Puerco in english


pronunciation: pɪg part of speech: noun
In gestures

puerco = mucky pup ; swine ; pig. 

Example: I would recommend this product if you don't have many white clothes and if you don't have children, as we all know they are mucky pups.Example: The words 'swine,' 'hogs,' and 'pigs' refer to animals of the porcine family or pig family.Example: A child may find through reading a book that a dull day is transformed because he has met a talking pig and a spider that can write in 'Charlotte's Web'.


puercoespínporcupineporcupine .

Example: The porcupine is not an aggressive animal -- it will only attack if it is threatened.

Example: The porcupine is not an aggressive animal -- it will only attack if it is threatened.

Puerco synonyms

bull in spanish: toro, pronunciation: bʊl part of speech: noun hog in spanish: cerdo, pronunciation: hɑg part of speech: noun copper in spanish: cobre, pronunciation: kɑpɜr part of speech: noun cop in spanish: policía, pronunciation: kɑp part of speech: noun devour in spanish: devorar, pronunciation: dɪvaʊɜr part of speech: verb raven in spanish: cuervo, pronunciation: reɪvən part of speech: noun gulp in spanish: trago, pronunciation: gʌlp part of speech: noun, verb fuzz in spanish: pelusa, pronunciation: fʌz part of speech: noun farrow in spanish: lechigada de puercos, pronunciation: feroʊ part of speech: noun slob in spanish: haragán, pronunciation: slɑb part of speech: noun sloven in spanish: vago, pronunciation: sloʊvən part of speech: noun guttle in spanish: guttle, pronunciation: gʌtəl part of speech: verb sus scrofa in spanish: sus scrofa, pronunciation: sʌskroʊfə part of speech: noun pig it in spanish: porcino, pronunciation: pɪgɪt part of speech: verb slovenly person in spanish: persona desaliñada, pronunciation: slʌvənlipɜrsən part of speech: noun pig bed in spanish: cama de cerdo, pronunciation: pɪgbed part of speech: noun
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