Pueblo in english


pronunciation: vɪlədʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

poblar = populate ; people. 

Example: In areas populated largely by older people, the library might provide more reading rooms, stocked with newspapers and magazines as well as books.Example: Micronesia is comprised of seven island nations peopled by distinctly unique cultural groups.


» sin poblarunpopulated .

Example: In the USA and Australia, the impression is that there is a lot of wide open, largely unpopulated space between towns of a size to support static library services.

pueblo1 = town ; village. 

Example: Rivers, erosion, towns and glaciers are all phenomena studied by geography.Example: In the above example, when specifying the individual village, Ashworthy, we must employ a verbal extension to the 'normal' UDC notation.


» arcas del pueblo, lastown coffers, the .

Example: People have been talking about that for a long time, long before the investigation started, so the news that officials misappropriated more than $250,000 from the town coffers came as little surprise to residents.

» centro del pueblotown centre .

Example: Suburban branches can be replaced by one central library in the nearest town centre.

» chico de pueblosmall-town country boy .

Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.

» Ciudad + y los pueblos de su alrededorGreater + Ciudad + area .

Example: A survey of museum libraries and related institutions is being conducted in the Greater London area.

» habitante del pueblovillager  ; village peoplevillage manvillage woman .

Example: Most importantly, the villagers are responsible for the day to day operation and the upkeep of the units.

Example: You are the strongest of all your village people, so your aim in this arcade game is to make haste towards the woods and save your people!.

Example: Consequently, without an education to prepare them for finding work, these girls are often sold as a slave to another village man.

Example: Perhaps only 2% or less of village women can read and write.

» habitante de un pueblotown dweller .

Example: Town dwellers, burghers, and tradespeople were considered middle class.

» pan de pueblolarge round loaf (of bread) .

Example: Our guide jumped off the bus and within minutes returned with a bag of several large round loaves of bread.

» pasarse tres pueblosgo far too fargo over + the topgo + way too farlay it on with + a trowellay it on + thickgo too fartake + Nombre + too farpush + Nombre + too fargo + overboardstep over + the edgeoverstep + the markcross over + the line .

Example: He went far too far for the seasoned and experienced diplomat that he is.

Example: It is just sometimes the case that going over the top is a lot more fun than being sensible or reasonable about anything.

Example: I think this plastic surgery fad has gone way too far.

Example: Cousteau definitely had a flair for showmanship, and he really lays it on with a trowel in this documentary.

Example: When I met him he was laying it on thick with compliments, and I thought it was 'cause he was drinking.

Example: He argues that some of the laws being proposed go too far in restricting rights.

Example: There's nothing wrong with a little nip and tuck if you want to feel good about yourself, as long as you don't take it too far.

Example: I think that we must not push the progressive nature of computer work too far.

Example: The article 'Going overboard with micros in the small library' offers guidelines for the small library on approaching the subject of microcomputers.

Example: In fact, many would say he has already stepped over the edge: the received wisdom in the world of reference is 'Never offer a personal opinion'.

Example: Calm down mate, I think your post is closer to overstepping the mark -- a forum is just regular people talking.

Example: But he knew that if he crossed over the line, he would get it in the teeth but good.

» periódico del pueblotown newspaper .

Example: I learned that during the Depression so many towners went to Chicago to find work that the town newspaper had to report on them, and the column had become a tradition.

» plaza del pueblotown square .

Example: This article gives a portrait of Varde public library, due to take possession of a new main library in then central town square.

» pueblo amuralladowalled town .

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» pueblo costeroseaside town .

Example: Mystery and intrigue have gripped a small seaside town after someone toppled the steeple of the community's 115-year-old Anglican church.

» pueblo de la costaseaside townseaside town .

Example: Mystery and intrigue have gripped a small seaside town after someone toppled the steeple of the community's 115-year-old Anglican church.

Example: Mystery and intrigue have gripped a small seaside town after someone toppled the steeple of the community's 115-year-old Anglican church.

» pueblo de montañamountain village .

Example: This remote, hitherto predominantly agricultural, mountain village has developed into an ultra-modern ski resort.

» pueblo de pescadoresfishing communityfishing village .

Example: Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change.

Example: The 2 communities investigated with the help of library school students were Looe, a fishing village, and Hatherleigh, a market centre.

» pueblo fantasmaghost town .

Example: Sections cover farms and ranches, towns, schools and churches, fisheries and canneries, railroads, mines and ghost towns, and graveyards.

» pueblo fortificadowalled town .

Example: This paper identifies the walled towns of Ireland through surviving structures and documentary evidence.

» pueblo mineromining town .

Example: In Oct 89, a new branch of the Norwegian public library service was opened in MoiRana, a mining town a little south of the Arctic Circle.

» pueblo pesquerofishing communityfishing village .

Example: Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change.

Example: The 2 communities investigated with the help of library school students were Looe, a fishing village, and Hatherleigh, a market centre.

» ser la comidilla del pueblobe the talk of the town .

Example: It wasn't long before the idea of a railhead was the talk of the town.

» tonto del pueblo, elvillage fool, thetown fool, the .

Example: But only good teaching and careful questioning can help students become the village shaman rather than the village fool.

Example: There, he discovers that his childhood friend, the town fool, Travis, has been incarcerated for burning down a farm.

» vecino del pueblovillager  ; village peoplevillage manvillage woman .

Example: Most importantly, the villagers are responsible for the day to day operation and the upkeep of the units.

Example: You are the strongest of all your village people, so your aim in this arcade game is to make haste towards the woods and save your people!.

Example: Consequently, without an education to prepare them for finding work, these girls are often sold as a slave to another village man.

Example: Perhaps only 2% or less of village women can read and write.

pueblo2 = people. 

Example: For example, the Library of Congress established names of indigenous American and African peoples are very often derogatory corruptions of their real names.


» defensor del puebloombudsman [ombudsmen, -pl.] [Persona nombrada por un colectivo para defender los intereses del mismo]watchdog .

Example: A consumer ombudsman's department looks after consumer complaints and, in addition, many municipalities now have a consumer guidance office.

Example: It has earned a reputation as a watchdog and consumers union in the medical equipment industry with its international problem reporting network, published in HEALTH DEVICES ALERTS (HDA) on DIALOG.

» dirigido al pueblopeople-driven .

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» enemigo del puebloenemy of the people .

Example: 'Enemies of the People' may be one of the most important films about Cambodia ever made = "Enemigos del pueblo" quizás sea una de las películas más importantes que jamás se ha hecho sobre Camboya.

» orientado hacia el pueblopeople-driven .

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» pensado para el pueblopeople-driven .

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» pueblo, elpopulace, thecommon people, the .

Example: This would enable the majority of the rural populace who are illiterate and semi-literate to participate in cultural and intellectual entertainment.

Example: The book focuses on images where hideous atrocities -- e.g., murder, blasphemy, wanton destruction and even cannibalism -- are shown to be part of the daily life of the common people of Paris during the revolution.

» pueblo judíoshtetl .

Example: It would be nice for individual libraries themselves to create and apply headings for themes of special ethnic or local interest, e.g., BAGELS, ROSEMALING, GHETTOES, KWANZA, KIBBUTZ, shtetl, and KUBBESTOLS.

» pueblo lectorreading people .

Example: The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.

Pueblo synonyms

settlement in spanish: asentamiento, pronunciation: setəlmənt part of speech: noun hamlet in spanish: aldea, pronunciation: hæmlət part of speech: noun small town in spanish: pequeño pueblo, pronunciation: smɔltaʊn part of speech: noun greenwich village in spanish: Greenwich Village, pronunciation: grenɪtʃvɪlədʒ part of speech: noun
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