Puente in english


pronunciation: brɪdʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

puente = bridge ; bridge passage ; gateway. 

Example: My own definition of 'Hypermedia' is a system whereby audiovisual 'statements' can be used as bridges between materials that are conceptually related in some way.Example: This sort of informal discussion between teacher and pupils is really a 'bridge passage' leading smoothly from one occupation -science, or P.E. or maths, etc.- to literary reading.Example: One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.


» actuar de puenteact as + a bridge .

Example: Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.

» cabeza de puentebridgehead .

Example: With its centres of strength in Leipzig and Frankfurt, Deutsche Bibliothek is now prepared to serve as a bridgehead between East and West.

» cabeza de puente aéreoairhead .

Example: Of particular historical interest are the many airheads established by the German Army in their war with Russia in 1941-1945.

» construir un puentebuild + a bridge .

Example: Designing and building a bridge to withstand earthquakes is no easy challenge.

» expresión puentetransitional phrase .

Example: In the final strategy, students re-write textual paragraphs in their own words, using transitional words and phrases to combine sentences.

» palabra puentetransitional word .

Example: In the final strategy, students re-write textual paragraphs in their own words, using transitional words and phrases to combine sentences.

» puente aéreoairliftair bridge .

Example: In 1949 the author, now professor at the Institute of Library Science at the Berlin Freie Universitat, was a transport worker at Berlin Airport during the Allied airlift.

Example: If we are denied humanitarian access, we'll carry out a program for air bridges and airdrops to all of those areas in need.

» puente atirantadocable-stayed bridge .

Example: It was originally planned as a suspension bridge, but the design was changed to a cable-stayed bridge for environmental reasons.

» puente colgantesuspension bridge .

Example: It was originally planned as a suspension bridge, but the design was changed to a cable-stayed bridge for environmental reasons.

» puente cubiertocovered bridge .

Example: This area is renowned for biking with lots of back roads winding their way through covered bridges and past historic buildings.

» puente de barcaspontoon bridge .

Example: Pontoon bridges are floating bridges supported by floating pontoons with sufficient buoyancy to support the bridge and dynamic loads.

» puente de barcazaspontoon bridge .

Example: Pontoon bridges are floating bridges supported by floating pontoons with sufficient buoyancy to support the bridge and dynamic loads.

» puente de fin de semanalong weekendholiday weekend .

Example: Celebrate the long weekend with these recipes fit for a queen.

Example: There have been fewer fatalities on state roads this holiday weekend than last year.

» puente de peajetoll bridge .

Example: Whitney Bridge is one of only eight privately owned toll bridges in Britain.

» puente de pontonespontoon bridge .

Example: Pontoon bridges are floating bridges supported by floating pontoons with sufficient buoyancy to support the bridge and dynamic loads.

» puente de Semana Santa, elEaster break, the .

Example: The first day back at work after the Easter break, and Sal Kilkenny is already rushed off her feet.

» puente de trabajocatwalk .

Example: A catwalk is an elevated service platform from which many of the technical functions of a theater, such as lighting sound, may be manipulated.

» Puente de Varoliopons, the .

Example: The brainstem consists of the medulla (myelencephalon), the pons (metencephalon), and the midbrain (mesencephalon).

» puente encorvadohump bridgehumpback(ed) bridge .

Example: You should not overtake on the left if there is a bend ahead, a hump bridge or the brow of a hill.

Example: This humpback bridge lays claim to being the oldest of Virginia's remaining covered bridges.

» puente levadizodrawbridge .

Example: Medieval fortresses were perfectly designed to prevent invasion and the drawbridge was a major part of this defense.

» puente peatonalfootbridgepedestrian bridgemarsupial bridge [En concreto, un puente peatonal que transcurre por debajo de otro puente dedicado al tráfico en general y del cual se suspende total o parcialmente] .

Example: Just follow the footbridge across the river Clyde to get to the opening reception where there will be food buffets and drinks.

Example: This pedestrian bridge was unreachable as the river had breached its banks and was way over the footpath.

Example: The marsupial bridge attached to the main bridge above will allow pedestrians and bicyclists to cross the river beneath the main structure.

» puente peraltadohump bridgehumpback(ed) bridge .

Example: You should not overtake on the left if there is a bend ahead, a hump bridge or the brow of a hill.

Example: This humpback bridge lays claim to being the oldest of Virginia's remaining covered bridges.

» puente voladizocantilever bridge .

Example: Cantilever bridges are based on structures that project horizontally into space, supported at only one end -- like a springboard.

» ser puenteact as + a bridge .

Example: Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.

» ser puente entreserve as + a bridge between .

Example: IT can motivate children, provide a 'novelty' factor to enliven routine work and serve as a bridge between the classroom and the library.

» ser un puente haciabe a way station to/forbe a stepping stone to .

Example: They maintained that the space station was not designed to be a way station to other worlds, a launching pad for planetary exploration, or a stepping stone to anywhere.

Example: The workforce is youthful, itinerant and frequently hopeful of using the libary as a stepping stone to jobs in marketing or publishing.

» ser un puente hacia el éxitobe a stepping stone to success .

Example: We all know that we can learn from mistakes, that failures or setbacks are stepping stones to success.

» ser un puente hacia la independenciabe a stepping stone to independence .

Example: It was a hard life but many women saw paid employment as a stepping stone to independence and an endorsement of their place in society.

» ser un puente hacia la virtudbe a stepping stone to glory .

Example: Sacrifice and unselfishness are the stepping stones to glory.

» servir de puenteact as + a bridge .

Example: Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.

» servir de puente entreserve as + a bridge between .

Example: IT can motivate children, provide a 'novelty' factor to enliven routine work and serve as a bridge between the classroom and the library.

» servir de puente parabe a way station to/forbe a stepping stone to .

Example: They maintained that the space station was not designed to be a way station to other worlds, a launching pad for planetary exploration, or a stepping stone to anywhere.

Example: The workforce is youthful, itinerant and frequently hopeful of using the libary as a stepping stone to jobs in marketing or publishing.

» servir de puente para la independenciabe a stepping stone to independence .

Example: It was a hard life but many women saw paid employment as a stepping stone to independence and an endorsement of their place in society.

» servir de puente para la virtudbe a stepping stone to glory .

Example: Sacrifice and unselfishness are the stepping stones to glory.

» tender puentesbuild + bridgesspan + boundariesbridge + the chasmbridge + the gapbridge + the gulf .

Example: This article describes attempts to build bridges across the professions to encourage the exchange of knowledge between curators and conservators.

Example: The roles for information professionals in the future will demand a broad interpretation of professional identity and ability to span disciplinary, institutional and methodological boundaries.

Example: I believe that the reality is that the chasm between these two interests can't be bridged simply by including an alternative rule as a footnote at the bottom of a page in a code.

Example: This project aims to bridge the gap between academics and practitioners through the sharing of their experiences.

Example: The language of poetry bridges the gulf of cultural conflict.

» tender puentes entre... y...straddle (between)straddle + the line between ... and ... .

Example: Their work constitutes a new art movement, drawing on, and straddling divisions between, pop art, performing arts, popular culture, and fashion.

Example: These media moguls all straddled the line between entertainment and politics, preaching to the public and wielding an immense influence over lawmakers and politicians.

» tender un puentebridge .

Example: BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.

Puente synonyms

span in spanish: lapso, pronunciation: spæn part of speech: noun nosepiece in spanish: muserola, pronunciation: noʊzpis part of speech: noun bridgework in spanish: puente, pronunciation: brɪdʒwɜrk part of speech: noun bridge circuit in spanish: circuito puente, pronunciation: brɪdʒsɜrkət part of speech: noun bridge over in spanish: sobre Puente, pronunciation: brɪdʒoʊvɜr part of speech: verb bridge deck in spanish: puente cubierta, pronunciation: brɪdʒdek part of speech: noun
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