Publicidad in english


pronunciation: ædvɜrtaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

publicidad = publicity material ; publicity ; advertising ; sales pitch. 

Example: Course brochure and prospectuses of course programmes, in addition to publicity materials, were acquired.Example: The publicity adopted for the promotion of this type of documentation seems ill-suited to the purposes envisaged.Example: Forms of outreach include advertising, leaflets, talks, radio and television spots and knocking on doors.Example: The term 'commercial communications' covers all forms of advertising promoting products and services but not packaging and sales pitches by individual salesperson.


» agencia de publicidadadvertising agency .

Example: This study found it impossible to get more than an indication from advertisers and advertising agencies of their present interest in electronic publishing (e-publishing).

» al que se le ha dado mucha publicidadheavily promoted .

Example: Heavily promoted new release feature films, such as 'Independence Day', were also profitable for the public library service.

» anunciado en la publicidadadvertised [advertized, -USA] .

Example: Each child was asked to choose between playing with the advertised toy versus playing with friends in a sandbox.

» campaña de publicidadpublicity campaignpress campaign .

Example: Neither campaign had much impact, mainly because the decisions to use publicity campaigns were misconceived.

Example: He claims that the press campaign he is about to unleash will be a 'publicity firestorm'.

» dar publicidadpublicise [publicize, -USA]give + publicity .

Example: A variety of extension activities, such as book clubs, competitions and quizzes also help to publicize the stock and the work of the library.

Example: Virtually no publicity was given to the service, since the library administration did not want to raise expectations, as they were unsure whether it was going to be possible to continue the service, due to budgetary restrictions at the time.

» directivo de agencia de publicidadadvertising executive .

Example: However, as the proportion of elderly people in the population rises sharply over the next few years advertising and retail executives will need to rethink their sales strategies.

» evitar la publicidadshun + the public eyekeep out of + the public eye .

Example: Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.

Example: He prefers to keep out of the public eye as much as possible.

» fotografía de publicidadadvertising photography .

Example: This article discusses the role of photography in literature and examines the value of artistic photography, advertising photography and documentary photography.

» hacer publicidadadvertise [advertize, -USA] [Publicidad] .

Example: A trailer is a short motion picture film consisting of selected scenes from a film to be shown at a future date, used to advertise that film.

» industria de la publicidad, lapublicity industry, theadvertising industry, the .

Example: Working in the publicity industry has definitely made me a believer of the old cliché 'Good things come to those who wait'.

Example: The advertising industry is complex, and many different types of skills are required to create a successful ad campaign.

» ingresos de la publicidadadvertising revenues .

Example: In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

» ingresos por publicidadadvertising revenues .

Example: In 2011, Internet advertising revenues in the United States surpassed those of cable television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

» magnate de la publicidadmedia mogul .

Example: These media moguls all straddled the line between entertainment and politics, preaching to the public and wielding an immense influence over lawmakers and politicians.

» publicidad a través de la prensapress advertising .

Example: Suppose you have a document which has as one of its themes 'the television advertising of cosmetics' and, as another, 'the press advertising of furniture'.

» publicidad conjuntajoint publicity .

Example: Libraries can cooperate closely with advice agencies through local coordinating committees, shared premises, joint publicity, referral and the sharing of professional expertise.

» publicidad de la administración públicapublic service announcement (PSA) [Publicidad de cualquier organismo público que los medios de comunicación emiten o publican gratis] .

Example: Results from an experimental study show that the audience recall of AIDS public service announcements (PSAs) is related to cultural identity and gender.

» publicidad de organismo oficialpublic service announcement (PSA) [Publicidad de cualquier organismo público que los medios de comunicación emiten o publican gratis] .

Example: Results from an experimental study show that the audience recall of AIDS public service announcements (PSAs) is related to cultural identity and gender.

» publicidad desmesuradaboosterism  .

Example: All newspapers tread a fine line between boosterism and journalism.

» publicidad engañosafalse advertisingdeceptive advertising .

Example: There are many types of companies that carry false advertising in their products in order to increase commercial sales.

Example: I have been victim of deceptive advertising many a time.

» publicidad televisivatelevision advertisingTV advertising .

Example: Suppose you have a document which has as one of its themes 'the television advertising of cosmetics' and, as another, 'the press advertising of furniture'.

Example: Different enquirers might ask for this subject in quite different ways -- eg, is there anything on 'TV advertising of aluminium pressure-cookers'?.

» recibir publicidadreceive + publicity .

Example: Large scale book thefts have received publicity in newspapers and journals.

Publicidad synonyms

advertisement in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: ədvɜrtəzmənt part of speech: noun ad in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: æd part of speech: noun advert in spanish: anuncio, pronunciation: ædvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun advertizing in spanish: publicidad, pronunciation: ædvɜrtaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun publicizing in spanish: dar a conocer, pronunciation: pʌbləsaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun
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