Puerta in english


pronunciation: dɔr part of speech: noun
In gestures

puerta = door ; doorway ; gate ; backyard. 

Example: If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.Example: Heads started appearing in the doorway, muttering, 'Oh! So this is the library'.Example: The fifth kind of relationship is that in which an entity is defined by one of its attributes; for example, in Lewis Carroll's poem, 'I'll tell thee everything I can: I saw an aged, aged man, a-sitting on a gate'.Example: The article 'Coming soon to your backyard' argues that Britain has the highest potential for wind power in Europe.


» abrir la puerta athrow + open the door to .

Example: We have two programs that have begun to put tables of contents on the Web -- throwing open the door to those who browse the Internet for information as well as those who use our online public access catalog.

» abrir la puerta empujándolepush + open + the doorpush + the door open .

Example: He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Example: She said he pushed the door open and she fell and hit her head and her hip on the floor, where he proceeded to rape her.

» abrir las puertas deunlock [Sentido figurado] .

Example: NTIS is a key partner in unlocking the world's technology.

» abrir puertasopen + avenuesopen + doors [También con sentido figurado] .

Example: Every librarian, regardless of his government's policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.

Example: To be born into a middle class family opens wide many educational and occupational doors which are scarcely ajar to others.

» abrir sus puertas al públicoopen + its doors to the public .

Example: Some 126 years ago, the Eiffel Tower opened its doors to the public for the first time.

» abrir una puerta corriéndolaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» abrir una puerta deslizándolaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» acompañar a la puertausher + Nombre + outsee + Alguien + outshow + Nombre + to the door .

Example: When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.

Example: She squared her shoulders and offered to see him out.

Example: She was taken off guard when he locked arms with her and showed her to the door.

» acompañar hasta la puertasee + Alguien + outusher + Nombre + outshow + Nombre + to the door .

Example: She squared her shoulders and offered to see him out.

Example: When our waiter came back out after clearing the table, we were certain that he was going to politely usher us out, but instead, he asked us if we were interested in dessert!.

Example: She was taken off guard when he locked arms with her and showed her to the door.

» a las puertas deon the threshold of .

Example: It is especially vital that we solicit their comments now we are on the threshold of tremendously exciting programs.

» a las puertas de la muerteon + Posesivo + deathbed .

Example: The seminar explored whether the journal as we know it is on its deathbed.

» a puerta cerradabehind closed doorsin camerain chambers .

Example: Committee meetings are normally held behind closed doors but, occasionally, a committee will decide to hold a public hearing on a given topic.

Example: From time to time, depending on the subject matter, Council decides to discuss the topic in an 'in camera' session.

Example: The prosecutor and the defense counsel shall be permitted to submit proposed questions to the court prior to the session in chambers.

» asomar la cabeza por la puertaput + Posesivo + head in the door .

Example: Putting his head in the door he took a quick glance around the inside of the shed, taking a head count.

» atrancar la puertabar + the door .

Example: All my nightmares escaped my head, bar the door please don't let them in.

» cerradura de la puertadoor lock .

Example: But seriously, a jammed door lock can pose a real security threat for your home.

» cerrar la puerta de golpeslam + a doorslam + Nombre + shut [Usado generalmente para puertas y ventanas] .

Example: On several occasions he was witness to the sights and sounds of Balzac's emotionalism, including tantrum-pitched screaming, banging fists on desks, and slamming doors.

Example: In one scene, while Nancy is being chased by him, she runs into her house, spun around and slammed the door shut and bolted it closed.

» cerrar una puerta corriéndolaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» cerrar una puerta deslizándolaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» coche de cinco puertashatchback .

Example: A set of shiny alloy wheels from a discount website can turn even the humblest of low-insurance hatchbacks into a mean machine.

» coger la puertawalk outmake + a quick exit .

Example: At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop's address.

Example: I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.

» coger la puerta y largarsemake + a quick exitwalk out .

Example: I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.

Example: At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop's address.

» con cuatro puertasfour-door .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» correr una puerta para abrirlaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» correr una puerta para cerrarlaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» darle a Alguien con la puerta en las naricesshut + the door in + Posesivo + faceslam + the door in + Posesivo + face .

Example: Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.

Example: The nun told her not to come to her class late and slammed the door in her face.

» de cuatro puertasfour-door .

Example: He was wearing a round-neck sweater and dark trousers and is believed to have been driving a small, four-door car.

» dejar la puerta abierta aopen + the door toleave + the door open for/to .

Example: Thus Cutter opens the door to compounds and phrases of all kinds -- so long as they are 'nameable' -- and also opens the door to inversion, but gives no rule for this.

Example: I'm leaving the door open for those occasional flukey breaks that do come along every once in a while.

» dejar la puerta abierta de par en parleave + the door wide open .

Example: Giere does not secure a firm foundation for a cognitive theory of science because he leaves the door wide open for social constructivist interpretations of his views.

» de puerta en puertadoor-to-door .

Example: Uganda will soon launch a door-to-door blood testing survey to get a more accurate picture of the number of Ugandans with AIDS.

» de puertas abiertasopen door .

Example: The 'open door' philosophy brought the library to the forefront of actively developing services for community youth.

» de puertas adentroback-officein the back office [Usado para referirse a las funciones de administración/gestión de una empresa como opuestas a los servicios de cara al cliente]backroom .

Example: As an organization, MCN has always championed back-office, mission-critical, 'heavy lifting' aspects of museum technologies.

Example: Benefits have been proven in the back office and now many organizations are applying it in customer facing applications.

Example: For many years, we have used the new technology to tinker with the existing system, to achieve cost savings in the backroom processes, and to produce paper products more cheaply and rapidly.

» de puertas hacia dentrobackroomin the back office [Usado para referirse a las funciones de administración/gestión de una empresa como opuestas a los servicios de cara al cliente]back-office .

Example: For many years, we have used the new technology to tinker with the existing system, to achieve cost savings in the backroom processes, and to produce paper products more cheaply and rapidly.

Example: Benefits have been proven in the back office and now many organizations are applying it in customer facing applications.

Example: As an organization, MCN has always championed back-office, mission-critical, 'heavy lifting' aspects of museum technologies.

» deslizar la puerta para abrirlaslide + a door open .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» deslizar una puerta para cerrarlaslide + a door closed .

Example: I didn't want to wake them up, so I put on my shoes carefully, got up carefully and slid the door open and slid it closed again.

» en cuanto + salir + por lathe moment/second + Nombre + walk + out (of) the/that door .

Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.

» encuentro a puerta cerradameeting behind closed doorclosed meeting .

Example: Preliminary discussions with staff may be held in meetings behind closed doors to facilitate an open, honest dialogue.

Example: Attendance at closed meetings is limited to those who are alcoholic or think they may have a drinking problem.

» en el momento que + salir + por lathe moment/second + Nombre + walk + out (of) the/that door .

Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.

» en la puertain the doorway .

Example: He stood in the doorway, blinking his eyes at the light, looking astonished but eager to do whatever was required of him.

» en + Posesivo + misma puertaon + Posesivo + own/very doorstep .

Example: This dance festival bigs up the diverse and exciting range of high quality dance theatre talent we've got on our very own doorstep.

» enseñarle a Alguien la puerta de la calleshow + Nombre + the door .

Example: Just fire her for gross misconduct and show her the door and leave it at that.

» enseñarle la puerta a Alguiengive + Nombre + the gate .

Example: I suppose you had your own reasons for giving her the gate.

» entrar por la puertaenter + the door .

Example: When grandparents enter the door discipline flies out the window.

» esterilla de la puertadoormat .

Example: Khan was overwhelmed by the flood of post landing on her doormat everyday, but is clearly chuffed to bits to know the people care.

» hablando del rey de Roma(, por la puerta asoma)speak of the deviltalk of the devil .

Example: Speak of the devil, we were just talking about him before he came in the room.

Example: The book is entitled 'Talk of the devil'.

» imán para la puerta del frigoríficofridge magnetrefrigerator magnet .

Example: Some people also collect fridge magnets from everywhere they go on vacations.

Example: Her hobbies were ceramics, bingo and collecting refrigerator magnets.

» ir de puerta en puertago + door to doortravel + door-to-door .

Example: For the last 17 years, she has been going door to door in the outskirts of the Nepali capital to tell people about the services available at health centres.

Example: There is a lot of debate about Uber and their drivers but we hear a lot of good things and it is an affordable way to travel door-to-door.

» jamba de la puertadoor jamb .

Example: Most types of door fasteners and deadbolts extend into a recess in the door jamb when engaged, making the strength of the door jambs vitally important to the overall security of the door.

» jornada de puertas abiertasopen day [Acontecimiento en el que una institución invita al público en general a visitarla y conocer sus dependencias y funcionamiento] .

Example: This article describes the conferences and open days held to educate and encourage the Welsh library community.

» llamar a la puertaknock at/on + doorrap at + door .

Example: A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.

Example: 'Yes, what is it?' asked the director absently, as Hernandez rapped at his door.

» llamar a las puertas de la muerteknock on + death's door .

Example: My alcohol and opiate addiction eventually had me knocking on Death's door.

» llamar a las puertas del cieloknock on + heaven's door .

Example: After knocking on heaven's door, cemeteries are the keepsakes of our abandoned shells.

» llegar de puerta a puertatravel + door-to-door .

Example: There is a lot of debate about Uber and their drivers but we hear a lot of good things and it is an affordable way to travel door-to-door.

» manilla de la puertadoor handle .

Example: The bulk of their products include door handles, door knockers, padlocks, and various other items, the majority of which are made from solid brass.

» manivela de la puertadoor handle .

Example: The bulk of their products include door handles, door knockers, padlocks, and various other items, the majority of which are made from solid brass.

» marco de la puertadoor frame .

Example: Architraves serve as a trim around door frames and windows, their prime purpose being to hide the gap between the wall and the door jamb or window frame.

» no cerrar ninguna puertakeep + Posesivo + options openleave + Posesivo + options open .

Example: She is keen to become a mother but is keeping her options open about when or how she might do it.

Example: Eventually, she would like to return to Montana, but for now she is leaving her options open for wherever her career path takes her.

» pillarse el dedo en la puertajam + Posesivo + finger in the door .

Example: She jammed her finger in the door and went out cold for about 1 minute.

» pomo de la puertadoorknob .

Example: Many swinging doors are installed with a lever or doorknob to open them with.

» puerta automáticaautomatic door .

Example: The library should provide facilites for disabled people, including special toilets, access ramps and automatic doors.

» puerta batienteswinging doorswing door .

Example: Many swinging doors are installed with a lever or doorknob to open them with.

Example: Researchers have done a comparative study and found that revolving doors save more energy than swing doors.

» puerta con puertanext door .

Example: A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.

» puerta contra incendiosfire door .

Example: All critical ironmongery fitted to fire doors must be tested and approved.

» puerta correderasliding door .

Example: The article hast the title 'Meeting the information needs of the print handicapped -- more than ramps and sliding doors'.

» puerta corredera automáticaautomatic sliding door .

Example: The library has installed handrails to guide blind patrons to automatic sliding doors.

» puerta corredera de cristalsliding glass door .

Example: This collection of videos pays tribute to nincompoops, deadheads and simps: people who walk into sliding glass doors and out of public restrooms with toilet paper trailing from one of their shoes.

» puerta cortafuegosfire door .

Example: All critical ironmongery fitted to fire doors must be tested and approved.

» puerta de accesogateway .

Example: One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.

» puerta de cancela giratoriarevolving gate .

Example: A path flanked by rows of trees runs from the front door of the schoolhouse to a fence with a revolving gate.

» puerta de cristalglass door [glassdoor] .

Example: I really like the beading around the doors and drawers, and that the glass door muntins align with the shelves inside.

» puerta de cristalesglazed door .

Example: But in the country the processes of printing always provoke such lively curiosity that the customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street.

» puerta de embarqueboarding gate .

Example: So, having stated these thoughts about librarians and digital libraries, I am happy to announce that the airplane has now pulled into its boarding gate.

» puerta de enlacegateway [En tecnología de la información, dispositivo que actúa de intermediario entre software con objeto de que se entiendan] .

Example: Finally, to allow for even further expansion, it should be possible to link the mail system with other systems through 'gateways'.

» puerta de entradaentrance gateentrance door .

Example: This article describes the survey undertaken at Dartford and Margate libraries which consisted of 3 separate exercises: a comparison of entrance gate and borrowing figures; a survey; and activity sampling.

Example: The entrance door should be automatic or with a handle easy to grip.

» puerta de la ciudadcity gate .

Example: The bodies of some of the executed were thrown into the sea, while others were dumped, without burial, before the city gates.

» puerta del maleterotailgate .

Example: There is a possibility that the bolts attaching the tailgate strut mounting bracket to the body may become loose.

» puerta del patiopatio door .

Example: I heard a bonk on the patio door and found this little bird stunned on the ground.

» puerta de salidaexit door .

Example: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.

» puerta enrollableroll-up door .

Example: We offer storage facilities with roll-up doors fitted with sliding bolts.

» puerta giratoriarevolving door .

Example: Researchers have done a comparative study and found that revolving doors save more energy than swing doors.

» puerta lateralside door .

Example: The driver's side door, part of the bonnet and the side-view mirror were also damaged.

» puerta oscilanteswinging doorswing door .

Example: Many swinging doors are installed with a lever or doorknob to open them with.

Example: Researchers have done a comparative study and found that revolving doors save more energy than swing doors.

» puerta principalfront doormain door .

Example: Some of the information supplied by a library is directed towards solving pragmatic problems of everyday living such as 'What ca I do about an abandoned car outside my front door?', 'I want to buy my son out of the Navy', 'My friend has just taken an overdose'.

Example: Classrooms may be up to 100 m from the main door.

» puertas abiertasopen house [Acontecimiento en el que una institución invita al público en general a visitarla y conocer sus dependencias y funcionamiento] .

Example: The first open house was held in the library in Nov 81, presenting various arts events, and attracting 300 attenders.

» puerta secretasecret door .

Example: Secret doors and hidden passageways may sound like the stuff of movies and novels but these are for real.

» puerta traseraback doorpatio door .

Example: You do not want to try and clear the building, thinking it is a fire when it is just somebody trying to deliver a parcel of books to the back door.

Example: I heard a bonk on the patio door and found this little bird stunned on the ground.

» recogida en su propia puertakerbside collectioncurbside collection .

Example: They also provide a kerbside collection service for recyclable and non-recyclable household rubbish.

Example: The following is the list of acceptable marterials for curbside collection.

» reunión a puerta cerradaclosed meetingmeeting behind closed door .

Example: Attendance at closed meetings is limited to those who are alcoholic or think they may have a drinking problem.

Example: Preliminary discussions with staff may be held in meetings behind closed doors to facilitate an open, honest dialogue.

» reunión a puertas abiertasopen meeting .

Example: One of the aims of book clubs ought to be to mount open meetings which will attract non-members.

» salir corriendo por la puertarun out of + the door .

Example: All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.

» salir disparado por la puertarun out of + the door .

Example: All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.

» salir por la puerta grandeleave on + a high note .

Example: Needless to say, I failed in my attempt to leave on a high note and probably won't be asked to attend any more social gatherings in the near future.

» saque de puertagoal kick .

Example: Goal kicks are awarded when an offensive player knocks the ball past the goal line and out of bounds.

» ser la puerta de acceso abe the gateway for/to .

Example: Scientists consider the tropical tropopause to be the gateway for water vapor, ozone and other gases that enter the stratosphere.

» ser la puerta de entrada abe the gateway for/to .

Example: Scientists consider the tropical tropopause to be the gateway for water vapor, ozone and other gases that enter the stratosphere.

» ser una puerta abierta abe an open invitation to .

Example: This rule leaves the definition of `significant' to the individual indexer which is clearly an open invitation to inconsistency.

» sesión de puertas abiertaspublic hearingopen hearing .

Example: Committee meetings are normally held behind closed doors but, occasionally, a committee will decide to hold a public hearing on a given topic.

Example: Open hearings throughout the state gave librarians a chance to discuss the issues to be addressed by the survey.

» timbre de la puertadoorbell .

Example: The delay seems even longer with the second doorbell that I have set to chime once, as opposed to the front doorbell which chimes twice.

» umbral de la puertadoorstep [Generalmente usado en sentido figurado con el sentido de "casa"] .

Example: Spreading out from the doorstep is a wider social group whose influence comes to bear on children, particularly after they are old enough to wander at large on their own.

» venta de puerta en puertadoor-to-door sales .

Example: It may be one of hardest sales techniques, but door-to-door sales can be very lucrative.

» viajar de puerta a puertatravel + door-to-door .

Example: There is a lot of debate about Uber and their drivers but we hear a lot of good things and it is an affordable way to travel door-to-door.

Puerta synonyms

threshold in spanish: límite, pronunciation: θreʃoʊld part of speech: noun doorway in spanish: puerta, pronunciation: dɔrweɪ part of speech: noun room access in spanish: acceso a la sala, pronunciation: rumækses part of speech: noun
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