Publicación in english


pronunciation: pəblɪkeɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

publicación = item ; launch ; publication ; publication ; publishing ; issuance ; printed work. 

Example: A catalogue is a list of the materials or items in a library, with the entries representing the items arranged in some systematic order.Example: A gathering of 10 CD-ROM application developers resulted in the launch of the CD-ROM Standards and Practices Action Group.Example: A collection is two or more independent works or parts of works by one or more than one author published together and not written for the same occasion or for the publication in hand = A collection is two or more independent works or parts of works by one or more than one author published together and not written for the same occasion or for the publication in hand.Example: In order to support these three elements, and to ensure that schemes are updated it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.Example: It embodied programmes in secretarial studies, publishing, office management and graphic design.Example: The date of publication must be inferred from the date of issuance or coverage on a periodical.Example: The last mentioned covers, with certain provisos, periodical articles, other printed works, and copies for other libraries.


» agencia de publicaciónissuing bureau .

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» aparecer en publicacióncome out .

Example: Adequate attention should be paid to the needs of nonresearch libraries in whatever code comes out in the second edition.

» área de publicaciónpublication, distribution etc. area [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para expresar la información pertinente a la publicación, distribución e impresión de una publicación] .

Example: The second element of the publication, distribution, etc. area is the name of the publisher and/or distributor.

» area de publicación o distribuciónimprint .

Example: The date of the edition is arguably the most important part of the imprint or distribution, publication area.

» artículo de publicación periódicajournal articleperiodical article .

Example: The bibliographic data bases allow the searcher to retrieve references to work that has appeared in documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, patents and technical reports.

Example: In particular, a data base may be concerned to list separately individual periodical articles and single papers in conference proceedings.

» biblioteconomía especializada en las publicaciones seriadasserials librarianship .

Example: In the previous five chapters a basic outline of serials librarianship has been given.

» canales de publicaciónpublishing channels .

Example: The term 'grey literature' refers to documents issued informally in limited amounts which are not available through normal publishing channels, a definition which includes many scientific and technical research reports.

» Catalogación en Publicación (CEP)Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) [Preparación de cierta información catalográfica para que aparezca en el documento en el momento de su publicación] .

Example: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.

» catalogador de publicaciones seriadasserials cataloguer .

Example: Although the foundations of serials cataloguing are basically the same as for cataloguing in general, learning to be a serials cataloguer can be very challenging due to the changing nature of serials.

» catálogo de publicacionespublication(s) list .

Example: Other types of bibliographical material include government publications lists of theses and indexes.

» catálogo de publicaciones periódicasserials catalogue .

Example: These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.

» cese de publicación de una revistatitle cessation .

Example: A list of title changes and cessations is included at the end of each issue.

» circulación de publicaciones periódicasperiodical routing .

Example: Periodical routing means that periodicals are circulating among interested users.

» colección de publicaciones monográficasmonograph stock .

Example: Retrospective conversion of records of the Division's monograph stock (post-1979 imprints) to machine-readable form made good progress.

» colección de publicaciones periódicasperiodical stockperiodical collection .

Example: This article describes a project undertaken at Aston University Library to use the spreadsheet package Excel to assist in planning the respacing of the periodical stock.

Example: Compact shelving can be used successfully to store a high-use book or periodical collection in an undergraduate library.

» colocación de publicación en la web por el propio autorself-archiving [Colocación de la producción de un(a) autor(a) en una página web institucional de acceso abierto hecha por él(la) mismo/a] .

Example: Efforts aimed at giving authors control over the communication and distribution of their work, in the form of electronic author self-archiving systems, are gaining ground.

» comportamiento de publicaciónpublication behaviour .

Example: There is little influence of departmental size or age on the publication behaviour of individuals.

» control de la circulación de publicaciones seriadasserials circulation control .

Example: Serials control comprises serials circulation control, serials ordering and acquisition control.

» control de publicaciones periódicasperiodicals control .

Example: Periodicals control -- the procedures for receiving, (claiming), and binding single issues of periodicals and serials -- is restricted to authorized users.

» control de publicaciones seriadasserials control [Registro sistemático de los fascículos de una publicación en serie a medida que se reciben, y que permite verificar, en cualquier momento, el estado de la colección]periodicals inventory control .

Example: No detailed mention is made of the modules included in such packages which are not concerned with cataloguing, such as modules for circulation control, acquisitions and ordering and serials control.

Example: The check-in component of LINX offers periodicals inventory control with a claims warning system.

» departamento de publicacionespublishing arm .

Example: A major activity of the Foundation and its publishing arm is the dissemination of information = Una actividad principal de la Fundación y de su departamento de publicaciones es la difusión de información.

» de próxima publicaciónabout to be published [Que pronto será publicado] .

Example: The weekly issues of this publication alert readers to the titles of papers and articles about to be published in the relevant specialist journals.

» de reciente publicaciónrecently publishedrecently releasednewly published .

Example: As with adult fiction borowing in general, there is heavy demand for new and recently published titles.

Example: This paper reviews the recently released standards for writable optical discs.

Example: Here all the bibliographical aids are to hand, to enable the adviser to answer questions concerning titles of books in print, and of newly published books not held in the library.

» Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Publicaciones Seriadas (ISBD(S))ISBD(S) (International Standard Bibliographic Description - Serials) .

Example: The International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) programme has, to date, established standards for monographs (ISBD(M)), serials (ISBD(S)), maps (ISBD(CM)), music (ISBD(PM)), and non-book materials (ISBD(NBM)).

» directorio de publicaciones periódicasserials directory .

Example: These periodicals are difficult to locate as the major serials directories are either totally deficient or scanty in their coverage.

» edición de publicaciones periódicasserials publishing .

Example: There is currently excitement about the possibilities of using electronic technology in serials publishing.

» editor de publicaciónpublishing editor [Editor encargado de los aspectos más comerciales dentro del contenido intelectual de una revista, como, por ejemplo, que el contenido o los temas sean tales que interesen a más lectores] .

Example: In a similar way with books for a more general readership for which scholarly editors are not necessarily employed, the publishing editors will have their contacts with authors of known interests and capabilities and will commission books intended for the 'intelligent layman' rather than the specialist scholar.

» editor de publicaciones electrónicaselectronic publisher [e-publisher] .

Example: Utilising computer networks, scholars have become electronic publishers, creating an alternative publication system.

» exceso de publicacionesoverpublishing  .

Example: In the face of overpublishing and growing scepticism, this once booming area is now retrenching and broadening its coverage = En vista del exceso de publicaciones y del creciente escepticismo, este área que una vez estuvo en auge ahora ha venido a menos.

» explosión de las publicacionespublication explosion [Aumento vertiginoso en el número de publicaciones disponibles] .

Example: This example does tend to reinforce the point of view held by many writers that what we are facing is a publication explosion rather than an information explosion.

» explosión de las publicaciones, laliterature explosion, the [Expresión utilizada para describir el crecimiento vertiginoso de las publicaciones en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The 'paper storm' or the 'literature explosion' are evocative terms coined to draw attention to the dramatic nature of the growth of literature.

» expurgo de publicaciones periódicasperiodical collection weeding .

Example: The article carries the title 'Periodical collection weeding in the academic library'.

» fecha de publicaciónagedate of issuedate of publication [Elemento del área publicación, distribución, etc. que detalla la fecha en la que se publicó el material que se describe] .

Example: A helpful arrangement supports browsing by grouping documents which have some characteristic in common, for example, author, subject, age.

Example: The components of a full citation for a periodical article will normally be: source reference, including periodical title, date of issue, volume number, issue number and pagination....

Example: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).

» fichero de control de publicaciones periódicasperiodicals file [periodical file]periodical holdings file .

Example: The periodicals file is indexed indirectly by the bibliographic indexes.

Example: The system uses programs written in Turbo Pascal to compare the publication year and ISSN in each downloaded record with periodical holdings files, and to add a message to the record if the periodical is available in the library.

» fondos de publicaciones periódicasserial holdings .

Example: 5 data collection instruments were used: printouts of data base searches executed by students; a questionnaire; bibliographies from student papers; serial holdings of the university library; and interviews with instructors.

» hábito de publicaciónpublishing habit .

Example: In a period corresponding to 2 scientific generations, important changes in writing and publishing habits were observed.

» índice de impacto de una publicación periódicaperiodical impact factor .

Example: The periodical impact factor is a ratio between the number of citations to that periodical and the number of articles in that periodical for a given period of time.

» índice de publicaciones periódicasperiodical index .

Example: A periodical index is an index to a specific periodical title.

» industria de las publicaciones periódicas, laserial industry, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The book and serial industry has recently witnessed several takeovers, buy-outs, and mergers.

» industria de las publicaciones seriadas, laserials industry, the .

Example: A panel of experts representing the various sectors of the serials industry -- librarians, publishers, and subscription agents -- gave participants the chance to answer a number of burning questions.

» ISSN (Número Internacional Normalizado para Publicaciones Seriadas)ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) [Elemento del área de serie que recoge el código numérico internacional asignado por ISDS para la identificación de una publicación en serie] .

Example: All serials entered in the ISDS (International Serials Data System) are assigned a key title and an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

» libertad de publicaciónfreedom to publish .

Example: It is well past the time for academics to challenge growing unconstitutional restraints on freedom to publish.

» lista de publicacionespublication(s) list .

Example: Other types of bibliographical material include government publications lists of theses and indexes.

» lugar de publicaciónplace of publication [Primer elemento del área de publicación, distribución, etc. que detalla el lugar donde se publicó el material que se describe] .

Example: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).

» módulo de control de publicaciones seriadasserials control systemserials control systemserials control module .

Example: Automation commenced in 1981 with the purchase of a serials control system.

Example: Automation commenced in 1981 with the purchase of a serials control system.

Example: Functions of this library system include: cataloguing; authority control; online public access catalogue; circulation; acquisitions; and serials control modules.

» no cumplir con el plazo de publicaciónmiss + a publication deadline .

Example: However, in producing a bulletin one is often torn between including the scanty, undigested and possibly inaccurate details of a new proposal and holding fire until fuller information is available, and thereby missing a publication deadline.

» número de publicacionespublication count .

Example: The publication count and published pages vary approximately in parallel, with the peak-shape being flat compared with the trends for author.

» parte de una publicacióncomponent part [Documento que para su identificación bibliográfica o su recuperación necesita de la referencia a un documento del que forma parte] .

Example: A component part is a document that for the purposes of bibliographic identification or access requires reference to a host document of which it forms a part.

» pedido de publicaciones periódicasserials ordering .

Example: Serials control comprises serials circulation control, serials ordering and acquisition control.

» Programa Nacional para las Publicaciones Seriadas (NSDP)National Serials Data Program (NSDP) .

Example: NSDP (National Serials Data Program) is responsible for assigning International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) and key titles to serials published in the United States.

» publicación académicaacademic publication [Documento publicado por una institución académica, generalmente una revista o una colección] .

Example: Price indexes for academic publications would help libraries to determine budget requirements.

» publicación científicascholarly publicationscientific publicationscientific paperresearch publication .

Example: This study analyses gender differences in scholarly publication among faculty in ALA accredited library schools.

Example: Among the many important tasks of the organisation is to give financial aid to scientific publications.

Example: About 70% of scientific papers are now in English.

Example: Because of the cost of producing print on paper in the Gutenberg era, research publication had to adopt the same economic model as trade publication, and research libraries the world over paid the hefty price = Debido al coste de la impresión en papel en la era de Gutenberg, las publicaciones científicas tuvieron que adoptar el mismo modelo económico que las publicaciones comerciales y las bibliotecas universitarias de todo el mundo pagaron un precio elevado.

» publicación comercialtrade publication .

Example: Specialised journals, trade publications and mass-market journals have a strong paper future.

» publicación de documentos del gobiernogovernment publishing .

Example: In 1846 the Joint Committee on Printing took a central role in government publishing.

» publicación de documentos oficialesofficial publishing .

Example: Olle is right, however, in implying that after a slow start interest in, and writing about, official publishing in Britain has increased dramatically in recent years.

» publicación del gobiernogovernment publication [Documento publicado por un organismo del gobierno] .

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» publicación de movimientomovement publication [Toda aquella publicación que propaga las ideas defendidas por un movimiento ideológico, político o social] .

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

» publicación de obligada lecturamust-read .

Example: If you love reading, check out this list of must-reads that will blow your mind and change your life.

» publicación de recensiones bibliográficasreviewing source [Publicación que describe e incluye comentarios sobre los nuevos libros publicados] .

Example: Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.

» publicación de reseñas bibliográficasreviewing source [Publicación que describe e incluye comentarios sobre los nuevos libros publicados] .

Example: Results indicate that bibliographers at these libraries depend on inadequate reviewing sources and domestic approval plans for developing these literatures.

» publicación de resúmenesabstracting and indexing publication [Publicación secundaria de resúmenes]abstracting publication .

Example: Title-based subject indexes have been used as indexes to local abstracting and indexing publications = Los índices de materias a partir de los títulos se han utilizado para indizar las publicaciones de resúmenes hechas por la propia biblioteca.

Example: The sheer volume of information published has underlined the importance of secondary, current awareness and abstracting publications.

» publicación de una noticia dos vecescrossposting [cross-posting] .

Example: The author examines some associated problems with the Internet such as spamming, abusive behaviour, excessive crossposting, and the political controversy over 'indecency'.

» publicación digitaldigital publication .

Example: Compliance with the copyright law is not likely to be an obstacle for the information society based on electronic media and digital publications.

» publicación divulgativatrade publication .

Example: Specialised journals, trade publications and mass-market journals have a strong paper future.

» publicación electrónicaelectronic publication [e-publication] .

Example: Electronic publications (E-publications) do have a future, but perhaps not at the expense of print.

» publicación en InternetWeb publishing .

Example: It may be reasonable to commission a government-wide effort to define best practices for Web publishing = Puede que sea razonable solicitar que se haga un esfuerzo por todo el gobierno para definir las pautas a seguir para la publicación en la web.

» publicación en la webWeb publishing .

Example: It may be reasonable to commission a government-wide effort to define best practices for Web publishing = Puede que sea razonable solicitar que se haga un esfuerzo por todo el gobierno para definir las pautas a seguir para la publicación en la web.

» publicación en microfilmmicrofilm publication .

Example: Microfilm publications from the US National Archives held by the Arkansas University library are listed.

» publicación en papelpaper publication .

Example: This is an attempt to duplicate the features of a paper publication in a reduced size.

» publicación en prensaforthcoming title .

Example: Catalogue cards are available for each item recorded in the weekly BNB, and for Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP) records prepared from the page proofs of forthcoming titles.

» publicación en publicaciones periódicasserials publishing .

Example: In this essay, the pros and cons of the academic rewards system and the 'publish or perish' syndrome as they relate to serials publishing are discussed.

» publicacionesliterature [Conjunto de documentos que tratan de una materia concreta]publishing activity .

Example: Indexing journals (and the indexes to printed abstracting journals) are alphabetical indexes to the literature of a subject area.

Example: The huge upsurge in publishing activity outran the rudimentary abilities of libraries and contemporary bibliographers to contain it.

» publicaciones académicas electrónicaselectronic scholarship [e-scholarship] .

Example: Electronic scholarship (e-scholarship) demands an awareness of both the similarities and differences of the medium from traditional printed journals, in order to truly achieve any measure of success.

» publicaciones alternativasalternative publications [Publicaciones que se consideran diferentes de las normales por el tratamiento que hacen del contenido] .

Example: Indexing services, alternative publications, and reference serials are reviewed in addition to a variety of general interest and academic publications.

» Publicaciones Catálogo Colectivo Británico de Publicaciones Periódicas (BUCOBritish Union Catalogue of Periodicals (BUCOP) .

Example: For many years the British Union Catalogue of Periodicals (BUCOP), and its later successor Serials in the British Library are examples which are both union catalogues and major bibliographies.

» publicaciones científicas electrónicaselectronic scholarship [e-scholarship] .

Example: Electronic scholarship (e-scholarship) demands an awareness of both the similarities and differences of the medium from traditional printed journals, in order to truly achieve any measure of success.

» publicaciones del parlamentoCommand papersparliamentary papers .

Example: The reports to the committee in the British context of Parliament are the White papers and Blue books collectively known as Command papers.

Example: The generic name for the class of publications of parliament in the United Kingdom is 'parliamentary papers.

» publicaciones divulgativastrade literature [Publicaciones que se dedican a dar noticias sobre un tema de interés o una profesión y que se caracterizan por el gran número de anuncios publicitarios que contienen] .

Example: Trade literature, popular magazines, and newspapers do not abound with citations.

» publicaciones electrónicaselectronic publishing (e-publishing) [Publicación de texto, datos o imágenes en formato legible por máquina como bases de datos, documentos, cd-roms, etc] .

Example: This study found it impossible to get more than an indication from advertisers and advertising agencies of their present interest in electronic publishing (e-publishing).

» publicación especializadaspecialised publicationspecialist publication .

Example: This article describes the system of specialised publications devoted to questions of library work in Lithuania.

Example: Publishing on commission, when the author paid all the costs of production and allowed the publisher a percentage of the gross receipts as a payment for producing and handling the book, had been used since early times for specialist publications.

» publicaciones periódicasjournal literatureperiodical literatureserial literature .

Example: Most indexes to the journal literature allow you to locate articles by title, subject, or author.

Example: Though it has been little commented on, it is a fact not without significance that the beginnings of reference work as a profession coincide with the huge expansion of periodical literature in the mid- and late nineteenth century.

Example: Perhaps the greatest potential advantage of the electronic catalog is its ability to deal more efficiently with serial literature.

» publicación gratuitafree publication .

Example: Order letters are usually used when requesting free publications or when a purchase order is not appropriate.

» publicación gubernamentalgovernment publication [Documento publicado por un organismo del gobierno] .

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

» publicación mensualmonthly publication .

Example: The former monthly publications on statistics of eggs, meat and milk have been amalgamated since 1980 into a quarterly publication, 'Animal Production'.

» publicación no periódicanon-periodical publication .

Example: Continuations are non-periodical publications that are issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals = Las continuaciones son publicaciones no periódicas que se editan en partes sucesivas en intervalos regulares o irregulares.

» publicación no seriadanon-serial .

Example: Titles may be used to determine the alphabetical order of documents, which perhaps have been primarily grouped as being serials or non-serials, or fiction or non-fiction.

» publicación oficialgovernment publication [Documento publicado por un organismo del gobierno]official publication .

Example: A set of government publications could be filed alphabetically by the issuing bureau, and then by title of the particular series in numerical order.

Example: A real source of difficulty in the use of government and other official publications is that many libraries keep them separate from the rest of the library stock for administrative reasons.

» publicación periódicaperiodical [Publicación seriada que generalmente trata de uno o más campos especializados con el objeto de presentar información general o científica o técnica]periodical title [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título]serial [Publicación cuyos volúmenes o números se suceden en orden numérico o cronológico, bajo un título común y en número indefinido]periodical publication .

Example: Each local library is a separate administrative unit with separate and independent files for circulation, acquisitions, periodicals, and holdings.

Example: In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.

Example: A serial is a publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely.

Example: This category usually covers the bulk of periodical publications.

» publicación periódica electrónicaelectronic serial .

Example: The author presents methods for collecting, processing, and providing access to electronic serials.

» publicación periódica en cursocurrent periodical .

Example: Ulrich's international periodicals directory is part of a family of bibliographic aids to current periodicals publishing.

» publicación quinquenalquinquennial .

Example: A perusal of the 1967-1972 quinquennial of the National Union Catalog (NUC) would discover the following variants of his name used by publishers of his works.

» publicación según la demandaon-demand publishing .

Example: The article 'The long and short of a new business model' reviews the application of CD-R on-demand publishing to fill the gap between producing a few copies and spending large sums on replicators to produce 1000 or more copies = El artículo "Un nuevo modelo económico en breve" analiza la aplicación de la publicación en CD-Grabable según la demanda para cubrir el vacío que existe entre producir unas cuentas copias o invertir grandes sumas de dinero en reproductores de CD-ROM para producir 1.000 o más copias.

» publicación seriadaserial [Publicación cuyos volúmenes o números se suceden en orden numérico o cronológico, bajo un título común y en número indefinido]serial publication [Publicación cuyos volúmenes o números se suceden en orden numérico o cronológico, bajo un título común y en número indefinido]serials publicationserial(s) title [Modo de referirse a un documento por una de sus partes, el título] .

Example: A serial is a publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely.

Example: A serial publication is a publication in print or in non-print form, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designations, and intended to be continued indefinitely, whatever the periodicity.

Example: Other rules were based on respectable sources rather than ideological requirements, as were the rules for entry of serials and periodical publications.

Example: Its major purpose was to determine which serials titles are used over a four-campus library system.

» publicación seriada activaactive serial [Publicación seriada que por el momento sigue publicando números] .

Example: A sample of the library's already catalogued, both inactive and active, serials was selected to assist in drawing a conclusion.

» publicación seriada de referenciareference serial [Publicación seriada que por presentar compendios de datos se consideran obras de referencia] .

Example: Indexing services, alternative publications, and reference serials are reviewed in addition to a variety of general interest and academic publications.

» publicación seriada electrónicaelectronic serial .

Example: The author presents methods for collecting, processing, and providing access to electronic serials.

» publicación seriada en cursocurrent serial .

Example: Many libraries have had to cancel a significant number of current serials to maintain acquisitions of monographs.

» publicación seriada impresaprint serial .

Example: Circulation of a print serial is not a measure of use either because almost all uses of most serials are for photocopying, and generally done in the library.

» publicación seriada inactivainactive serial [Publicación seriada que por el momento ha dejado de publicar números] .

Example: A sample of the library's already catalogued, both inactive and active, serials was selected to assist in drawing a conclusion.

» publicación seriada muertadead serial [Revista que ha dejado de publicarse] .

Example: Up to now ISSNs have been assigned on request to dead serials whenever possible.

» publicación seriada vigenteactive serial [Publicación seriada que por el momento sigue publicando números] .

Example: A sample of the library's already catalogued, both inactive and active, serials was selected to assist in drawing a conclusion.

» publicación seriada vivaactive serial [Publicación seriada que por el momento sigue publicando números] .

Example: A sample of the library's already catalogued, both inactive and active, serials was selected to assist in drawing a conclusion.

» publicación sin papelpaperless publishing [Situación dentro de la publicación en la que la producción y distribución de los documentos se hace por medio de redes de comunicaciones y en la que no existe el papel como soporte documental] .

Example: This suggests the idea of 'paperless publishing' - the production of such items as scientific journals in machine-readable form and subsequent distribution via a computer network.

» publicación técnicatechnical publication .

Example: Close examination of many recent technical publications reveals an increase in stylistic and grammatical errors.

» publicación trimestralquarterly publication .

Example: The former monthly publications on statistics of eggs, meat and milk have been amalgamated since 1980 into a quarterly publication, 'Animal Production'.

» publicación troceadasalami publishing [Modo de publicar de un autor por el cual escribe distintos artículos a partir de un trabajo de investigación único] .

Example: In salami publishing, the author publishes more than one paper from the same study.

» recepción de publicaciones periódicaschecking in [checking-in] .

Example: Pennsylvania State University Libraries have been planning for the automation of serials checking-in for 2 years.

» recepción de publicaciones seriadasaccessioning of serials [Operación de anotar los fascículos de una publicación seriada a su llegada para poder conocer las existencias en cualquier momento] .

Example: The regular recording of the parts of a serial publication as they are received, making it possible at any time to verify the holdings is known as accessioning of serials.

» reclamación de publicaciones periódicasperiodical claiming .

Example: Sample applications are described in the areas of periodical claiming, budgetary control, and collection analysis.

» registro de publicaciones seriadasserials record .

Example: Other co-operatives and libraries also have serials records = Otras cooperativas y bibliotecas también tienen registros de publicaciones seriadas.

» restricción a la publicación en prensapress restriction .

Example: Subsequent press restrictions gazetted in Aug 87 established the possibility of prior censorship.

» rotación de publicaciones periódicasrouting [En el préstamo de publicaciones periódicas, acción de pasar el último número recibido entre un grupo de personas interesadas]journal routing [Sistema por el cual una biblioteca envía un número recien llegado a una serie de usuarios interesadas en leerlo] .

Example: Facilities for check-in of issues, receipt of indexes, claiming of missing and overdue issues, routing, and binding are described.

Example: Automated processes included the authors' file, journal routing, statistics, journal acquisitions, and on-line search = Entre los procesos automatizados estaban el fichero de autores, la rotación de publicaciones periódicas, la acquisición de revistas y la búsqueda en línea.

» sección de publicaciones periódicasserial departmentperiodicals area .

Example: The situation described may have its physical locus in the reference division, the serial department, the adult services section, or the director's office.

Example: Classification of periodicals can be done for either of 2 reasons -- to place bound periodical volumes in the stacks close to monographs on the same subject or to organise the volumes in a seperate periodicals area.

» sección de últimos números de publicaciones periódicascurrent periodicals area .

Example: Our news service is delivered by a large-screen television that broadcasts continuous cable news in a special alcove adjacent to the library's current periodicals and reference areas.

» servicio centralizado de control de publicaciones seriadasconsolidation service [Agencia que se encarga de controlar la subscripción y el proceso de las publicaciones periódicas para varias bibliotecas] .

Example: For the Bond University Library, established in Gold Coast, Queensland, in 1988, a decision was made to use a single consolidation service for all overseas subscriptions = Para la Biblioteca Universitaria Bond, creada en Gold Coast, Queenslad, en 1988, se tomó la decisión de usar un único servicio centralizado de control de publicaciones seriadas para todas las suscripciones extranjeras.

» servicio de indización de publicaciones periperiodicals indexing service [Publicación periódica que contiene índices de los artículos publicados en las publicaciones periódicas especializadas] .

Example: From the point of view of bibliographic control, periodicals indexing services have the advantage of currency, for most of them are published at least quarterly.

» sistema de control de publicaciones seriadasserials systemserials control system .

Example: This workstation offers on-line searching and downloading and subsequent manipulation of search results, access to CD-ROMs, access to other packages such as AIM and Dawson's serials system, SMS and access to a suite of office automation software.

Example: Automation commenced in 1981 with the purchase of a serials control system.

» Sistema Internacional de Datos sobre Publicaciones Seriadas (ISDS)ISDS (International Serials Data System) [Red de centros nacionales e internacionales que tienen por función el control de las publicaciones periódicas, mediante la asignación del ISSN y del título clave] .

Example: One agency to be responsible for such a standard is the International Serials Data System (ISDS) whose International Centre is in Paris.

» título de la publicación periódicaserial title .

Example: This sequence of current serials may be arranged according to serial titles.

» título de publicación periódicaperiodical title .

Example: Periodical titles in older records may be abbreviated.

Publicación synonyms

issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun publishing in spanish: publicación, pronunciation: pʌblɪʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
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