Pubis in english


pronunciation: pubɪs part of speech: noun
In gestures

pubis = groin ; pubis [pubes, -pl.]. 

Example: Despite the vitality of some poems, however, the reiterative imagery and the repeated return to the sites of ear, armpit, and groin contributes to a uniformity that can become wearying.Example: Brief details are given of a method for hanging mutton and lamb carcasses by the pubis to tenderise the meat.


» sínfisis del pubispubic symphisissymphisis pubis .

Example: The patient had a weak pubic symphisis which was prone to breaking.

Example: The width of the symphisis pubis should be less than 1 cm at any age.

Pubis synonyms

pubic bone in spanish: hueso púbico, pronunciation: pjubɪkboʊn part of speech: noun os pubis in spanish: os pubis, pronunciation: ɑspubɪs part of speech: noun
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