Publicitario in english


pronunciation: ædvɜrtaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

publicitario = promotional ; advertising. 

Example: Many publishers seem fixated on the term 'acquisitions librarian' for promotional mailings.Example: New advertising ploys are also being tried to promote the greater use of audiobooks.


» agencia publicitariaadvertising agency .

Example: This study found it impossible to get more than an indication from advertisers and advertising agencies of their present interest in electronic publishing (e-publishing).

» anuncio publicitarioad (advertisement) [También abreviado advert]spot advertisingadvertisement (ad) [También abreviado advert]advertising spot .

Example: Small ads and job vacancies may also be displayed in the library.

Example: In addition, televised spot advertising, and to a lesser degree, television news, exert the most impact on voters' perceptions.

Example: Most journals rely for a substantial part of their income on advertisements; how would advertisers view the prospect of being selectively screened out by readers?.

Example: This service will aim to broadcast television and movies on the Internet, as they would be on TV, with revenues paid for by advertising spots.

» anuncio publicitario de la radiosound biteradio spot .

Example: The article is entitled 'Something more than sound bites: communicating value to library constituencies'.

Example: Forms of outreach include advertising, leaflets, talks, radio and television spots and knocking on doors.

» anuncio publicitario de un libroadvertising blurb .

Example: The human race has produced since the invention of movable type a total record, in the form of magazines, newspapers, advertising blurbs, correspondence.

» anuncio publicitario por radioradio commercialradio spotsound biteradio commercial .

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

Example: Forms of outreach include advertising, leaflets, talks, radio and television spots and knocking on doors.

Example: The article is entitled 'Something more than sound bites: communicating value to library constituencies'.

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

» anuncio publicitario por televisióntelevision commercialtelevision spot .

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

Example: Forms of outreach include advertising, leaflets, talks, radio and television spots and knocking on doors.

» ardid publicitariopublicity ployadvertising ploypublicity stunt .

Example: This is a publicity ploy aimed at generating a visceral reaction among potential clients.

Example: New advertising ploys are also being tried to promote the greater use of audiobooks.

Example: After all, librarian and community know each other intimately without expensive surveys and publicity stunts.

» arte publicitariocommercial art .

Example: Commercial art us the name given to artwork, such as illustration, photography, graphic design, prepared for predetermined commercial purposes, such as advertising and general promotion.

» banderola publicitariabanner adbanner advertisement .

Example: Love them or hate them, banner ads are one of the dominant forms of advertising online.

Example: It is a well-known fact that text links are far more effective than banner advertisements.

» banner publicitariobanner adbanner advertisement .

Example: Love them or hate them, banner ads are one of the dominant forms of advertising online.

Example: It is a well-known fact that text links are far more effective than banner advertisements.

» bombardeo publicitarioadvertising blitz .

Example: The mining lobby's advertising blitz today neglects to mention the jobs it is killing in other industries.

» bombo publicitariomedia hype .

Example: The perceived threat from computer viruses is exaggerated by media hype, misinformation and misunderstanding.

» campaña publicitariaadvertising campaignpublicity campaignad campaignmedia campaign .

Example: The Act was launched with a glossy advertising campaign that led claimants to believe they were entitled to larger sums of money than they in fact received.

Example: Neither campaign had much impact, mainly because the decisions to use publicity campaigns were misconceived.

Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.

Example: The public responded well to the media campaign and came forward with many missing issues and titles.

» cancioncilla de anuncio publicitariojingle .

Example: Many people can hear a jingle and know the company it belongs to, whereas if your company does not advertise, no one will know you exist.

» cartelera publicitariahoarding .

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

» cartel publicitariobillboard .

Example: Standard advertising mechanisms, such as spots on radio and television, signs in buses and on billboards, and widely disseminated leaflets are used if money is available.

» compañía publicitariaadvertising firm .

Example: In the early days of the service they received a $100,000 donation in kind from a major advertising firm.

» dibujante publicitariocommercial artist .

Example: Representative job titles are commercial artist, computer operator, dental hygienist, wildlife manager, flight attendant, law enforcer, meteorologist, optometrist, and tuner.

» dirigible publicitarioadvertising blimp .

Example: Both advertising balloons and blimps are used by companies worldwide to increase sales and visibility.

» eslogan publicitariosales pitch [Forma y modo de presentar un producto para hacerlo atractivo]advertising slogan .

Example: The term 'commercial communications' covers all forms of advertising promoting products and services but not packaging and sales pitches by individual salesperson.

Example: Searching is available by code, spokesperson, advertising slogan, and trade name, and by article type fields.

» estrategia publicitariasales pitch [Forma y modo de presentar un producto para hacerlo atractivo] .

Example: The term 'commercial communications' covers all forms of advertising promoting products and services but not packaging and sales pitches by individual salesperson.

» frase publicitariacatchphrase .

Example: Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.

» globo publicitarioadvertising balloon .

Example: Both advertising balloons and blimps are used by companies worldwide to increase sales and visibility.

» histeria publicitariamedia hype .

Example: The perceived threat from computer viruses is exaggerated by media hype, misinformation and misunderstanding.

» hoja publicitariaflyer [flier, -USA] [Hoja suelta que se distribuye normalmente en la calle como medio de publicidad]publicity flyeradvertising flyer .

Example: Bibliographies were compiled from holdings of major research libraries, CIP records, and publishers' flyers.

Example: The author makes recommendations for improving the impact of publicity 'flyers'.

Example: The collection contains objects such as keepsake dishes, playing cards, scarves, postcards, advertising flyers and brochures = La colección contiene objetos como, por ejemplo, platos de recuerdo, cartas de barajas, bufandas, postales, hojas publicitarias y guías informativas.

» industria publicitaria, laadvertising industry, thepublicity industry, the .

Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.

Example: Working in the publicity industry has definitely made me a believer of the old cliché 'Good things come to those who wait'.

» ingresos publicitariosadvertising revenues .

Example: In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

» material publicitarioadvertising material .

Example: Sources include trade magazines, newspapers, advertising material, and fashion magazines.

» reclamaciones publicitariasadvertising claim .

Example: It goes without saying that advertising claims should be treated with caution, but product literature should contain all the necessary technical information about the system.

» rollo publicitariosales pitch [Forma y modo de presentar un producto para hacerlo atractivo]product pitch .

Example: The term 'commercial communications' covers all forms of advertising promoting products and services but not packaging and sales pitches by individual salesperson.

Example: Our emphasis is on the practical rather than theoretical; we are seeking case studies and proposals about initiatives in your organisation, not product pitches or overviews.

» sensacionalismo publicitariomedia hype .

Example: The perceived threat from computer viruses is exaggerated by media hype, misinformation and misunderstanding.

» sintonía de anuncio publicitariojingle .

Example: Many people can hear a jingle and know the company it belongs to, whereas if your company does not advertise, no one will know you exist.

» valla publicitariabillboardhoardingadvertising hoard .

Example: Standard advertising mechanisms, such as spots on radio and television, signs in buses and on billboards, and widely disseminated leaflets are used if money is available.

Example: TIP was promoted citywide through a variety of media including handbills, posters on hoardings and buses, television and radio commercials.

Example: His madcap antics began 10 days ago when he went for a quick slash behind an advertising hoard.

Publicitario synonyms

advertisement in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: ədvɜrtəzmənt part of speech: noun ad in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: æd part of speech: noun advert in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: ædvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun advertizing in spanish: publicidad, pronunciation: ædvɜrtaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun publicizing in spanish: dar a conocer, pronunciation: pʌbləsaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun
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