Puchero in english


pronunciation: sup part of speech: noun
In gestures

puchero1 = pout. 

Example: His forehead was all puckered, and his red mouth set in a pout.


» hacer pucherospoutpout + Posesivo + lips .

Example: She starts to pout when she doesn't get her way, stomping off, giving everyone the silent treatment, snapping at people.

Example: Kim pouted her lips as if she was Madonna and then fluttered her eyes.

puchero2 = cooking pot. 

Example: Sometimes, it is very common to leave leftover food in a cooking pot for weeks unnoticed.


» ganarse el pucheroearn + Posesivo + crustearn + Posesivo + salt .

Example: She earns her crust from drawing illustrations that make people smile.

Example: She was never an idle person and always said she had to 'earn her salt' each day.
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