Pudrir in english


pronunciation: rɑt part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pudrirse = rot ; putrefy ; decompose. 

Example: The raw material of white paper was undyed linen -- or in very early days hempen -- rags, which the paper-maker bought in bulk, sorted and washed, and then put by in a damp heap for four or five days to rot.Example: The blood obtained from these bodies for toxicological analysis was putrefied.Example: Until about 1952 the film industry used 35mm cellulose nitrate film, which is highly inflammable and decomposes irreversibly.



» dejar que se pudraleave to + rot .

Example: Whether by design or default, libraries are being neglected, deprofessionalised and left to rot.

» pudrirle la sangre a Unomake + Posesivo + blood boil .

Example: His confident and somewhat arrogant persona makes her blood boil, but as the saying goes: there is a thin line between love and hate.

» pudrirserotputrefydecompose .

Example: The raw material of white paper was undyed linen -- or in very early days hempen -- rags, which the paper-maker bought in bulk, sorted and washed, and then put by in a damp heap for four or five days to rot.

Example: The blood obtained from these bodies for toxicological analysis was putrefied.

Example: Until about 1952 the film industry used 35mm cellulose nitrate film, which is highly inflammable and decomposes irreversibly.

» pudrirse en la cárcelrot in + gaol .

Example: They should rot in gaol for the rest of their lives which I hope will be long and miserable.

Pudrir synonyms

waste in spanish: residuos, pronunciation: weɪst part of speech: noun, verb bull in spanish: toro, pronunciation: bʊl part of speech: noun crap in spanish: mierda, pronunciation: kræp part of speech: noun bunk in spanish: litera, pronunciation: bʌŋk part of speech: noun hogwash in spanish: bazofia, pronunciation: hɑgwɑʃ part of speech: noun guff in spanish: guff, pronunciation: gʌf part of speech: noun decompose in spanish: descomponer, pronunciation: dikəmpoʊz part of speech: verb putrefaction in spanish: putrefacción, pronunciation: pjutrfækʃən part of speech: noun decomposition in spanish: descomposición, pronunciation: dikəmpoʊzɪʃən part of speech: noun bunkum in spanish: tontería poco escondida, pronunciation: bʌŋkəm part of speech: noun moulder in spanish: moldeador, pronunciation: moʊldɜr part of speech: verb molder in spanish: moldeador, pronunciation: moʊldɜr part of speech: verb irish bull in spanish: toro irlandés, pronunciation: aɪrɪʃbʊl part of speech: noun rotting in spanish: podrido, pronunciation: rɑtɪŋ part of speech: noun buncombe in spanish: Buncombe, pronunciation: bənkɑm part of speech: noun
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