma de referirse a la ficha catalográfica expresando su tamaño normal (7 centímetros y medio de ancho por 22 y medio de largo)] .

Example: I think that Mr. Scilken's point was that there's so much material on the traditional three-by-five card that it's less useful, that it's distracting, in fact, and does a disservice to the public library.

» puntos por pulgadadots per inch [Resolución de una imagen] .

Example: The consortium's first project was a joint study to explore the feasibility of scanning images of brittle books at 600 dots per inch.

Pulgada synonyms

in in spanish: en, pronunciation: ɪn part of speech: noun, adjective, adverb edge in spanish: borde, pronunciation: edʒ part of speech: noun column inch in spanish: columna pulgada, pronunciation: kɑləmɪntʃ part of speech: noun
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