Pueril in english


pronunciation: tʃaɪldɪʃ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pueril = childlike [child-like] ; infantile ; childish ; puerile ; boyish ; girlish. 

Example: She added, her voice taking on a curious quality of childlike appeal, 'I'll give you that new typewriter if you agree to Albert'.Example: The writer sets out the stages of infantile theories of sexuality.Example: Selection must be based on certain criteria -- they must not describe childish exploits, and illustrations must be well reproduced.Example: However, it is ironic that the author's first venture into the world of children's books is a disappointment because it does not have the puerile outrageousness of her 'adult' work.Example: It is not only females who need to demand liberation from their restrictive, stereotyped roles -- males must also be allowed to do 'boyish' or 'girlish' things as they choose.Example: It is not only females who need to demand liberation from their restrictive, stereotyped roles -- males must also be allowed to do 'boyish' or 'girlish' things as they choose.


» chiste puerilinfantile joke .

Example: This comedy is full of infantile jokes and adolescent sniggering about homosexuals.

» de manera puerilchildishly .

Example: She fell onto the bed childishly, kicking her feet up in the air.

Pueril synonyms

immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective infantile in spanish: infantil, pronunciation: ɪnfəntɪl part of speech: adjective
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